

单词 taxable
释义 tax·a·ble 英ˈtæksəbəl美ˈtæksəbəlAHDtăkʹsə-bəl ★☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁸⁴³⁴BNC¹²⁴⁶⁶iWeb⁷⁷²⁸Economist¹⁶⁸²⁵

of goods or funds subject to taxation;

taxable income

nonexempt property

来自 tax,征税,课税。taxable value计税价格taxable entity应纳税单位taxable unit课税单位taxable income须纳税的收入…taxable dividends应税股息taxable capacity付税能力taxable person应纳税人taxable year课税年度equivalent taxable yield相等课税收益率…minimum taxable income需纳税的起点收入…taxable earnings经 应纳税的收入…total taxable income经 总的应纳税收…taxable gifts应税赠与taxable estate应税遗产taxable profit课税利润,可征税利润…taxable base应税基数taxable property可征税财产taxable items税目taxable amount应税金额non-taxable income非课税收入,非税收益…
蒋争熟词记忆tax税;征税-able可…的⇒可征税的;应纳税的tax税;征税-able可…的⇒可征税的;应纳税的近义词 payable可付的nonexempt应纳税的chargeable可控告的assessable可估计的dutiable应纳关税的rateable可估价的按比例的…反义词 nontaxable不必纳税的

用作形容词What percentage of his income istaxable?他的收入有多少需纳所得税?
The money is deductible fromtaxableincome.这笔款项可从应征税的公司收入中扣除。
Countries differ greatly in determiningtaxableearnings.各国对哪些收入应纳税的决定差别很大。adj.(subject to tax
同义词 payableassessable,chargeable,due,dutiable,ratable
反义词 deductible,exempt,freetax-exempt A housing bubble that burst in 2008 means many households cannot easily increase their taxable spending.
2008年房地产泡沫破裂意味着许多家庭无法轻易地增加他们的应税开销。 ecocn

Fifteen percent will be charged on your taxable income.

And we’ve used the increase in taxable revenue, local employment and even training as reasons to justify our actions and our interests.
并且我们使用应税收入,地方就业,甚至培训来作为调整我们行动和利益的理由。 yeeyan

Even when employers agree to cover domestic partners, those couples pay higher taxes, because without federal recognition of their status, health coverage is considered income and is taxable.
即使老板同意支付家庭成员医疗保险费用,那些夫妻也需要承担较高的税收,因为没有联邦政府承认他们的身份,医疗费用被认为是收入是需要征税的。 yeeyan

Even in the notoriously anti-drug US, places such as California and Massachusetts, hard hit by recession, are considering marijuana's use as a taxable commodity.
甚至是在禁毒声名狼藉的美国,像加利福尼亚州和马塞诸塞州这样的地方,由于被经济衰退严重打击,也考虑将大麻的使用列为可征税的商品。 yeeyan

For some people, their entire substantial taxable income as reported to the IRS comes from their dealings in this economy.
有些人向美国国税局申报的所有实质性应税收入都是来自虚拟物品交易。 ibm

Goods purchased or taxable services consumed in the production of work-in-progress or finished goo ds which suffer abnormal losses.
非正常损失的在产品、产成品所耗用的购进货物或者应税劳务。 ebigear

His solution is to treat cannabis like booze: legal and taxable.
他的解决办法是要像对待酒精一样解决大麻问题:合法化和征税。 yeeyan

If the item is not taxable, it does not create an entry element for tax.
如果此项不必纳税,那么就不会创建对应于税的元素。 ibm

In other words, the government is losing out on billions of taxable dollars it could use to improve the national infrastructure, service debt, build schools and roads, even hire better tax collectors.
也就是说,其政府在“应税所得”上损失了数以亿万计的税收收入,而这部分收入是原本可用来改善国家基础设施、提高财政偿还能力、建设学校和道路、甚至是雇佣更高效的收税人员的。 yeeyan

Indonesia's tax authority has started enforcing a long- neglected rule that the royalties on imported films are taxable as well as the physical reels of celluloid.
印尼税务机关已经开始执行一项长期被忽视的制度,该制度规定对进口影片的使用权可以征税,影片也包括赛璐珞胶片盘。 ecocn

It also allows developers to swap that credit for a grant from the government, since the credit is of use only to firms that are making taxable profits— a rare thing these days.
开发商同时还可以用税收抵免额换取政府的一笔拨款,因为税收抵免仅对应税有利润的公司有效——这在当今还实属罕见。 ecocn

Say you have20% of your money in a taxable bond fund that charges the industry average of1.03% in annual expenses.
比如说,你将20%的资金投资到一家应征税债券基金中,该基金收取行业平均水平的1.03%年费。 iciba

Section515 capped the housing allowance that can be deducted, with anything over the prescribed amount being counted as taxable income.
该法案第515条规定了可减免的房屋补贴限额,超出指定额度的部分都将作为应税收入。 ebigear

Tax official: In this case,the taxation bureau will assess the taxable income, Since the expense has been considered in the assessment, the actor will not pay personal income tax.
税务局:在这种情况下,团体的应税 s所得由税务局核定,而核定中已考虑到其开支的情况,因此演员不纳税。 ebigear

The source of the new complexity is the proposal to treat payments made by employers into pension schemes as a taxable benefit to the employee.
这种新的复杂性是:把雇主应缴纳到养老金计划的费用视为对雇员的应纳税福利的提案。 ecocn

The big flaw in the plan is that taxable transactions are likely to migrate outside the EU.
此计划的一大问题在于应纳税的交易很可能会迁移到欧盟之外进行。 ecocn

This isn't necessarily a time to sell, but assuming you're investing on your own in taxable accounts, you'll want to be buying less.
这不一定是抛售的时候,不过假如你是用自己的纳税帐户投资,你应该少买进。 yeeyan

This year’s economic- stimulus legislation allowed states and local governments to issue taxable bonds and receive a federal subsidy equal to 35% of the bond’s interest.
今年经济刺激法案允许各州和地方政府发行可征税的债券和接受联邦政府相当于债券利息35%的补贴。 ecocn




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