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词汇 taut
释义 taut. tɔːt

pulled or drawn tight;

taut sails

a tight drumhead

a tight rope

subjected to great tension; stretched tight;

the skin of his face looked drawn and tight

her nerves were taut as the strings of a bow

来自中古英语 tought,拉紧的,可能来自 tough 变体。taut.=tautologytaut-相同的taut tape switch纸带拉紧开关…taut wire紧拉钢线taut pulse弦脉taut tape attachment拉带附件taut-wire traverse测海上距离用张绳…taut market紧张的市场taut band紧带hand taut用手劲尽量拉紧的…taut planning突击计划taut airship软式飞艇
GRE难词记忆taut→taughtvbl. 教学→紧张的教学工作发音记忆套它 → 用套索套住它,再收紧 ⇒紧的GRE难词记忆taut 音“套的”→套的紧紧的近义词 firm公司tight紧的stiff硬的edgy急躁的tense紧张的rigid坚硬的wired有线的worried担心的anxious渴望的extended长期的strained紧张的stressed紧张的stretched拉伸的on edge紧张不安unrelaxed未松懈的inflexible不可弯曲的strung out吸毒成瘾而身体虚弱的…nervous神经的,神经细胞的,神经…

用作形容词If a bow-string is tootaut, it will snap.拉得太紧,弓弦就会断。
The lovely mouth wastautwith irony.漂亮的嘴讥讽地绷紧着。
He had atautexpression on his face, apparently very angry.他脸紧绷绷的,像很生气的样子。
As she rubbed thosetautmuscles, she hummed and prayed.她一边蹭着紧张的肌肉,一边嘟嘟囔囔地祈祷着。
He waved his arm at thetautwire of the horizon.他挥臂指向笔直的地平线。adj.rigid, tight
同义词 tenseclose,firm,flexed,snug,stiff,strained,stressed,stretched,tightly drawn,trim,unyielding
反义词 droopy,flabby,loose,slack
anxiousadjective worried, tense
afraid,aghast,antsy,apprehensive,basket case,bugged,butterflies,careful,choked,clutched,concerned,disquieted,distressed,disturbed,dreading,fearful,fidgety,fretful,hacked,hyper,in a state,in a tizzy,in suspense,jittery,jumpy,nervous,nervy,overwrought,restless,scared,shaking,shaky,shivery,shook-up,shot to pieces,solicitous,spooked,strung-out,sweating bullets,troubled,uneasy,unglued,unquiet,uptight,watchful,wired,worried sick,wreck
drawnadjective tense, fatigued
firmadjective stable, unmoving
inflexibleadjective hardened, stiff
more nervousadjective anxious, fearful
afraid,agitated,annoyed,apprehensive,basket case,bothered,concerned,distressed,disturbed,edgy,excitable,fidgety,fitful,flustered,fussy,hesitant,high-strung,hysterical,irritable,jittery,jumpy,nervy,neurotic,on edge,overwrought,querulous,restive,ruffled,sensitive,shaky,shrinking,shy,skittish,snappish,solicitous,spooked,taut,tense,timid,timorous,troubled,twitchy,uneasy,unrestful,unstrung,upset,uptight,volatile,weak,wired,worried
nervousadjective anxious, fearful
afraid,agitated,annoyed,apprehensive,basket case,bothered,concerned,distressed,disturbed,edgy,excitable,fidgety,fitful,flustered,fussy,hesitant,high-strung,hysterical,irritable,jittery,jumpy,nervy,neurotic,on edge,overwrought,querulous,restive,ruffled,sensitive,shaky,shrinking,shy,skittish,snappish,solicitous,spooked,taut,tense,timid,timorous,troubled,twitchy,uneasy,unrestful,unstrung,upset,uptight,volatile,weak,wired,worried The idea is to grab the ends of the string and spin the toy quickly until it becomes taut.
玩法也很简单,只需要用手抓住细绳的两端,然后让这个玩具快速旋转,直到绳子绷紧。 fortunechina

The new inspiration brought more taut and tailored clothes but above all the drapes, which ended in folds like a horn of plenty at short skirt hems.
新的灵感来源带来更加整洁和成熟的剪裁,但是关于这些褶皱,在短裙边缝的一些叠层看起来像是动物的触角。 yeeyan

