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词汇 tedium
释义 te·di·um 英ˈtiːdiːəm美ˈtidiəmAHDtēʹdē-əm ☆☆☆☆☆高四GT宝八COCA³⁶⁵⁶⁴BNC²⁴²⁸⁶iWeb²⁹⁴⁷⁵Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

the feeling of being bored by something tediousdullness owing to length or slowness来自拉丁语,进一步词源存疑,同源词很少。钱博士tedi沉闷+um名词后缀⇒沉闷
联想记忆媒体medium的节目都很乏味tediumGRE红宝书tedious近义词 ennui怠倦boredom无聊dullness迟钝monotony单调dreariness沉寂tediousness乏味deadliness致命的tiresomenesstiresome的名词形…

用作名词He has got used to thetediumof life here.他已经习惯了这里单调的生活。
I didn't know how to while away mytedium.我不知道如何度过乏味的时刻。
Risk is what separates the good part of life from thetedium.风险把生活中的精彩篇章与单调无聊区分开。
We played games to relieve thetediumof the journey.我们玩游戏,来解除旅行的沉闷。
Such is thetediumof office life. A little drama is always welcome.办公室生活是如此沉闷,带一点戏剧性的情节总是颇受欢迎。noun.dullness, monotony
同义词 banality,boredom,ennuideadness,doldrums,drabness,dreariness,lifelessness,routine,sameness,tediousness,tiresomeness,yawnirksomeness,lack of interest,wearisomeness
反义词 excitementdiversion,entertainment
boredomnoun disinterest;weariness
apathy,detachment,disgust,distaste,doldrums,dullness,ennui,fatigue,flatness,incuriosity,indifference,irksomeness,jadedness,lack of interest,lassitude,lethargy,listlessness,monotony,pococurantism,sameness,taedium vitae,tediousness,tiresomeness,unconcern,world-weariness,yawn
doldrumsnoun depression
apathy,black mood,blahs,blue funk,blues,boredom,bummer,dejection,disinterest,dismals,downer,dullness,dumps,ennui,funk,gloom,inactivity,indifference,inertia,lassitude,letdown,listlessness,malaise,mopes,slump,stagnation,stupor,tedium,torpor,yawn
dullnessnoun quality of being boring
ennuinoun boredom
apathy,blahs,blues,dejection,depression,dissatisfaction,doldrums,dumps,fatigue,ho hums,lack of interest,languidness,languor,lassitude,listlessness,melancholy,sadness,satiety,spiritlessness,surfeit,tedium,weariness,yawn
identicalnessnoun sameness
adequation,alikeness,analogy,equality,equivalency,identity,indistinguishability,monotony,no difference,oneness,par,parity,predictability,repetition,resemblance,selfsameness,standardization,tedium,uniformity,unison,unity,unvariedness
innocuousnessnoun insipidity
aridity,blandness,boredom,commonplaceness,drabness,dreariness,dryness,familiarity,flatness,insipidness,jejuneness,lifelessness,monotomy,routine,sameness,slowness,staleness,tediousness,tedium,uninterestingness,vapidity,vapidness,washiness,wateriness Cut out the tedium of converting your photos manually by using automation features in your photo editing software.

The tedium of JDBC development led to the creation of the object relational mapping ORM framework, which provides a data access abstraction layer.
冗长乏味的 JDBC开发导致对象关系映射 ORM框架的诞生,该框架提供一个数据访问抽象层。 ibm

There are in work all grades, from mere relief of tedium up to the profoundest delights, according to the nature of the work and the abilities of the worker.
工作给人的愉快的程度多种多样,从仅仅是消烦解闷到产生巨大的快乐,这会随工作的性质和工作者的能力而异。 ebigear

After all, any complicated operation that can be automated is tedium that can be avoided.
毕竟任何复杂的操作只要能够自动进行,就可以不那么烦闷了。 ibm

