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词汇 t-bag
释义 t-bagIMDB³⁰⁷⁹⁴
Just as an enraged T-Bag is finally about to attack, she gets a bar free and swings it at him, but T-Bag quickly overpowers her.
西奥多被激怒了,正在他准备袭击莎拉时,莎拉扯断了门把,并挥动它攻击西奥多,但他马上制服了莎拉。 yeeyan

T-Bag: That any way to treat a team- mate?

T-Bag: Whiskey always makes me feel… irascible.
威士忌总让我感觉…暴躁不安。 iciba

T-Bag finds a bag with Whistler's fake ID and instructions from the Gate Corporation.
在存物柜里他发现了一张威斯勒的假身份证和一张到 Gate公司的指令。 yeeyan

As Lisa and her handlers pass, Lincoln sees T-Bag from a distance.
林肯在莉莎一群走过后,看见了西奥多正在远处。 yeeyan

At the loft, Krantz is about to kill T-Bag for his many failures when a phone rings.
在酒店套房,“将军”准备杀了西奥多,因为他犯了太多失误,电话铃声响起。 yeeyan

Gretchen holds T-Bag hostage in his house and she cuts his arm with a knife.
在公寓里,格雷琴绑住了西奥多,用刀在他胳膊上划来划去。 rayzen

Krantz tells T- Bag that he's surpassed expectations, but to become a well- taken- care- of Company man, he'll have to do one more thing: when Lincoln brings Scylla back, T-Bag is to shoot him.
“将军”告诉西奥多,他比其希望的做得更好,但是要成为一名处理事务得当的“公司”成员,他必须得再做一件事:当林肯拿回“锡拉”后,西奥多要射杀他。 yeeyan

Lincoln pulls out some of T-Bag's teeth to get him to talk. Then Lincoln and Sucre leave the Company headquarters to go find Scylla.
林肯拔掉了几颗西奥多的牙齿,逼他交待赛尔夫交易的地址,然后他和苏克雷离开“公司”总部去寻找“锡拉”。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, in Panama City, T-Bag hires men to transport him over the border.
同时,在巴拿马城,西奥多买通了两个人来夹带他通过边境。 yeeyan

Rita calls to let them know that T-Bag let them go and that they are safe.
丽塔打电话告诉格雷琴,西奥多放了她们,她和女儿都安全了。 yeeyan

Sara realizes that one of the bars she's cuffed to is loose, and to buy time, begins taunting T-Bag, telling him that his medical records at Fox River indicate that he's impotent.
莎拉发现她被铐着的其中一根拉门把是松动的,为了争取时间,他开始奚落西奥多,告诉他说,根据在狐狸河医院的医疗纪录,他是性无能。 yeeyan

Sucre asks where Michael and Lincoln are; T-Bag says their mother has them.
苏克雷问起迈可和林肯的所在;西奥多说他们的母亲捉住了他们。 yeeyan

While T-Bag tries to flee his apartment, Gretchen pulls a gun on him.
当西奥多想逃离他的公寓时,格雷琴拔枪对准了他。 rayzen

T-Bag is allowed to answer the phone and finds Sucre on the other end.
西奥多被允许应答了电话,电话的另一端竟是苏克雷。 yeeyan




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