

单词 teasingly
释义 teas·ing·ly 英'tiːzɪŋli美'tiːzɪŋli 高COCA⁴⁸²⁹³BNC³⁹⁰⁸⁰iWeb⁴⁷⁸³¹

in a playfully teasing manner;

`You hate things to be out of order, don't you?' she said teasingly

近义词 coyly害羞地mockingly愚弄地in jest开玩笑地jokingly开玩笑地temptingly迷人地tauntingly嘲骂著mischievously有害地
The old double standard is still alive and well: a man with more sexual partners than his buddies may be teasingly called a“man whore, ” but the epithet is a compliment, not an insult.
陈旧的双重标准依旧很盛行:一个比哥们有更多性伴侣的男性也许会被嘲笑为“男妓”,但是这个绰号是一种恭维而不是一种侮辱。 yeeyan

There was indignation in his hoarse bass voice but also a wheedling note, and Scarlett teasingly clicked her tongue against her teeth as she reached out to pull his cravat into place.
他那沙破低沉的声音里含有怒意,同时也带有讨好的意味,这时思嘉便挑剔而又嗲声嗲气地伸出手来将他领结拉正了。 kekenet

Ma Chin laughed and squirmed round on the bed, then looked up into Su Lun's plump face and said teasingly, “I suppose you've been feeling pretty low just lately, then?”
玛金又笑了,身子在床上扭了一扭,看着苏伦那微胖的脸儿,开玩笑似的问道: “因此你近来就有点颓唐?” jukuu

President Andrew Jackson teasingly described King as“ Miss Nancy” and“ Aunt Fancy, ” apparently alluding to the senator’s odd habit of visiting glittering Washington parties dressed as a woman.
Andrew Jackson总统调侃地形容 King为“南希小姐”和“华丽丽阿姨”,而这显然是暗指的是这位参议员平常穿女装出席华盛顿各大闪亮派对的奇怪习惯。 yeeyan

Richard had come on a mission, however, and quickly revealed it as he pointed at me teasingly, while querying the principal“ Did you know about her phone call?”
理查德像是带着任务来的,当他半开玩笑的指向我问了那个最主要的问题之后一切都显露出来了。 “你知道她的电话号码,对吗?” yeeyan

Sky, Provencal blue; frost layered on the belly of the fells, shapely patterns of snow on the heights, one or two of the tops teasingly masked in cloud, no wind.
天空,像普罗旺斯的天空一样蓝;霜层结在树的中部,各式各样的雪花落在树的顶部,其中一两颗最高的遮住了天空,让人烦恼,没有风。 ecocn

That question, so teasingly close to the right one, is, Why do people join terrorist groups?
如果可以解答应该就与理想不远了,那就是为什么人们要加入恐怖团体? yeeyan




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