But all this tedium is more than made up for by a single sentence— the one about“ life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.
但是,所有这些枯燥乏味都可以用一句话来弥补,就是那个关于“生活、自由和追求幸福”的句子。 ecocn

But when work is interesting, it is capable of giving satisfaction of a far higher order than mere relief from tedium.
但如果从事的是有趣的工作,就能给人带来比仅仅是解闷高级得多的满足。 ebigear

European state workers are often badly paid, having consciously accepted low salaries and tedium in exchange for job security.
欧盟国家雇员大多薪水不高,自愿接受低工资和冗长单调的工作,就图它有保障。 ecocn

Furthermore, our obsession with practice comes with serious drawbacks, since the tedium of practice can prove discouraging for beginners.
除此之外,过度练习还会带来严重的弊端,因为练习过程中的单调沉闷也许会让初学者丧失兴趣。 yeeyan

I find the emphasis on quantity over quality often leads to frustration, boredom, and resentment—there’s nothing worse than the mindless, rote tedium of feeling forced to play90 minutes a day.
我发现强调量多于质的通常会带来挫败、厌倦及怨气——没有会比被迫每天90分钟作盲目、机械而单调的练习这感觉更差了。 yeeyan

It finds laughter in the burlesque of grade school dunces and the tedium of a granny's knitting needles.
它在小学顽劣的学生的模仿和祖母的针织的烦闷中找寻欢乐。 yeeyan

It integrates source code viewing with chat- style collaboration to free the developer from the tedium of associating comments with individual lines of code.
它将源代码评审与聊天形式的协作集成起来,从而使开发员从联系注释与私人代码行的繁琐活动中解放了出来。 ibm

Just as being bored by years of monotony is a valuable preparation for life, so is finding out that there's a world of luxury and misery beyond that tedium.
正如对单调乏味的几年的厌倦是对一生的有价值的预备,因此发掘无聊乏味之外存在的奢华和悲惨的世界是有裨益的。 yeeyan

Often children can’t be bothered to struggle with a reader because the reward in the end is not worth the effort— slow tedium, that’s what basal readers provide. What a negative contrast to television!
孩子们经常不愿费点劲读基准读物,原因是到最后付出了努力却得不到应有的奖赏——冗长乏味,这正是那些基准读物所能提供的,与电视形成鲜明的对照! yeeyan

One of the larger consequences of the government’s efforts to contain the spread of the swine- influenza virus here in Mexico City is tedium.
墨西哥城这里,政府力图控制猪流感疫情蔓延的努力导致了一个更为巨大的后果——那就是沉闷。 yeeyan

Possibly, because I have an even more outrageous suggestion that will increase any perceived tedium.
也许会,因为我甚至还有一个更极端的建议,那将会增加任何已觉察到的麻烦。 ibm

The growing framework will spare you from the tedium that's rampant in other frameworks.
这一不断发展的框架会让您从其他框架的沉闷乏味中解脱出来。 ibm

Then again, all that is necessary for tedium to triumph is for fascinating men to let their eyes glaze over and nod.
接着像往常一样,想要把无聊推到极致,只要说得让人痴迷到眼神呆滞只知道点头就行了。 yeeyan

We are reading them for instruction, and the best we can hope is that our need for it will enable us to get through them without tedium.

While this might seem a recipe for tedium and repetition, actually it's an opportunity, as you will see shortly.
虽然看起来非常罗嗦,有不少重复,但实际上也是一种机会,后面您将看到。 ibm

While many say wages and conditions are better than at other factories, some have complained about the tedium of the work and the strict regulations, which include silence on the assembly lines.
尽管很多人认为这里的工资和工作环境比其他工厂都要好,但是有一些人抱怨工作的单调乏味和严格的管理制度,其中一条就是员工在组装流水线上要保持安静。 yeeyan

Worse, she became increasingly frustrated with the tedium of running errands.
更糟的是,随着跑差使的枯燥,她变得越来越失落。 yeeyan




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