

单词 telecentric
释义 tele·cen·tric 英'telɪsentrɪk美'telɪsentrɪk iWeb⁵⁷³⁴⁶
Due to weight and center of gravity concerns, the 0.125X telecentric lens requires a mounting clamp and0.08X telecentric lens includes mounting clamp removable.
考虑到远心镜头重量和质心因素,0.125X远心镜头需要支撑架,而0.08X的远心镜头已经包括了支撑架可移除。 hisky-hk

Precision Telecentric lenses up to100 magnifications.
远程放大倍数达到100倍。 www.e-gtm.com.cn

The method of distance measurement based on defocused spots from mono- view is analyzed in theory, and the telecentric light path is used to improve the detection of defocused spots in the system.
在理论上分析了基于弥散斑的单基站定距方法,并利用远心光路改善弥散斑的测量。 dictall

The optical system only consists of three germanium lenses with a “ negative- positive- positive” reversed telephoto telecentric structure in the image space.
采用“负-正-正”型式的反远距像方远心光路镜头结构,仅有三块非球面锗透镜构成。 cnki

The relation between aberrations of the telecentric projection objective and the pitch CCD is discussed. The criterion of correcting aberrations in the telecentric projection objective is also given.
讨论远心投影物镜像差和 CCD节距的关系,给出远心投影物镜校正像差的依据。 cnki

Because maximum field of view in telecentric systems directly relates to the lens aperture closest to the object, larger front lenses are necessary for larger fields of view.
由于在远心系统中最大视场直接关系到镜头的镜头的光圈到物体之间的距离,若需要大的视场就必须要有大尺寸的前置镜头。 hisky-hk

Due to size and weight, mounting clamps are recommended for all Telecentric lenses.
由于尺寸和重量的关系,所有的远心镜头推荐使用支撑架。 hisky-hk

The continuous telecentric zoom lens for a digital light processor DLP projector with prisms is presented.
介绍了含有棱镜系统的数字光处理器 DLP投影仪连续变焦距远心镜头的设计。 opticsjournal

To study the structure of telecentric beam path for zoom lens system, the axial displacement equation for the stop was deduced, which keep the system telecentric in all zoom position.
进一步研究变焦距系统远心光路的结构特征,得出了使系统在整个变焦过程中都处于远心位置的光阑轴向位移方程。 cnki

We have used the optical design software ZEMAX to design the projection objective with double telecentric structure, whose reduction ratio is10, and analyzed its optical performances.
本文利用光学设计软件 ZEMAX为并行激光直写系统设计了10倍双远心精缩投影物镜,并对其光学性能进行了分析; cnki




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