

单词 Tate
释义 Tate 英teɪt美tetAHDtāt 高Economist¹⁵¹⁷⁸
United States poet and critic 1899-1979
As a new Tate retrospective prepares to open, it can be difficult to judge the reputation of Henry Moore, in his own lifetime one of the most famous and wealthy artists in the world.
泰特美术馆的一个新的回顾展正在筹备中,他们可能很难去评价亨利·摩尔所应得的声誉,究其一生他都是世界上最有名最富有的艺术家之一。 yeeyan

The ones you took of Uncle Ben and Mr. Tate?
你给本叔叔和泰特先生照的那些照片吗? ebigear

When I showed at the Tate in 1992 almost every critic hated it.
1992年我在泰特美术馆举办展览的时候,几乎每个评论家都讨厌它。 yeeyan

“The point, ” says Tate Greenhalgh, the exhibition developer, “ is that survival isn't always the key to evolution: it's reproduction that really counts.”
展览发起者塔特.格林哈尔希说:“重点在于生存并非一直是进化的关键因素,真正重要的是生殖。” yeeyan

A Tate spokeswoman said it was now“ extremely experienced” at staging large interactive art installations to today's safety standards.
塔特艺术馆一名女发言人说,他们现在在根据当今安全标准上演大型互动艺术展览方面“特有经验”。 yeeyan

According to Tate curator Richard Morphet, the majority of the alcohol was consumed by the artists.
根据泰特策展人理查德•墨费特介绍说酒主要是由这两个艺术家消费的。 yeeyan

And I think he was angry at Mr. Tate.
我认为他是在生泰特先生的气。 ebigear

Anne Tate met a team from England for the Night Watch at the Wailing Wall. I will send her report out next.
Anne Tate与来自英格兰的「夜间守望」成员在哭墙见面,下次我会请她报告。 blog.sina.com.cn

Arshile Gorky, a great modern painter, seemed to go down like a lead balloon at the Tate a couple of years ago;
阿希尔·高尔基 Arshile Gorky,一名伟大的现代画家,似乎在几年前的泰特现代艺术馆 Tate)展览中未获成功; yeeyan

Ben Tufnell, who joined Haunch of Venison from Tate in2006, will continue as director of exhibitions.
本•塔夫内尔( Ben Tufnell曾于2006年退出泰特画廊 Tate而加盟鹿腿,他将继续担任画展总监一职。 ecocn

DAVID SCHWIMMER Ross has had the biggest critical success with a range of theatrical roles including the play Some Girls in London alongside Catherine Tate.
戴维施维默罗斯:他最重要的成功扮演了一系列戏剧性的角色,包括在伦敦与搭档凯瑟琳泰特出演的《一个女孩》。 www.i21st.cn

For example, if the user types Bru, I'd like my application to notice a value of“ Bruce Tate” in the database.
例如,如果用户键入 Bru,我想让我的应用程序注意到数据库中“ Bruce Tate” 这个值。 ibm

In this week's excerpt of Chapter1, “ Getting Started,” authors Tate and Gehtland take a simple application and show you how to automate it and enable it for Spring.
在本周所摘录的第1章“入门”中,作者 Tate和 Gehtland将采用一个简单的应用程序,演示如何使其自动化,并使其可用于 Spring。 blog.sina.com.cn

In Tate's version Lear lives out his last years in retirement, while Cordelia gets hitched to Edgar.
在塔特的版本里,李尔王在退休后得以安享天年,而考狄利娅则和埃德加终成眷属。 ebigear

It is not the first time that an art installation in the Tate's Turbine Hall has proved to be detrimental to the health of visitors.
事实证明,塔特漩涡厅的艺术装置给参观者造成损害已不是第一次了。 yeeyan

Judging by Tate's outstanding work, we can understand his change of heart.
从塔特出色的表现来看,我们就能理解他为什么改变心意了。 yeeyan

Last week I went to an exhibition of paintings at the Tate Gallery in London.
上星期我去伦敦塔特美术馆看了一场绘画展览。 kekenet

Mr Doig is still trying to come to terms with the price put on his work. His accomplished Tate show ought to help him do so.
道格仍希望人们能够认识到他的作品的价值,在泰特艺术中心的个人展正在帮助他完成这个心愿。 ecocn

The latest, “ Panorama”, has just opened at Tate Modern in London and will travel to Berlin and Paris.
最近一次巡回展取名“全景”,正在伦敦泰特美术馆展出,接下来将到柏林和巴黎。 ecocn

The large-scale gelatin silver print was taken in1969, just months before actress Tate and4 others were slain by followers of Charles Manson.
这张大幅黑白照片摄于1969年。拍摄几个月后,演员塔特与其余4人便遭“杀人魔王”查尔斯·曼森的追随者杀害。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Turner is synonymous with the Tate Gallery in London, which holds the vast part of the repository that he and his family bequeathed to the nation.
泰纳的大名是英国伦敦泰特美术馆 Tate Gallery的同义词,这个美术馆保管着泰纳与其家人遗留给国家的绝大部分艺术作品。 ecocn

When his late paintings were shown at Tate Modern they were a hit.
当他的晚期作品在泰特现代艺术馆展示时,它们曾轰动一时。 yeeyan

When we asked Reebok to send us Terry Tate, some people thought we were crazy.
当我们要求锐步派特里?塔特给我们时,有些人认为我们是疯了。 iciba

You did it, Tate.
是你做的赝品,泰特。 ebigear

Tate demonstrates how to balance rapid releases and long-term sustainability, achieving both rich functionality and superior quality.
Tate论证了如何平衡快速的发布和长期的持续,达到丰富的功能和良好的质量。 ibm




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