

单词 teached
释义 teachedCOCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺
The long range conjunction- CAD teaching system is a kind of conjunction teaching system that the CAD object can be teached and learn by personnel who locates in the different location.
远程协同 CAD教学系统是位于不同区域的 CAD教与学的人员,在不同的地点对一个 CAD对象进行协作; com

After I believed him, he changed my heart and gave me new thoughts. He teached me what is righteousness, and correct my value at any moment.

At last, he teached me how to take the ticket.
最后,他还教我如何买地铁票。 jiayuan

General speaking, I don't like this course, but I must confirm this professor teached several good lessons.
总的来说,我不喜欢这门课。但是我必须承认,这位教授讲了几次很好的课。 iciba

He paid great attention to student's body and mind training in the teaching process. In order to realize the teaching ideal, he teached students in accordance with their aptitudes.
在教学过程中他注重学生的身心修养,通过因材施教以期培养温文尔雅的君子,来实现通儒的理想。 fabiao

I have teached in school for five years.
我在这所学校教书已经有五年了。 iask.sina.com.cn

In this way, from a homework, a practical example, the moral standard“ cooperation” is well teached to the students, and they can understand and accept it well too.
这样,由一次作业,一件实际的事例,就把“合作”这一道德标准很好地传授给学生,学生也能很好地理解和接受。 tianya

Life teached us not to regret over yesterday.
人生教会我们不要对过去的事感到后悔。 blog.sina.com.cn

Nick teached exercise and fitness knowledge and demonstrated a lot for us.
健身开始了。外教老师向大家讲解关于健身的知识,并亲自为大家示范。 liec

They need to be teached a lesson and educated.
他们需要被上课教育。 ltaaa.com

Three Farmers teached him and gone.
“农民”说教了他几句便走了。 italki




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