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词汇 TCO
释义 TCO ˌtiːsiːˈəʊ COCA¹⁸²⁶⁸⁸
As a result, it could be argued that CPP lowers the total cost of ownership TCO in terms of training and technical support.
因此, CPP是否能够在培训和技术支持方面降低总拥有成本 TCO可能存在争议。 ibm

Combined with volume, the result is lower TCO for systems, freeing up budget and personnel for new innovation.
这将导致更低的 TCO,并为创新节约了预算和人力。 ibm

The alternative is to load a single server with several applications so that the organization gets the full total cost of ownership TCO.
替代方法是一个服务器安装多个应用程序,以便组织降低总体拥有成本 TCO。 ibm

Agile can definitely help contain costs and improve TCO.
敏捷对于保持成本和提高 TCO是绝对有帮助的。 ibm

All this helps to reduce TCO.
所有这些方法都有助于降低 TCO。 ibm

Ann- Marie Prhat of the TCO employee federation said she had been determined to share the parental leave with her husband.
TCO雇员联合会的安-玛丽·普拉特表示,她会和她的丈夫共享产假。 yeeyan

As discussed earlier, Agile is often seen as a set of techniques for new development, but it offers tangible benefits for TCO and mature systems as well.
正如前面我们所讨论的那样,敏捷通常被视为一组用于新的开发的技术,但是它同样能为 TCO和成熟系统提供切实的收益。 ibm

As software goes through its lifecycle, from new development to mature system in maintenance mode, the economics shift from ROI to TCO.
随着软件进入其开发周期之中,从新的开发进入到成熟的系统,经济环境也相应地从 ROI过渡到 TCO。 ibm

Better ROI and lower TCO.
改善 ROI并降低 TCO。 ibm

Booting from SAN can also simplify data center administration, improve disaster tolerance, and reduce total cost of ownership TCO through diskless servers.
从 SAN启动还可以简化数据中心的管理,提高灾难恢复能力,由于服务器没有磁盘,还降低了总拥有成本 TCO。 ibm

Both patterns improve semantic interoperability and data quality, guarantee the service- level agreements SLAs of data services, and reduce total cost of ownership TCO.
上面的两个模式都提高了语义互操作性和数据质量,可保证数据服务的服务水平协议 Service- Level Agreement, SLA,而且降低了总体拥有成本 TCO。 ibm

Focusing on TCO biases you toward the Kia end of the spectrum, and like life, there are times where the intangible benefits of the Ferrari outweigh the TCO disadvantage.
关注于 TCO会令你偏向起亚这一类,但总有些时候法拉利的无形价值超越了 TCO方面的劣势的。 yeeyan

He characterizes SOA as an agent for reducing the TCO Total cost of ownership as a result of sharing and reusing composable services.
他将 SOA描述为减少 TCO总体拥有成本的一个动因,这是共享和重用可组合服务的结果。 infoq

If you've already made a sound financial case based on ROI or TCO, a discussion of improved competitiveness may be icing on the cake, and you can leave it at that.
如果您已经做了一个基于 ROI和 TCO的健全的财务案例,提高竞争力的讨论也许就是蛋糕上的糖衣,您可以不去管它。 ibm

It's important because of the inherent value it provides its clients in terms of reduced TCO and increased ROI.
这是因为它可以通过降低 TCO和提高 ROI给客户带来价值。 ibm

Lotus Domino7.0 delivers increased productivity through faster performance, greater scalability, and lower total cost of ownership TCO.
Lotus Domino7.0通过更高的性能、更好的可伸缩性和更低的总体拥有成本 TCO提高了生产率。 ibm

Managers and executives examine total cost of ownership TCO from the top down.
管理者和执行者自顶向下地检查所有权的全部成本 TCO。 ibm

Much of the time, data management work is all about schemas and SQL, or TCO and ROI.
大部分时间,数据管理工作都是关于模式和 SQL,或者 TCO和 ROI的。 ibm

Now, two well- researched studies help paint a more specific picture of how, why, and where Informix reduces total cost of ownership TCO and maximizes return on investment ROI.
现在,两份经过深入研究的研究报告帮助详细解释 Informix减少总拥有成本 TCO并最大化投资回报 ROI的方式、原因和场所。 ibm

Roger also studies the TCO and importance of trust with the findings favoring Agile over traditional approaches.
Roger研究了 TCO和信任的重要性,结果显示敏捷方法优于传统的方法。 infoq

Test systems are more costly to operate than production systems. Running in the cloud could dramatically reduce TCO.
运行测试系统比实际系统更加昂贵, 而运行在云端则可以大大消减总拥有成本。 infoq

The first problem with TCO is that it fails to capture intangible value.
TCO的第一宗罪是它未能捕捉无形价值。 yeeyan

The goal of the study is to compare the cost savings that can be achieved through greater developer productivity resulting in significantly reduced TCO.
该研究的目的在于比较节约成本,这些成本通过更好的开发者效率得以节省,从而大大缩减 TCO。 infoq

Therefore, it results in a lower total cost of ownership TCO.
因此,这会降低总体拥有成本 TCO。 ibm

Therefore, our conservative estimate for the TCO is12,400,000 over a thirty-six month period.
因此我们对 TCO的合理估计是12,400,000,在36个月的期限内。 ibm

These versions include technology that can significantly reduce the total cost of ownership TCO for your Lotus Domino environment.
这些版本包括能够显著降低 Lotus Domino环境总体拥有成本 TCO的技术。 ibm

They both do the same job of taking you from point A to point B, and the Kia is the TCO winner hands down, but TCO has failed to capture the intangible value that comes from a Ferrari.
它们都做一样的事情,把你从 A点带到 B点,起亚被宣布是 TCO的胜出者,但起亚未能捕获法拉利所具备的无形价值。 yeeyan

Virtualization of your Lotus Domino environment can significantly help you to streamline and reduce your total cost of ownership TCO.
Lotus Domino环境的虚拟化很大程度上有助于优化和减少总体拥有成本 TCO。 ibm

When used to analyze IT investments like any other corporate investment, this is a fine approach, but when used carelessly or superficially, metrics like Total Cost of Ownership TCO result.
当像分析其他企业投资那样用于分析 IT投资时,它是一个很好的方案,可一旦不小心或过度使用,就会出现像总拥有成本 TCO那样的指标。 yeeyan

You must select the appropriate deployment model by balancing your needs for customization and control against the TCO and TTV that your business requires.
您必须针对您的公司需要的 TCO和 TTV来平衡您的定制和控制需求,选择适当的部署模型。 ibm




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