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词汇 teeming
释义 teem·ing 英'ti:miŋ美'ti:miŋ 高IGCOCA²¹⁶¹⁶BNC³²¹⁴²iWeb¹⁹⁰⁰⁶Economist¹⁷⁷⁶⁴

abundantly filled with especially living things;

the Third World's teeming millions

the teeming boulevard

teem充满teeming ladle盛钢桶,浇注桶,底注…teeming line浇注线teeming practice浇铸法uphill teeming下铸法teeming lap浇注重皮,浇注折叠…pit teeming坑铸法teeming speed铸速teeming furnace铸造炉teeming rate浇注速率teeming nozzle浇注嘴,盛钢桶注口,…teeming stage浇注平台teeming crane浇铸起重机,浇注起重…
teem-ing动名词⇒adj.充满的¹²;热闹的³²;丰富的动词teem的现在分词形式.adj.多产的;丰富的⁵⁰;拥挤的;大量的;很多的;嘈杂的;拥挤不堪的;熙熙攘攘的;充满…的;群集的;思想丰富的;富于成果的 _null.动词teem的现在分词形式n.浇注;铸造物;铸件近义词 thick厚的heaving举起packed塞满的crawling爬行crowded拥挤的abundant丰富的seething沸腾的abounding丰富的jam-packed塞紧的swarming成群移动的

用作形容词His mind was stillteemingwith various projects.他的脑子里依然塞满了各式各样的计划。
The river wasteemingwith fish.河里的鱼很多。
We inched throughteemingstreets.我们在熙熙攘攘的街道上缓慢行走。adj.abundant, full
同义词 brimming,filled,overflowing,packed,swarmingbristling,bursting,crammed,crawling,replete,throngedalive,brimful,chock-full,fruitful,multitudinous,numerous,plentiful,populous,pregnant,rife,thick
反义词 emptylacking,needing,wanting
aboundingadjective plentiful
abundantadjective plentiful, large in number
abounding,ample,bounteous,bountiful,copious,crawling with,cup runs over with,eco-rich,exuberant,filled,full,generous,heavy,lavish,liberal,lousy with,luxuriant,mucho,no end of,overflowing,plate is full of,plenteous,plenty,profuse,rich,rolling in,stinking with,sufficient,teeming
aliveadjective being active, full of life
burstingadjective as full as possible
congestedadjective blocked, clogged
chock-full,choked,closed,crammed,crowded,filled,glutted,gorged,gridlocked,jam-full,jam-packed,jammed,massed,mobbed,obstructedoccludedovercrowded,overfilled,overflowing,packed,packed like sardines,plugged,stopped,stoppered,stuffed,stuffed-up,teeming,up to the rafters
crawlingadjective abounding
jammed,overrun,plentiful,swarming,teeming A few poor, dry and teeming countries, such as Egypt, already depend on food imports, along with the odd rich one, like Japan.
埃及等一些贫穷干旱而又人口众多的国家,与日丰这样情况特殊的富国一样,已经依赖于粮食进口。 ecocn

And a sea that's just filled and teeming with jellyfish isn't very good for all the other creatures that live in the oceans, that is, unless you eat jellyfish.
一个只充满了水母的大海对其他生活在其中的生物来讲也不是一件好事,除非这些生物是以水母为食的。 yeeyan

At the time, Tompkins Square Park, across the street, was teeming with homeless people living in makeshift shacks.
那时街对面的汤普金斯广场公园里到处是生活在临时棚中无家可归的人。 yeeyan

In the Rocky Mountains of Central Colorado, the forces of nature create a landscape of alpine lakes, high- altitude ponds teeming with life and mountain meadows bursting with wild flowers.
科罗拉多州中部巍峨的高山上,自然的力量创造了一幅美丽的风景画,有着高山湖,充满生命的高海拔池塘,长满野花的高山草原。 tingvoa

The empire of his Yuan dynasty was said to be a continent unto itself, its cities teeming with gold and the chatter of people from countless lands.
他的元朝帝国据说对它来说是个大洲,城里充满黄金和及无数来自各方的人们的嘈杂。 yeeyan

