

单词 bean counters
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na.美俚统计专家;🌏帐房先生;爱算计的人;数豆子的人原型beancounter的复数 The accounting function is viewed as a necessary group of“ bean counters, ” or as a vehicle for exercising control over the entity's various activities.
财务职能被看作是必要的“管钱袋子的”群体,或者对公司的各种行为执行控制的工具。 aweto

“ The bean counters in Shenzhen didn't have a clue about how to operate outside of China,” Mr.
“深圳这方面的专家也不知道对于中国以外的地方该如何操纵,” Arnold先生说道。 yeeyan

Debt reduction is no longer the contemplative realm of policy wonks and bean counters.
降低债务已经不再是书呆子制定政策和帐房先生的事了。 yeeyan

Determining potential profit margins and break- even points are subjects beyond the scope of this current seriesand are best left to the bean counters.

Mr Obama and congressional leaders have vowed that any health plan they develop together this year must be budget-neutral, so the views of the CBO’s bean counters matter a lot.
奥巴马和国会预算局的领导曾经达成协议所有他们起草的医疗计划必须不能影响预算,所以预算局的统计员们的观点十分关键。 ecocn

Since the bean counters took over the radio station, it's become a boring place to work.
自从这个凡是精打细算的人掌控电台以后,在这里的工作变得变得很无聊。 njyyjy

The new corporate leaders will no longer be pen pushers and bean counters.
新的公司领袖将不再是文抄公或会计。 ecocn

The miners, now consolidated into very large firms and run by bean counters rather than the boozy engineers of yore, know that this is no negotiating position at all.
现在的矿产商已经合并成巨型公司,由精于算计的人而不是往日醉醺醺的工程师来经营,他们认为这根本就没有谈判的余地。 yeeyan

This also makes the bean counters happy, because more emphasis is given to the more“ tangible” revenue items.
会计师也会满意这个做法,因为“有形”的收入科目被给予了更多的关注。 yeeyan

This company I'm with now has too many bean counters.
我现在工作的这个公司里尽是那些小里小气的人。 hjenglish

While many professions have been slow to hire, accounting firms have been adding to their payrolls, leading to greater pay and perks for the nation's bean counters.
目前在美国的众多行业中都存在就业形势不景气的状况,然而各大会计师事务所却是日进斗金,生意兴隆。 cri




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