

单词 Tauscher
释义 Tauscher
California Democrat Representative Ellen Tauscher, says the Bush administration has not yet met conditions for full funding.
来自加州的民主党议员陶彻说,布什政府还没有满足足额拨款所需要的条件。 ebigear

In remarks later to VOA, Tauscher predicted the two sides would reach a deal very soon.
陶谢尔在随后向美国之音发表的评论中预计,两方将很快达成协议。 ebigear

Separately, Tauscher cautiously welcomed an announcement by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that Tehran is ready to send its enriched uranium overseas in exchange for nuclear fuel.
此外,陶谢尔对伊朗总统艾哈迈迪内贾德所作的宣告表示谨慎的欢迎。 艾哈迈迪内贾德说,德黑兰当局准备把本国的浓缩铀送往国外,以换取核燃料。 kekenet

Tauscher also says the administration has not yet provided a review of alternatives, or certified that the system has been acceptably tested for operational effectiveness.
陶彻同时指出,布什政府还没有提出对替代方案的评估,或者认定这个系统已经试验证明可以有效运行。 ebigear

Tauscher said the Obama administration is analyzing the Iranian president's latest remarks.
陶谢尔说,奥巴马政府正在分析伊朗最近的这番评论。 voanews




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