

单词 tees
释义 tees 英tiːz美tizAHDtēz 高COCA³⁰⁷²³BNC¹¹¹¹¹
名词 tee:
the starting place for each hole on a golf coursesupport holding a football on end and above the ground preparatory to the kickoffa short peg put into the ground to hold a golf ball off the ground
动词 tee:
place on a teeconnect with a tee The guys all wore pressed Dickies khaki pants, white tees, and hi-top white Chuck Taylors.
他们都穿着熨平的迪斯基卡其裤,白 T恤,白色查泰勒运动鞋。 yeeyan

Bends, Tees and Reducers to be to the same specification as the tube.
弯头、三通及变径应与管道具有相同的技术参数。 chinafanyi

Besides, the Tweed, the Tyne, the Tees and the Thames Rivers on the east coast all face the North Sea ports on the European continent.
除此以外,东海岸的邓恩河,泰河,迪斯河和泰晤士河都面临欧洲大陆上的北海各港口。 putclub.com

But sporting tees with religious or political messages is something to avoid.
但是,衣物上带着宗教或者政治内容的显眼的字母单词的东西是必须避免的。 yeeyan

Have certain features, tees can also be positive, also can wear, tees upside down from below any like it.
具有一定的特色,穿法也可正面,也可从下面倒过来穿,穿法任意喜欢。 zsx688.cn.alibaba.com

I have played to my handicap around it a few times, but that is without the championship tees and the pressure that the pros will be under from tomorrow morning until Sunday night.
在这里我也打过好多次我的标准杆,但是我没有大赛的球座,也没有职业选手们从明天早上到周六晚上的大赛压力。 blog.sina.com.cn

Important rivers flowing into the North Sea are the Thames, Humber, Tees, and Tyne.
流入北海的重要河流是:泰晤士,亨伯,蒂斯,泰恩。 blog.sina.com.cn

It won’t give you back fat even in skinny fitted tees and there’s absolutely no metal or stitching to irritate.
甚至它极细的T型部分也不会显出你的赘肉,而且绝对没有令你过敏的金属或针脚。 yeeyan

They also had two afghans, two reflective emergency blankets, and a bag of dog food for Medusa, their basenji mix. A suitcase held jeans, sweatshirts, and tees.
另外还有2张阿富汗毛毯,两条紧急求救用的反光毯子,一袋为巴辛吉混血狗梅杜莎准备的狗食,一箱衣服,装有牛仔、羊毛衫和 T恤等。 yeeyan

Vegetables and tees can't grow without water.
没有水,蔬菜和树不能生长。 www1.jhjedu.com.cn

Your office chair is a FUF and you sift through zany cat pics for a living, hence the whimsical kitty graphic tees and white-rimmed specs.
你的办公室椅子是 FUF牌的,而你随意的穿件印着搞笑猫的衣服就可以过活。 yeeyan

Tees are located where the important features will be in view, while affording an easy transition from the previous hole.
发球台的位置对视线的要求要好,同时还要和前一个球洞很好的衔接。 igolfyou




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