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词汇 tc
释义 tc.
abbr.tierce, tierces

a crystalline metallic element not found in nature; occurs as one of the fission products of uraniuma permanent council of the United Nations that commissions a country or countries to undertake the administration of a territory 近义词 technetium化锝元素符号:Tc…Trusteeship Council信托投资理事会…
TC: Mr. Knowledge, please take my people with you!酋长:智慧,请带着我的族人们走吧!
TCAmer synthetic high-temp chain oi.合成高温链条油。
Acknowledgment of a message with theTCbit set.TC位设置消息的确认。
Now there are 400,includingTCWilliams.现在包括TC威廉姆斯高中在内已经有400所了。
Now there are four hundred includingTCWilliams.现在,有包括T.;C
Now there are four hundred includingTCvilliams *.但现在已经有包括TC威廉姆学在内的400所学校有这样的要求。 The biggest problem the TC ran into with other solutions is that it involved a change to the normal WS- RM processing logic.
TC在处理其他解决方案时遇到的最大问题是,其中涉及到对普通 WS- RM处理逻辑的更改。 ibm

The core runtime is our tc Server product, built on and wholly compatible with Apache Tomcat.
运行内核我们 TC服务器产品,它是建立在 apache tomcat之上,并完全与之兼容。 yeeyan

The review of ISO9001 resulting in the2008 edition was carried out by subcommittee SC2 of ISO/ TC176.
负责评审 ISO9001并产生2008年版本的是 ISO/ TC176 SC分委员会。

“It's been so far so good, and there are no major showstoppers, ” says Rockwell Collins' vice- president and managing director for Asia Pacific, TC Chan.
“到目前为止一切顺利,没什么大问题。”罗克韦尔柯林斯公司亚太区副总裁,执行董事 TC.Chan说道。 yeeyan

After hours of discussions, the TC decided that the best option available would be to keep the WS- RM logic separate from the actual transportation of the SOAP messages themselves.
经过长时间讨论后, TC认为最佳可用选项将是让 WS- RM逻辑同 SOAP消息本身的实际传输分离开来。 ibm

Both parties oppose a proposal in the budget to raise petrol and diesel prices, and the TC abstained over the women’s reservations bill.
以上两党都反对预算中提到的升高汽油和柴油价格的计划,而 TC也在妇女预留法案上投了弃权票。 ecocn

Conclusion Subclinical hypothyroidism is not associated with serum TC level but positively associated with serum TG level.
结论亚临床甲减与血清 TC水平无显著相关,而可能引起血清 TG水平增高;

However, it's important to point out that many other message exchange patterns require this feature and it was the desire to support these as well that drove the TC to adopt such a broad solution.
不过,需要指出的是,很多其他消息交换模式需要使用此功能,而 TC当初采用这样宽泛的解决方案的目的就是为了支持这些消息交换模式。 ibm

In 1947 Phil acquired an MG- TC two-seater, which he modified himself and began racing.
1947年菲尔获取 MG- TC双座汽车,他修改他自己并且开始赛跑。 yeeyan

In addition, SAP intends to continue being an active technical contributor, and also volunteer for TC roles such as specification editor, etc.
此外, SAP试图继续成为一个积极的技术贡献者,也是技术委员会角色的志愿者,如规范编辑等。 infoq

In order to solve the problem of re transmitting messages to a nonaddressable endpoint, the WS- RX TC examined several possible solutions.
为了解决将消息重新发送到无法寻址的端点的问题, WS- RX TC对多个可能的解决方案进行了研究。 ibm

In the TC, we are providing and getting practical feedback and facing real- world issues: how policy works in certain scenarios compared to what is specified now.
在技术委员会中,我们提供和得到实践反馈,同时面对现实世界的问题:与规范中指定的场景相比,策略如何工作在某个确定的场景中。 infoq

It suggests an overestimation of Congress’s strength, and the party’s failure to reassure the TC’s irascible leader, Mamata Banerjee, is careless at best.
或许这高估了国大党的能力,而国大党没能安抚 TC暴躁的领导人 Mamata Banerjee顶多只是大意。 ecocn

It allows you to dramatically reduce the time spent waiting for apps to redeploy when working with tc Server.
在使用 tc Server时,它可以在很大程度上减少等待应用重新部署的时间。 infoq

Many members of the TC were hearing from customers that this problem needed to be solved quickly; they had immediate needs for a standard and interoperable solution.
很多 TC成员都听到客户反映需要尽快解决此问题;他们急需一个标准(且可互操作的解决方案。 ibm

So the basic difference is that unlike Spring tc Server, Siwpas is based on the Java EE standards instead of a custom framework.
所以,和 Spring tc Server相比,最基本的区别就在于 Siwpas是基于 Java EE标准而不是自定义框架的。 infoq

The UBL TC is not working in a vacuum.
UBL TC不能在真空中运行。 ibm

The Knife Hooks are designed by TC Studio.
这种飞刀衣挂由 TC工作室设计。 yeeyan

The management capabilities also enable monitoring and control of other versions of Tomcat for example, those that have been deployed before implementing tc Server.
其管理功能还可以监控并控制其他版本的 Tomcat例如,那些在实现 tc Server之前已经部署了的 Server。 infoq

This was a well informed decision because of our involvement with the OASIS TC and the Fabric3 project.
这是一个有见地的决策,因为我们参与了 OASIS技术委员会和 Fabric3项目。 infoq

Use this TC file without modifications to run the UML- to- Java transformation one time on the migrated model, immediately after model importer has completed the import.
在模型导入器完成导入之后,不经过修改,直接使用该 TC文件在移植的模型上运行一次 UML- to- Java转换。 ibm

We’ll enhance runtime visibility into Spring and Grails applications, as we’re doing with our tc Server product itself.
虽然我们正在做我们自己的 TC服务器产品,但我们可以强化在 SPRING和 garails应用中运行时间的可见性。 yeeyan

When receiving a TC an authentication provider will not verify their origin or consistency explicitly but implicitly only.
当收到 TC时,身份验证提供者并不显式地检验其来源或一致性,只隐式地检验。 ibm

TC here is a centerpiece of the method, as it helps to track environment factors.
这里的 TC是方法的核心,因为它可以帮助跟踪环境因素。 ibm




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