

单词 tearfully
释义 tear·ful·ly 英'tɪəfəli美'tɪəfəli 高COCA⁴⁰¹⁴⁰BNC⁴⁴⁷⁵⁷iWeb³⁴¹⁴⁷Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

with tears; in a tearful manner;

the man confessed tearfully to having beaten his wife

近义词 sadly悲哀地ruefully悲伤地miserably悲惨地mournfully悲哀地unhappily不快乐地sorrowfully悲哀地disconsolately悲伤地
On June6th, after ten days of adamant denials, he tearfully admitted to having sent a young woman a photograph of his bulging underpants.
6月6日,在连续十天的坚决否认后,维纳最终含泪承认自己曾向一名年轻女子发送过一张他的内裤隆起的照片。 ecocn

The child also has long for the family member, but they bury missing in the innermost feelings, in the time which is educated by mecomplains tearfully infers you.
孩子也有对亲人的思念,但他们把思念埋藏在内心,在被我教育的时刻哭诉想见你。 blog.sina.com.cn

The rulers have resorted to exhortations, pleading tearfully for restored confidence.
统治者们求助于花言巧语,痛哭流涕地要求恢复对他们的信任。 chinafanyi.com

“ My goldfish died, ” replied Nancy tearfully without looking up, “and I've just buried him.”
“我的金鱼死了,”楠希眼泪汪汪头也不抬的回答,“我刚刚把它埋了。” yeeyan

“ She is the mother I never had, ” Winfrey tearfully says.
“她是我从未拥有过的母亲,”温弗瑞眼含热泪地说。 hxen

“ The factory was always abusing my brother, ” the sister, Ma Liqun, said tearfully last week.
“这家工厂常常骂我弟弟。” 马向前的姐姐马丽群上星期这样说道,泣不成声。 yeeyan

And in a scene televised worldwide, aging Koreans separated by the war a half century ago tearfully hugged one another in temporary family reunions.
由于朝鲜战争分隔了半个实际的朝鲜老人和家人团聚,他们相互拥抱,泪流满面,全世界的人从电视上看到了这一画面。 yeeyan

Britney Spears, who won the first award of the night for Best Pop Video for her song“ Till The World Ends,” tearfully thanked her husband and children at the podium.
布兰妮以一首“直到世界的尽头”获得当晚最佳流行音乐录像带的首奖,她在台上含泪感谢了她的老公和孩子们。 news.mso.com.cn

Herold tearfully told reporters at her home that she slept with the chimp and that he was like a son to her.
赫罗德含着泪对到她家里采访的记者说,她总是和这个黑猩猩一起睡,他就像她的儿子一样。 yeeyan

I tearfully accepted his thanks thinking that was the end of the story, but there were two chapters left!
我满眼是泪的接受了他的感谢,以为这将是故事的结局,但接下来还有两章节! yeeyan

Last summer Jerry Sanders, the Republican mayor of San Diego, tearfully announced that his daughter was a lesbian and that he could no longer oppose same-sex marriage.
去年夏天,圣地亚哥的市长、共和党人杰瑞·桑德斯含泪宣称他的女儿是同性恋,因此他也没有立场再反对同性婚姻了。 ecocn

One night, he dreamt that God appeared to him. Tearfully, he begged God to forgive him for his foolishness.
一天晚上,陶工又梦见了上帝,他眼泪汪汪地祈求上帝原谅他的愚蠢无知。 ebigear

Ruby wasn't my favorite person, but I felt sorry for her when I saw her tearfully pleading with Crazy Jack Junior.
罗比并不讨我喜欢,但看到她声泪俱下地央求“古怪小杰克”时,我为她感到难过。 joyen

She stopped cutting long enough to lift her arm to her eyes in a tragic pose. Then she resumed, more tearfully.
她停止切洋葱,悲惨得揉了一下眼睛,然后满眼泪水的继续。 yeeyan

She tearfully said farewell to Wicket, her closest friend during these terrifying times.
她留着泪与威克特道别,他是那些黑暗日子里她最亲密的朋友。 starwarsfans

The thermometer had three red bubbles, the tap in the corner sink dribbled tearfully, and, when I tried to recharge my phone, the socket just sizzled and promptly cut out.
温度计里有三个红色的气泡,角落上的水盆龙头放出的水像眼泪一样滴滴答答。我想给手机充一下电,电源插口先是吱吱作响,随后即刻停了电。 yeeyan

They related, sometimes tearfully, their experiences of leaving their homes to come here and the difficult times they've had trying to reclaim their professional careers and identities.
他们互相诉说着背井离乡来到这里的经历和重回专业岗位时遇到的困难,有时候是含着眼泪的。 yeeyan

They listened, some tearfully, to buglers from the armies of Britain and France, and watched respectfully as Agent Rose was finally carried off to be cremated at a private ceremony.
他们含着泪听着英法军队里吹响的号角声,带着敬意的目光注视着特工罗斯的遗体被送到一个私人的仪式上火化。 putclub

When I tearfully told my boss my plans, this incredible leader whom I respect so much replied, “Precede with reckless abandon and you will be successful”.
当我眼泪汪汪地告诉老板我的计划时,这个我十分尊重的领导,令人难以置信地答道:“勇往向前吧!你一定能够成功。” ebigear

When I tearfully told my boss my plans this incredible leader whom I respect so much replied, “ Precede with reckless abandon and you will be successful”
当我含泪把我的计划告诉我的老板时,这位我十分尊敬的极为优秀的领袖回答道:“遭遇阻碍时,请勇往直前,你一定能够成功。” yeeyan

Tearfully, Jake pleaded that he be forgiven and promised never to track mud into the orphanage again, but to no avail.

Tearfully, she explained how thoughts of the2001 attacks and her son haunted her.
她催人泪下地阐述了她对911事件的看法以及经常浮现在脑海中的儿子。 yeeyan




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