The problem is exacerbated once the stitches are taken out because the edges of the tissue get pulled in different directions by the taut surrounding skin.
拆线后问题更严重,因为这时创口周围的皮肤绷紧,会把创口边缘拉向不同的方向。 yeeyan

All conspiracies are the same taut story of men who find coherence in some criminal act.
阴谋无一不是紧张刺激的故事,这些阴谋者从一些犯罪行为中找到了连贯性。 yeeyan

As he spoke, taut with emotion, its supporters were dancing in the street.
当他声情并茂地发表演讲之时,他的支持者走上街头欢快舞蹈。 ecocn

As they drew closer, I could see that the men’s faces were taut with anger, while the women looked nothing less than possessed.
随着他们越来越近,我看见男人们的脸都因而愤怒而紧绷着,而女人们看上去则没有那么疯狂。 yeeyan

Even astronauts in space like to keep their skin taut with citrus fruits.
在太空中的宇航员也经常用柑橘类水果来保持皮肤紧实。 yeeyan

Every muscle in her shoulders and arms went taut as she strained to maintain the pressure, to squeeze back the flood.
每次挤压,她都要小心翼翼的保持力度,肩上和双臂的肌肉不得不一直处在紧张状态。 yeeyan

He likened the economy to a piece of string stretched taut on a board.
他把经济比作固定在板上拉紧的橡皮筋。 ecocn

He looked taut, nervous, often miserable.
他看起来紧张不安,时常流露出痛苦神情。 yeeyan

I pulled the sheet over my head and lay there, every muscle of my body strung taut.
我拉过被单盖在头上躺在那里,我浑身肌肉紧绷绷的。 yeeyan

In the countryside, ribs poke from under the taut skin of livestock.
在农村,牲畜拉紧的皮肤下肋骨清晰可见。 yeeyan

Instead Australia's economy has been stretched taut.
而澳大利亚的经济是伸展拉紧的。 ecocn

It was dusk: the contrasts of the colors were fading into a vibrant chiaroscuro; the lunar fields and woods were now just barely visible contours on the taut surface of the shining globe.
黄昏已经来临,颜色的对比逐渐退化为黑白两色。月亮上的田野和森林现在只是这个闪亮的星球的光滑的表面上隐约可见的轮廓。 yeeyan

SURFING, with its risk-taking, expanses of taut flesh and sun-bleached hair, has been the coolest sport for more than half a century.
冲浪运动一直是最酷的运动之一,已经风靡大半个世纪。在惊涛骇浪,白浪滔天的海上冲浪可谓充满惊险。 ecocn

That is, until I picked up right where I'd left off in high school, when I fell for the taut, just short of scrawny, skater and drug dealer types.
就是如此,直到我收拾我高中时留下的,我倾心的那些紧巴巴的,骨瘦如柴的溜冰的和贩毒型的。 yeeyan

The old man braced himself, the line taut across his shoulders.
老人打起精神,斜挎在肩膀上的钓丝绷得紧紧的。 ebigear

The white canvas cover on the Conestoga wagon protected the freight from inclement weather; it was stretched taut over a series of wooden hoops that arched over the wagon bed.
康内斯托加式宽轮篷车的白色帆布保护货物免受恶劣天气的侵袭,篷车的底座上有很多拱形的木箍,帆布就绷在其上。 yeeyan

They all wore taut T-shirts and jeans or khakis.
他们都穿着合身的 T恤和牛仔裤或者卡其衫。 yeeyan

This was vintage Lauren, both in the finesse of his work and in the dark romance of the Edwardian era, which brought puffed shoulders on taut velvet jackets as well as the dark flowers.
这是复古版本的劳伦,构思巧妙和爱德华时代的黑色浪漫感的运用,紧身天鹅绒夹克上的蓬松肩膀以及暗色花朵图案。 yeeyan

Taut faces, threatened fraternity, such strong and chaste friendship among men-- these are the true riches because they are transitory.
在人们之中,紧绷的面孔、受到威胁的友爱、强烈而忠贞的友谊——这些才是真正的财富,因为它们短暂有限。 yeeyan




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