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词汇 TDD
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技术资料文摘¹⁰⁰=Technical Data Digest
The normal TDD approach at this point is to stop testing and start fixing until the test passes.
这时,标准的 TDD方法是停止测试并且开始进行修改直到测试通过。 ibm

This complements the previous book with very practical advice on how to really implement the practice of TDD.
这本书介绍了大量的实践,补充了之前那本书关于如何真正执行 TDD实践。 ibm

A week is not enough data to extrapolate the effectiveness of TDD on a multi- month or multi- year project.
一个星期所产出的数据是没法衡量在长达数月或是数年的项目中 TDD的效用的。 infoq

At the end, you said the hallmark of the professional is to have good unit tests, and TDD is one way of achieving that.
最后,你又提到专业化的标志就是拥有良好的单元测试,而 TDD则是达成这一目标的一种方法而已。 infoq

Development teams might want to practice TDD or write test cases after the code, as per their comfort.
开发团队可能打算实践 TDD,或者在编码后编写测试用例,怎么舒服怎么来。 infoq

I use EDD and TDD together, can’t imagine using one without the other.
我把 EDD和 TDD放在一起用,而且无法想象只用一个是什么状况。 infoq

I'll also address some other sticky design questions about TDD, such as if and when to test private methods.
我还将解答其他某些棘手的 TDD设计问题,例如是否测试及何时测试私有方法。 ibm

If, on the other hand, you have TDD experience, please share some of your answers to these questions.
换个角度来说,如果你已经有了充分的 TDD经验,请与大家分享一下你对这些问题的答复。 infoq

I'm not saying that the TDD doctrine is wrong, but it's not really an option when two million lines of legacy model code already exist.
我并不是说 TDD原则是错误的,但当两百万行的遗留模型代码已经存在时,它的确不能成为一个有用的选择。 ibm

If you read of an experiment with real developers working for a week, and this shows an improvement in quality of design when using TDD, can we count on the results?
如果你看到一个调查报告,上面写着一些真正的开发人员用一星期的时间做了一个实验,结果表明使用 TDD可以提高设计质量,我们真的能把它当真么? infoq

In this case, you still get tests, but you don't get the emergent design aspects of TDD.
在这种情况下,您仍然进行了测试,但是没有涉及到 TDD的紧急设计方面。 ibm

It also used a simple scenario to illustrate a TDD style of development.
此外还使用了一个简单的场景来演示 TDD风格的开发。 ibm

It then shows you how to use this development environment to implement a simple service-oriented architecture SOA business logic using the TDD way.
随后还展示了如何利用这种开发环境,使用 TDD方法实现一种简单的面向服务架构 SOA业务逻辑。 ibm

It places unit testing in the context of TDD and give the reader all of the tools needs to write, manage, and automate great unit tests.
它用 TDD的替换掉了单元测试的内容,并给了读者所有需要编写,管理和自动操作单元测试的工具。 ibm

It's likely you know someone possibly even yourself who believes they“ don't have time to pair or do TDD”.
如果你知道有人或者就是你自己认为他们“没有时间结对或者测试驱动开发”。 infoq

Not surprisingly, most of the discussion around these problems did not involve TDD, or iterations, or even retrospectives, because the roadblocks were coming from outside the team.
不足为奇,大部分有关这些问题的讨论没有涉及 TDD、或者迭代,甚至没涉及回顾,因为障碍来自团队的外部。 infoq

Often, people will cite being“ too busy” to adopt such practices as TDD and pairing; in essence, implying that striving for high code quality will reduce productivity.
通常大家找借口说“太忙”,没时间采用测试驱动开发和结对编程这样的实践;实际上,他们的意思是追求高质量的代码会降低生产效率。 infoq

On the other hand, Test Driven Development TDD, the process of writing the tests before writing the production code, works very differently.
另一个方面,测试驱动开发 TDD要求先写测试、再写产品代码的工作方法与众不同。 infoq

Rather, the benefit and real purpose of TDD as we teach it is sheer productivity: more function faster.
实际上,我们所传授的 TDD的好处和真正意图,是要指导生产力:更多功能,更快发布。 infoq

Several of the practices outlined here can be categorised as general Test Driven Development TDD practices.
本文概述的实践中,有一些可归类到常用的测试驱动开发 TDD实践。 ibm

So what is the purpose of TDD then?
那么测试驱动开发的目的是什么? infoq

Test- driven development TDD alters the process of writing code so that change is not only possible, but desirable.
测试驱动开发 TDD改变了编码的过程,并且这种改变不仅是可能的,同时也是值得去做的。 yeeyan

Tests start in the provisional project, especially when they are used for TDD- style programming.
测试从临时项目开始,特别是在 TDD风格编程中用到的测试。 infoq

The most important lesson you should have learned so far is that TDD is simple.
迄今为止,你应该明白一条最重要的道理就是 TDD很简单。 yeeyan

To show the design benefits of TDD, I need a problem to solve.
要展示 TDD的设计优点,我需要用到一个待解决的问题。 ibm

TDD can be useful, but there are other simple principles that you can keep in mind while writing your tests last and still reach a clean and entirely testable piece of code.
测试驱动开发是有用的,但在编写测试代码的时候,还有其它一些简单的原则你必须铭记于心,你必须保证测试代码干净并且同样可测。 infoq

TDD can inform some of your architectural decisions, but you cannot begin a project without an architectural vision.
TDD可以告诉你某些架构决定,但是你无法在没有架构设计的情况下启动项目。 infoq

TDD encourages developers to write a failing test when writing the first test for some new functionality.
在为一些新功能编写第一个测试时, TDD鼓励开发人员编写失败的测试。 ibm

TDD is a style of writing software that uses tests to help you understand the last step of the requirements phase.
TDD是一种编写软件的模式,它使用测试帮助您了解需求阶段的最后步骤。 ibm

TDD recommends beginning testing early and continuously testing, such as with each system build.
TDD建议及早开始测试并持续测试,例如测试每个系统版本。 ibm




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