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词汇 achieving
释义 a·chieve 英ə'tʃiːv美ə'tʃiːv COCA⁶⁶⁴⁷BNC⁴⁰⁰⁸Economist⁵⁴⁵⁰
vt. 达到

succeed in reaching a particular goal, status or standard

vt. 完成

succeed in doing sth or causing sth to happen

vi. 成功

be successful; be successful by being determined or working hard

to gain with effort;

she achieved her goal despite setbacks

achieve, acquire, attain, earn, gain, get, obtain, secure, win

这组词的共同意思是“取得; 获得”。其区别是:


2.achieve主要指取得成功、成就或实现预期目的; acquire主要指逐渐获得知识、能力、荣誉等; attain主要指达到重要目标或获得珍贵的东西; earn凭借功劳赚得或获得工资、报酬、荣誉、赞赏等; gain主要指获得或赢得有一定价值的东西; get指以各种方式获得各种所需或不需之物; obtain指获得所需之物或达到预期目的; secure指得到渴望或竞争性的东西; win指在竞争、比赛、争论或战斗中击败对手而赢得胜利或获得人们的爱戴〔好感〕等。

3.achieve指克服困难之后而获得; acquire, attain, earn指通过努力而获得; gain指通过巨大努力而获得; obtain多指通过长期努力而获得,有时也指无须经过努力; 其他各词不强调通过努力与否; get可指通过各种方式获得; earn还指凭借功劳而赚得; win还指通过作出优异成绩而赢得。

4.achieve强调结果; acquire强调量的增加; attain含有达到完美地步的意味; gain强调所获得之物能够造成的优势; obtain强调愿望得到满足; secure强调有把握或成功地获得。

5.get是这组同义词中的最常用词,可指主动争取,也可指被动接受,有时不一定需要很大努力就能获得; acquire指持续,慢慢地获得,强调过程; 而earn, gain都强调经过艰苦努力而获得的这一结果, gain比obtain所付出的努力还要大些; win则指在竞赛中或战斗中赢得或获得胜利,可以通过努力获得,也可以偶然获得。例如:

He did not get what he had earned.他未获得他应得到的东西。
The ability to use a language can be acquired by the act of using the language.运用语言的能力,只能通过不断练习才能获得。
She gained rich experience in teaching.她获得了丰富的教学经验。
I've got your telegram.我已经收到了你的电报。
We wished to obtain first-hand information.我们要能得到第一手情报就好了。
Industry won him his success.勤奋使他获得了成功。

6.acquire的宾语多为知识、技能等; earn的宾语多为金钱、荣誉等理应得到的东西; obtain的宾语多为期望已久的东西; gain的宾语多为经验、利益、优势、好处等; 而win的宾语则为比赛、战斗等; get的宾语则比较广泛,即既可以是具体的东西,也可以是抽象的事物。例如:

He got what he had earned.他获得了他应得到的东西。
You must work hard to acquire good knowledge of English.你要用功,以便精通英语。
Our firm has gained a good reputation.我们公司赢得了好名声。
Then I'll go and get you a chair.我去给你拿把椅子来。
At last, he obtained his father's pardon.他终于得到了父亲的原谅。
They won the basketball match.他们打赢了这场篮球赛。

7.这组动词都可跟简单宾语。get, earn, gain, obtain, secure和win可跟双宾语; secure还可跟wh-从句; win还可跟含不定式的复合宾语。此外, gain和win有时还可用作不及物动词。acquire和attain常跟抽象名词。


achieve, discharge, effect, execute, fulfil, perform


perform表示“执行”“完成”时间较长、难度较大或较正式的任务,通常强调过程和目的,而不重视所采取的行为和手段; achieve暗示在克服困难或经过一系列曲折后“完成了任务”或“达到了目的”或指“成就”了某项意义重大或对一个人的精力、意志、才略有不寻常要求的事业; discharge用于执行必须的行为以达到履行职责或义务; effect强调发挥内在的力量主动克服或清除障碍来“达到”“实现”预定目的,可以指人,也可指事物; execute主要用于实施计划、建设或执行命令,比perform更强调完成; fulfil指完美无缺地“实现”“履行”保证或诺言,也指不折不扣地“完成”任务或“尽”责任或义务等。例如:

He will never achieve any objectives if he doesn't work harder.如果他不加紧努力工作,他会一事无成。
She undertook to discharge all the responsibilities of a Minister.她承担了做部长的所有责任。
I shall effect my purpose; no one shall stop me!我决心实现我的目的,谁也阻挡不住我。
The nurse executed the doctor's orders.护士执行医生的吩咐。
We must fulfil our parents' expectations.我们必须实现父母的期望。attain,reach,achieve,arrive






