

单词 tawdry
释义 taw·dry 英ˈtɔːdriː美ˈtɔdriAHDtôʹdrē ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八COCA³⁶⁸⁶¹BNC⁴⁰³¹⁴iWeb⁴⁰⁷⁷¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

tastelessly showy;

a flash car

a flashy ring

garish colors

a gaudy costume

loud sport shirts

a meretricious yet stylish book

tawdry ornaments

cheap and shoddy;

cheapjack moviemaking…that feeds on the low taste of the mob

来自tawdry,女用丝巾,缩写自tawdry lace,改写自St。Audrey'lace。来自英国7 世纪北方王国Northumbria皇后St。Audrey,在其纪念日Oct。17 每年集会通常会有类似丝巾出售,据说是因于她喉咙上长有一个肿瘤,因此需佩带丝巾遮盖,她最后也死于该肿瘤。由于戴这种丝巾的人太多,引申词义俗气的,花里故哨的。 tawdry来自tawdry,女用丝巾,缩写自tawdry lace,改写自St。Audrey'lace。来自英国7 世纪北方王国Northumbria皇后St。Audrey,在其纪念日Oct。17 每年集会通常会有类似丝巾出售,据说是因于她喉咙上长有一个肿瘤,因此需佩带丝巾遮盖,她最后也死于该肿瘤。由于戴这种丝巾的人太多,引申词义俗气的,花里故哨的。 tawdry来自tawdry,女用丝巾,缩写自tawdry lace,改写自St。Audrey'lace。来自英国7 世纪北方王国Northumbria皇后St。Audrey,在其纪念日Oct。17 每年集会通常会有类似丝巾出售,据说是因于她喉咙上长有一个肿瘤,因此需佩带丝巾遮盖,她最后也死于该肿瘤。由于戴这种丝巾的人太多,引申词义俗气的,花里故哨的。 lace来自拉丁语lacere,引诱,诱惑,词源同delicious, elicit。引申词义罗网,陷阱,后指编织罗网的绳索,带子,后用于指蕾丝,花边等。 lace来自拉丁语lacere,引诱,诱惑,词源同delicious, elicit。引申词义罗网,陷阱,后指编织罗网的绳索,带子,后用于指蕾丝,花边等。 谐音记忆tawdry音“桃坠”⇒俗丽的桃坠用桃核做成的饰物GRE难词记忆tawdry 音“桃坠”→俗丽的桃坠用桃核做成的饰物近义词 flash闪光loud大声的gaudy俗丽的cheap便宜的showy鲜艳的crude天然的tacky发粘的flashy闪光的shoddy劣质的tatty不整洁的brassy似黄铜的trashy垃圾似的tasteless无味的flamboyant艳丽的gimcrack无价值的garish过分装饰的meretricious华而不实的adorned动词adorn的过去式,…cheapjack兜售便宜货的叫卖小贩…barbaric极其粗野、残忍或残暴的…

用作形容词Everything seemed strange, sotawdryand grotesque.一切似乎都很新奇,很花哨,而且滑稽可笑。
The rare wine world is still recovering from thetawdryaffair.葡萄酒珍品界还对这个俗气的故事心有余悸。
The main street has assumed itstawdryprosperity with discomfort.繁华的大街透着一股不安的气氛。adj.cheap, tasteless
同义词 sleazy,tacky,vulgarblatant,brazen,chintzy,common,crude,dirty,flaring,flashy,flaunting,garish,gaudy,gimcrack,glaring,glittering,glitzy,jazzy,junky,loud,meretricious,obtrusive,offensive,plastic,poor,raffish,screaming,showy,sporty,tinsel
反义词 nicesophisticated,tasteful
brazenadjective brash, unashamed
brummagemadjective gaudy
cheapadjective low, vulgar
cheaperadjective low, vulgar
cheapestadjective low, vulgar
flashyadjective flamboyant, in poor taste
blatant,brazen,catchpenny,cheap,chintzy,flaunting,florid,garish,gaudy,glaring,glittering,glittery,glitzy,jazzy,loud,meretricious,ornate,ostentatious,showy,snazzy,sparkling,tacky,tasteless,tawdry,tinsel,vulgar A once tawdry media product has become fashionable.
曾经华而不实的媒体产品如今变得走俏起来。 ecocn

