

单词 teddy
释义 ted·dy 英ˈtediː美ˈtɛdiAHDtĕdʹē ★☆☆☆☆高四八COCA⁹²¹⁹BNC¹²⁵¹⁵iWeb¹⁵¹⁵⁵

plaything consisting of a child's toy bear usually plush and stuffed with soft materialsa woman's sleeveless undergarmentTeddy boy英国20世纪50年…teddy bear玩具熊Teddy girl女阿飞…
近义词 slip滑倒shift移动shimmy希米舞teddy bear玩具熊chemise女式无袖衬衫…

用作名词Thisteddybear reminds me of my childhood.这个泰迪熊让我想起我的童年。
The little girl sobbed about her lost Teddy bear.这个小女孩为了丢掉的泰迪熊在哭泣。as in.(negligee
同义词 camisole,dishabille,nightdress,nightie,peignoir,robe,wrap,wrapper
negligeenoun nightgown
camisole,dishabille,nightdress,nightie,peignoir,robe,wrap,wrapper For no hug is ever too big for a teddy bear.
对泰迪熊来说,任何过分的拥抱都不算过分。 hjenglish

The Wall Street Journal reports that Merkel gave Sarkozy a new teddy bear for his birthday.
《华尔街日报》报道,默克尔在萨科齐生日时送给他一个崭新的泰迪熊。 yeeyan

All diplomatic exchanges between the Sudanese government and Western ones, whether they concern refugees or teddy bears, take place against that background.
苏丹政府与西方国家之间的外交往来,不管他们关心的是难民还是泰迪熊,都发生在那个背景之下。 ecocn

But mostly it is about how little we know our kids, the little beasts who live among us and can sleep with a teddy bear by night and text-message a15-year-old colleen to her death by day.
但是,最令我们震惊的是,我们对我们的孩子知之甚少,这是一群生活在我们周围的小野兽,夜里和泰迪熊共入梦乡,白天却发短信骚扰威胁一个15岁的小女孩至死。 yeeyan

Definitely one teddy bear that every little girl wishes for.
毫无疑问这是每个小女孩都想要的泰迪熊。 yeeyan

For security he clutches his teddy bear, which has the face of President Bush.
为了获得安全感,他紧抱着自己的玩具熊,而这个玩具熊的脸是布什总统。 edu.sina.com.cn

Get her red roses, red ribbons, red balloons, red teddy bears, red puppies, and red tickets to the World Series, and she'll fall hopelessly under your spell.
送她红玫瑰,红缎带,红气球,红色泰迪熊,红色的小东西,以及红色的棒球比赛门票,之后她便沉醉在你的红色中,被你征服。 yeeyan

He later shows us a golden teddy bear pictured above that he just finished working on.
他给我们展示了他刚刚修复完成的一只金色泰迪熊见上图。 hjenglish

His latest creations are not the most practical with some, including a bizarre leopard-print teddy bear headdress, covering the model's entire face.
被问他最新的作品并不是最实用的——其中之一是奇异的印有豹纹的泰迪熊头饰,会将模特的脸部全遮。 yeeyan

Money spent shipping teddy bears to kids might be better spent providing for more pressing needs.
把用来给孩子们运送泰迪熊的钱花在提供更迫切的需求上,也许更好。 joyen

My teddy bear does, too!
我的玩具熊也喜欢去。 hjenglish

No hint of anything remotely clinical is on display here; it’s all colourful duvets, teddy bears on pillows, a living room dominated by a giant TV screen.
这里没有进行任何临床治疗的迹象;这里有的是色彩缤纷的羽绒被,枕头上的泰迪熊,被一个巨大的电视屏幕占据的起居室。 yeeyan

Not long ago and not far away there was a beautiful, big teddy bear who sat on a shelf in a drug store waiting for someone to buy him and give him a home.
不是很久之前,也不是很远的地方,在一个杂货店的货架上,有一只美丽的大号泰迪熊。他在等着有人买下它,给他一个家。 hjenglish

One particular sequence in the first level has players scurry through backyards and finally climb into a treehouse, where a child has left crayon drawings of his family, house and teddy bear.
第一关的某特定情节要求玩家匆匆穿过后院,最后爬进一间儿童树屋,那里留下了孩子画的蜡笔画,有他的家庭、房子和泰迪熊。 yeeyan

Perhaps you sleep with a teddy bear with a hole delicately snipped between its legs.
或许你和一个在双腿间有个细腻剪过洞的泰迪熊同床共枕过。 yeeyan

Secondly, he threatened to kill Teddy with a bullet.
其次,他威胁要用一粒子弹干掉特迪。 ebigear

That is why many of us still love childish things, whether it is a plush teddy bear or funny cartoons.
因而许多人仍旧喜爱富有童趣的东西,无论这是一只毛茸茸的泰迪熊,还是有趣的卡通。 yeeyan

Their little brother Teddy was the youngest, the little bear whom everyone cuddled, whom no one took seriously and from whom little was expected.
他们的小兄弟泰迪最年幼,是每个人都宠爱的“泰迪小熊”,没人会把他当真,也没人对他报多大的期望。 ecocn

They put a live teddy bear in my crib.
他们把一只活的泰迪熊放在我的婴儿床上。 yeeyan

This show features two very creepy characters, namely, chip the Black Boy and Teddy Eddie.
这部剧刻画了两个令人毛骨悚然的角色,即奇普黑男孩和泰迪埃迪。 yeeyan

Teddy bears are romantic.
泰迪熊是浪漫的。 yeeyan

Teddy said he had met this girl and was going to be married.
特迪在信中说,他邂逅了一个女孩并且准备与她结婚。 yeeyan




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