14世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的achever,意为终止;最初源自后期拉丁语的ad caput,意为到头
用作动词 v.
~+名词achieve a compromise取得一种折中办法achieve a good result得到好的结果achieve a great deal取得很多成绩achieve a lot收获很多achieve a task完成一项任务achieve ambition如愿以偿achieve balance达到平衡achieve distinction成名achieve effect取得效果achieve fame成名achieve honours大学中获得优等成绩achieve independence获得独立achieve little一无所成achieve mastery of the piano精于弹奏钢琴achieve no fame没获得名声achieve nothing一无所成achieve one's end达到目的achieve one's aim达到目的achieve one's goal达到目的achieve one's membership of an organization获得某一组织的成员资格achieve one's objective达到目的achieve one's purpose达到目的achieve peace实现和平achieve popularity受到欢迎achieve progress取得进步achieve reputation获得名声achieve success取得成功achieve superiority取得优势achieve triumph获得成功achieve victory获得胜利~+副词achieve creatively创造性地完成achieve great deal取得巨大成就achieve heroically英勇地完成achieve laboriously艰难地达到achieve magnificently辉煌地完成achieve much取得很大成就achieve nothing一事无成achieve secretly秘密地完成achieve so little收效甚微achieve splendidly辉煌地完成achieve successfully成功地完成achieve tirelessly不知疲倦地完成achieve unbelievably不可思议地实现~+介词achieve by通过…达到achieve by negotiations通过谈判实现achieve through通过…达到
近义词 doreachattaineffectfulfillrealizecarry outaccomplishbring aboutbring to pass反义词 fail offall short of
S+~+AHe achieved because he was a hard worker.他辛勤工作,因而取得了成就。
Women can achieve in areas where men traditionally have achieved.在古往今来只有男子才可获得成功的领域里,女子照样也能有所建树。
I haven't achieved very much today.我今天没做成多少事。
Many managers are driven by a desire to achieve.许多经理是受成功欲望所驱使的。
S+~+ n./pron.He will do anything in order to achieve his aim.他为了达到目的会不择手段。
They hope to achieve their goal by peaceful means.他们希望用和平手段达到他们的目的。
They hoped to achieve their aims by the end of the year.他们希望在年底前实现他们的目标。
We must do everything we can to achieve this unity.我们要尽一切努力来实现这一团结。
We're fully confident that we'll overcome all difficulties and achieve our objectives.我们完全有信心能克服一切困难,实现我们的目标。
He had finally achieved success.他终于获得了成功。
He will never achieve anything if he doesn't work harder.他要是不更加努力将不会取得任何成就。
His paintings did not achieve the popularity of his books.他的画作不如他的书受欢迎。
The novel has achieved enormous popularity in Britain.这部小说在英国很受欢迎。
One after another they achieved independence.他们一个接一个地取得了独立。
The Republic of Tunisia achieved independence from France in 1957.突尼斯共和国于1957年脱离法国赢得独立。
They had achieved their plan by the end of last month.他们到上月底已经完成了计划。
The riots achieved nothing.暴乱一无所获。
They achieved some victories despite these odds.尽管受到这些挫折,他们还是取得了一些胜利。
The company has achieved a 100% increase in profit-ability.这家公司的利润增加了一倍。
They could not achieve their target of less than 3% inflation.他们未能达到通货膨胀低于3%的目标。
Last year these steel plants achieved a 10 per cent increase over 1976.去年这些钢铁厂比1976年增产10%。
I've achieved only half of what I hoped to do.我希望做的事我只完成了一半。
All you've achieved is to upset my parents.你唯一做到的就是使我的父母难过。
This was what they achieved after ten years of ceaseless labour.这是他们十年不懈劳动取得的成果。
We congratulated them on what they had achieved.我们为他们取得的成就向他们表示祝贺。
Yet, no noticeable results were achieved.然而,没有获得明显的结果。
These high yields have been achieved largely through better methods of cultivation.这样高的产量主要是通过改良耕作方法取得的。
Independence was achieved over a century ago.在一个多世纪以前就已获得独立。
All this cannot be achieved overnight.所有这些事情不可能在一夜之间做完。
This is the first signs that a breakthrough had been achieved.这是取得突破的第一个标志。S+~+wh-clauseWe have achieved what we set out to do.我们完成了想要做的事情。

achieve常用作及物动词,基本意思是“取得”“获得”,如取得成就、成果或获得胜利、成功等; 也可以表示经长期努力而“实现”“达到”“完成”,如实现目标、愿望,达到目的,完成计划等。achieve多用于美好的事物,一经获得便永远受益且不易丧失,一般不与贬义词连用。