A tawdry daily propaganda sheet, the New Light of Myanmar, has dropped its quotidian slogans inveighing against the “ killer broadcasts” of overseas radio stations.
辞藻华丽的官方宣传日报,缅甸新光报,也撤下了每天都会用来抨击海外电台的诸如广播凶手之类的标语口号。 ecocn

And many voters, especially in Mr Rudd's crucial home state of Queensland, still disapprove of the tawdry way Labor bosses switched horses in mid-stream.
许多选民——尤其是在陆克文非常重要的出生地昆士兰,仍然不支持工党大佬们花哨的中途换人的方式。 ecocn

The consequences of this tawdry tale will be far-reaching, and so they should be.
这次的俗艳故事将会有深远的影响,这也本是应该的。 yeeyan

The implication in all such speeches is that a party's policies spring from the nation's collective consciousness, and not from anything so tawdry as political strategy sessions and focus groups.
所有这类演讲都在暗示,一个政党的政策来源于国家的集体意识,而不是来源于华而不实的政治策略会议和中心团体。 ecocn

The rare wine world is still recovering from the tawdry affair.
葡萄酒珍品界还对这个俗气的故事心有余悸。 ecocn

The tale of Miss Thompson going from schoolgirl to call girl is particularly tawdry, the Daily Mail revealed.
《每日邮报》讲述了珍妮从一个学生堕落为应召女郎的故事,简直骇人听闻。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

When they are not tawdry opportunities to air grievances, settle scores or rationalise errors, they tend to be tales of adversity with a triumphant twist.
作者不是借此机会大吐苦水,一了私人恩怨或为自己的过错辩解,就是讲述自己在逆境中突出重围的陈词滥调。 yeeyan

After the tawdry saga, this biography by Frances Kiernan, a former editor at the New Yorker, goes some way towards restoring Mrs Astor to her throne.
在这个美丽的传奇过后,《纽约人》前任编辑弗朗斯•基尔南为她立传,为的是让亚士多夫人重回宝座。 ecocn

But two tawdry facts remained: Mr Musharraf had never won an unrigged election; and had long been unpopular.
但他的两个污点依然存在:从未赢过一场他未加操控的选举;长期不受欢迎。 ecocn

Classic culture and art have been replaced by tawdry mystifications, exotic rites and vacation photos.
经典文化和艺术已经被低俗的故弄玄虚,外国仪式和假期的照片所替代。 trihero

Fortunately, your desire to have only the best things in life prevents you from wasting money on cheap, tawdry items that don't stand the test of time.
幸运地是,你的欲望都在昂贵的物品上,这就避免你花钱买些既便宜又不实用的东西了。 putclub

New York Republican Chris Lee resigned after the photo and some tawdry details at the Internet.
纽约共和党人 Chris Lee在这张照片及一些相关不雅细节在网络上曝光后主动辞职。 kekenet

On nearly every page, some character is shown to be pitiful or tawdry: Vince Foster, the White House lawyer who committed suicide;
该书几乎在每一页,都有一些遗憾的或是俗气的人:文斯福斯特,白宫的律师自杀身亡; yeeyan

Steve Coogan, a comedian whose private life has often been newspaper fodder, complained about“ tawdry muckraking” and the“ sociopathic” treatment meted out by editors.
史蒂夫·库根,一位私生活经常被报纸拿来说事的喜剧演员,抱怨编辑们“揭发低俗丑闻”以及对待名人的“反社会”倾向。 renren

The past was not as golden, nor is the present as tawdry, as the pessimists suggest, but the only thing really worth arguing about is the future.
过去不尽是辉煌,现在也不像悲观人士所说的那样俗艳不堪,但只有未来才值得畅想和讨论。 voa365

The channel reinvented itself in1996 as a purveyor of tawdry nostalgia with Pop-Up Video and perfected the form six years later with I Love the 80s.
该频道在1996年把自己重新定位为以弹出视频方式提供华丽怀旧的供应者,在六年后以“我爱80年代”达到了形式的完美。 yeeyan

What seemed sweet and sad immediately turns shabby and tawdry.
当时的甜蜜和伤心立马变得卑鄙和恶俗起来。 yeeyan

You made me feel like a king, dear. You made all others who came before seem cheap, tawdry, and shallow.
与你们相比,我之前看过的其他所有车都显得如此廉价、俗气、轻薄。 fortunechina




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