

单词 bean soup
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The recommended dishes are roast pork, roast beef stick, thick soya bean soup, and Bibimbap.
推荐烤五花肉、烤牛排、大酱汤、石锅拌饭等。 myechinese

Fire Ruo greengage wine, ice cold green bean soup.
火爇青梅酒,冰寒绿豆汤。 chunwenxue

For the others there was bean soup, horse stew or turnips boiled in melted snow; iron rations or biscuit.
别人有豆汤、马炖菜或萝卜煮在积雪融化,铁的口粮或饼干。 blog.sina.com.cn

I suggest Mexico chili bean soup if you like something spicy?
如果您想喝辣一点的汤,我建议您尝尝墨西哥辣豆汤? blog.sina.com.cn

It's bean soup, sir.
先生,是豆汤。 yidingxie

Mung bean soup is not only cool to quench their thirst, have heat-clearing and detoxifying effect.
绿豆汤不仅清凉解渴,还有清热解毒的功效。 hjenglish

My friends say it's because of the drought in the southwest. But others say it's because Zhang Wuben recommended green bean soup.
我朋友说这是因为西南的旱灾,但其他人说是因为张悟本推荐吃绿豆。 common-talk

This is a simplified version of a black bean soup from the Veracruz region of Mexico.
这是一个来自墨西哥维拉克鲁斯地区黑豆汤的简化版本。 yeeyan




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