The food crisis of the past18 months has sharpened worries about how to feed the teeming slums.
过去18个月的粮食危机加剧了人们对如何养活拥挤不堪的贫民窟的担忧。 ecocn

The habitable zones of the cosmos are vast, it seems, and they may be teeming with life.
宇宙中的宜居地带似乎非常辽阔,宇宙中可能充满了生命。 yeeyan

The horror of Yousef and his murders convinced him that the teeming, dilapidated refugee camp in Jenin needed more stagecraft, not less.
尤瑟夫的恐惧和杀人使他确信,杰宁拥挤、破旧的难民营需要更多的演出技术,而不是更少。 ecocn

We had been advised to walk straight through the teeming traffic without looking right or left. Let them avoid us.

Before you know it your yard and garden will be teeming with life.
在你了解它们之前,你的小院和花园将会丰富你的生活。 yeeyan

Farmers whose trees are teeming with weaver ants, however, do not need to bother with any of this.
但是对于那些果树上住满了编织蚁的种植户来说,就不再有这些困扰他们的问题了。 yeeyan

For a brief moment at Montaillou, the Inquisition peeled back an archaic world, less heretical than one teeming with underachievers and slackers.
在蒙太罗的一个短暂的时期里,罗马天主教宗教法庭将这个世界剥离回到一个古老的世界,那里并没有一个充满低成就者和懒虫的世界那样多异端邪说。 yeeyan

In Israel’s view, Hamas has been rocketing Israeli towns with impunity from the safety of Gaza’s teeming masses; it had to be shown that civilians provide no shield.
以色列的观点是,哈马斯在加沙地带众多民众的掩护下,安全的向以色列的城镇发射火箭弹而不受到惩罚,那它就要证明民众不能提供保护。 ecocn

Intellectual life was teeming with grand ideas.
知识分子的生命充满了宏大的思考。 ecocn

It is a world away from teeming, violent Port-au-Prince. But even here life is nasty, and often short.
这里远离太子港的嘈杂与暴乱,这里是世外桃源,但在这里,生命还是一样卑贱,和短暂。 ecocn

It would show that life has probably evolved more than once, and that the universe is likely to be teeming with other life forms.
因为那将说明,浩瀚宇宙中的生命进化大概不一而足,宇宙可能充满了其他的生命形式。 yeeyan

Many more Chinese fishing boats have been spotted this year in tuna- teeming waters off the islands.
今年,更多的中国渔船在这片金枪鱼丰富的海域曾被发现。 yeeyan

Social networks are generally teeming with information.
一般来说,社会化网络充满信息。 yeeyan

The result may be a sludge- like soup, apparently lifeless— hence the name dead zones— but in truth teeming with simple, and often toxic, organisms.
结果可能是象泥汤一样,明显地没有生气因此叫死区,但是实际上充满着简单的、经常有毒的生物体。 ecocn

These and thousands of other children stolen from the teeming industrial hubs of China’s Pearl River Delta have never been recovered by their parents or by the police.
在中国珠江三角洲拥挤的工业区,这些孩子,还有其他成千上万的孩子被拐走后,他们的父母或者警察再也没能找到他们。 yeeyan

They see their province as teeming with resources— fish, forests, minerals and now oil— that outsiders have profited from, sometimes unfairly, leaving only crumbs behind.
他们认为本省资源丰富——渔业、林业、矿产和现在发现的石油——而外人一直靠这些资源大肆敛财,有时并非通过公平的手段,而给这里留下的仅仅是残羹冷炙。 ecocn

This was, until a few years ago, a wonderful wetland, teeming with waders and wildfowl.
这个公园几年前还是一块美妙的湿地,到处是涉禽和野禽。 ecocn

We see this in teeming urban shantytowns that have no safe water, sanitation, electricity, roads, and often no law enforcement.
在没有安全的水、环境卫生、电、道路并常常没有法律实施的众多城市棚户区,我们看到这种情况。 who

Well all of a sudden we know we could have a planet teeming with complex and intelligent life.
好吧,我们突然知道我们可能是找到一颗行星,上面可能有充满了复杂的,有智慧的生命。 yeeyan




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