

单词 Tehran
释义 Teh·ran 英ˌteəˈræn, -ˈrɑːn, teˈræn, -ˈrɑːn美ˌtɛəˈræn, -ˈrɑn, tɛˈræn, -ˈrɑnAHDtĕ'ə-rănʹ, -ränʹ, tĕ-rănʹ, -ränʹ 高COCA¹¹⁴²⁹BNC¹⁴⁹³⁹
the capital and largest city of Iran; located in northern Iran近义词 Teheran德黑兰伊朗首都…

用作名词Defiant tone emanating from Tehran.从德黑兰传来的违抗的语调。
The streets of Tehran have been quiet so far today.到今天为止德黑兰的街道已经变得平静了。 His early offers to Tehran were not based on any expectation of success but intended to prove to others that America was willing to work with Iran if it behaved reasonably.
早前,奥巴马针对德黑兰的提议原本就没抱任何胜算,但是他想以此向世人证明如果伊朗行事有分寸的话,美国愿意与之合作。 ecocn

The hardening of positions in both Tehran and Washington over the past week has brought relations to their lowest point since the Iran hostage crisis that began in 1979.
在过去一周内,德黑兰和华盛顿双方的立场都变得越来越强硬,并且使得双方的关系降到了自1979年开始的人质危机以来的最低点。 edu.sina.com.cn

There was disquiet in Tehran, not least because the source of this information, WikiLeaks, also revealed support among several Arab leaders for bombing Iran.
德黑兰陷入不安之中,尤其是因为这则消息的出处—维基解密—同时还泄漏一些阿拉伯领导人支持轰炸伊朗。 ecocn

A prominent Iranian blogger has been arrested in Tehran and accused of spying for Israel after visiting the country with the aim of being“a bridge between Iranian and Israeli people”.
伊朗一位著名的博主在德黑兰遭逮捕,他被指责在出游以色列之后充当该国间谍,目的是要成为“伊朗人民和以色列人民之间的桥梁”。 yeeyan

A Tehran city councillor recently claimed for his capital nothing less than a“ new world record” in air pollution.
一位德黑兰城市议员最近声称他的首都完全打破了空气污染的“一项新的世界纪录”。 ecocn

All in all, for the hardliners in Tehran, Iran’s isolation is not without advantages.
不管怎样,对于德黑兰的强硬派而言,伊朗被孤立并非没有一点好处。 ecocn

But in late May they were taken to a Tehran hotel and allowed to meet their mothers who had traveled from the United States.
但是,这三人在五月底时,却被带往德黑兰的一家酒店,并且让他们会见从美国飞去探望他们的母亲。 voanews

But now, some analysts say, Tehran may be taking the lead in some of this development.
但现在一些分析人士认为,德黑兰在某些方面的发展可能已经走到了前头。 voanews

His London students, once back home in Cairo, Baghdad or Tehran, rose to high positions in government and business.
他在伦敦的学生,一旦回到开罗、巴格达或者德黑兰,都能在政界和商界位居高职。 ecocn

It may have to abandon its embassy and residence in Tehran.
英国可能不得不放弃在德黑兰的大使馆及其居住区。 yeeyan

Other Asian and European oil companies and trading houses also sell petrol to Tehran.
其它亚洲和欧洲石油公司及贸易公司也向伊朗销售汽油。 tesoon

She said that the regime had frozen her bank accounts and pension, as well as those of her husband, who is still in Tehran.
她还说当局已经冻结了她的银行账户和养老金,同样的遭遇还降临到她仍在德黑兰的丈夫头上。 yeeyan

She said sometimes she imagines an earthquake in Tehran.
她说,有时候她会想象在德黑兰的一场地震。 yeeyan

The US, Britain, and France want to threaten oil and gas sanctions if Tehran does not suspend the enrichment of uranium, but those threats carry less weight without Russian support.
如果德黑兰不暂停铀浓缩活动,美国、英国和法国则想以石油和天然气制裁来威胁伊朗,但没有俄罗斯的支持,这些威胁的份量将大打折扣。 yeeyan




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