achieve偶尔也用作宾补动词,接以“as n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。


achieve有暗示“成功所需付出的努力”的意思,所以achieving the age of 21 中表示到达21岁是不可用的,年龄的增长不需付出努力。

用作动词I'veachievedonly half of what I'd hoped to do.我希望做到的,我仅完成了一半。
Work hard, and you willachieveyour goal.好好干,你就会达到自己的目标。
You willachieveyour ambition if you work hard.如果你努力, 你的抱负是可以实现的。as in.effectual
同义词 effective,efficaciousaccomplishing,adequate,binding,capable,conclusive,decisive,determinative,effecting,efficient,forcible,fulfilling,in force,lawful,legal,licit,potent,powerful,practicable,productive,qualified,serviceable,sound,strong,successful,telling,useful,valid,virtuous,workable
反义词 incapable,unproductive,uselessimpotent,ineffectual,unsuccessful,weakas in.performing
同义词 operatingacting,doing,effecting,fulfillingcarrying-outas in.doing
同义词 accomplishment,act,action,deed,performance,thingaccomplishing,exploit,performingcarrying-out,execution,handiwork,implementation
反义词 cessation,failure,idleness,inactivity,inertia,repose,rest,stoppageas in.perfection
同义词 accomplishment,evolution,excellence,fulfillment,ideal,integrity,precision,purity,quality,superiority,supremacy,transcendence,virtueacme,arete,completion,consummation,crown,ending,entireness,exactness,excellency,exquisiteness,faultlessness,finish,finishing,idealism,impeccability,maturity,merit,paragon,realization,ripeness,sublimity,wholenessperfectness
反义词 failure,frustration,imperfection,inferioritydamage,deficiency,flaw,incompleteness,uselessness,worthlessness
doingnoun achievement
effectualadjective influential;authoritative
accomplishing,achieving,adequate,binding,capable,conclusive,decisive,determinative,effecting,effective,efficacious,efficient,forcible,fulfilling,in force,lawful,legal,licit,potent,powerful,practicable,productive,qualified,serviceable,sound,strong,successful,telling,useful,valid,virtuous,workable
perfectionnoun achievement, completeness
performingadjective fulfilling a function
achieving,acting,carrying-out,doing,effecting,fulfilling,operating And after achieving this target now is the time for America to quit Afghanistan.
在达到这个目标之后,现在是美军离开阿富汗的时候了。 voanews

The key is to maintain focus on your one goal, and to put all your energy into achieving it.
关键在于要维持关注的状态在你的目标上,并且把你的所有精力放到达成它上。 yeeyan

Working on achieving some of these characteristics may actually clash with working on others.
实现这些特性实际上可能同实现另外一些特性产生冲突。 yeeyan

Above all, every part of the Japanese economy is directed toward a national goal, and almost everybody feels a sense of participation in achieving it.
最重要的是,日本经济每一个部分都朝着一个全国性的目标,而且几乎每个人认为自己在参与实现这个目标。 yeeyan

And this could be key to achieving an almost wholly renewable electricity supply.
这可能是实现几乎所有可再生能源电力供应的关键。 yeeyan

Any attempt to limit their freedoms would prevent society from achieving perfection.
任何限制他们自由的企图都会阻止社会达到完美。 yeeyan

At the end, you said the hallmark of the professional is to have good unit tests, and TDD is one way of achieving that.
最后,你又提到专业化的标志就是拥有良好的单元测试,而 TDD则是达成这一目标的一种方法而已。 infoq

Business rules describe the operations, definitions and constraints that apply to an organization in achieving its goals.
业务规则描述在实现一个组织的目标时所应用到的操作、定义和约束。 infoq

But by doing this, they can improve the odds of achieving their goals.
但是这样做会使他们更可能实现自己的目标。 yeeyan

But how do you go about achieving all of these objectives?
但你如何做来达成所有这些目标呢? yeeyan

Failures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal achieving.
失败者做的是缓和紧张而成功者做的是实现目标。 yeeyan

For risk processes, the organization is proactive in achieving the goal of risk management and decision analysis and resolution processes areas.
对于风险过程、在实现风险管理及决策分析和解决过程领域的目标时,组织是主动的。 ibm

Second, subordinates must have confidence that the command will be effective in achieving this purpose.
其次,下级们必须相信在实现这个目的上这个命令将是有效的。 yeeyan

Stability, reliability, and predictability are the means of achieving peace of mind.
稳定性、可靠性和可预测性是达到内心宁静的方法。 ibm

Success breeds success, so if you visualise yourself achieving something, then it will help you to do just that.
成功孕育成功,所以如果你想象自己取得了某些成绩,那么它将会帮助你做到这一点。 yeeyan

The deadline for achieving the goals is2015.
实现这些目标的最后期限是2015年。 hjenglish

The choice and successful pursuit of a profession is but one tool for achieving your purpose. But without a purpose, life can become hollow.
对于职业的选择和追求是实现你们目标的一个工具,但是假如没有一个目标,生活会变的空洞。 yeeyan

There are many ways of achieving this goal but this is the way I take.
还有很多方法可以达到这个目的,而这个方法是我所使用的。 yeeyan

This step allows you to focus on progress rather than achieving the goal.
这一步骤有助于你关注进步而不是达到目标。 yeeyan

We do , in fact, have a long way to go to reach our final goal, but achieving some remains well within the realm of possibility.
事实上,我们达到最终的目标还有很长的路要走,但是,取得一些成绩还是可能做到的。 ebigear

Well maybe they are right, but achieving your goals does not have to be complicated.
也许他们是对的,但实现你的目标却不一定总是复杂。 yeeyan

You'll recognize the significance and usefulness of those benefits in relation to achieving your desire.
你将会意识到这些好处的意义、用途,与实现你的愿望之间的联系。 yeeyan

Achieving a higher level of abstraction requires that you be able to postpone specification of lower level detail without sacrificing consistency.
达到更高的抽象层次要求您能够在不牺牲一致性的情况下推迟较低层次的细节的规范。 ibm




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