

单词 Tatars
释义 TatarsEconomist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
Russia regained the lands lost to Sweden in the Livonian War and the Tatars were crushed.
露西亚收回在立窝尼亚战争中输给瑞典的土地,并粉碎了鞑靼人的入侵。 com

The Russian ambassador in the Crimea reported that just a third of the Tatars came back home from this campaign.
在克里米亚的露西亚大使报告,仅仅三分之一的鞑靼人从战斗中回到家乡。 com

The battle raged for the entire day, the Tatars suffering heavy losses under the fire of Russian artillery.
战斗持续了一整天,在露西亚炮兵的火力下鞑靼人遭受重大损失。 com

The Khan's brother and general, Amurat, died in the fighting, which further dismayed the Tatars.
汗的兄弟和将领,阿穆拉特,在战斗中丧生,这进一步使鞑靼人沮丧。 bbs.mountblade.com.cn

The surprise attack caused panic among the Tatars which resulted in their chaotic flight.
突如其来的袭击在鞑靼人之中造成恐慌,导致他们混乱地溃逃。 com

A path- breaking step on the way to restoration of statehood of the Tatar people was the declaration of the Tatars Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in1920.
一项开拓性的一步的方式,以恢复国家的鞑靼人是宣言的鞑靼自治苏维埃社会主义共和国于1920年。 iskz

After the Tatars were defeated, Russia could turn against Sweden.
在鞑靼人被击败后,露西亚可以转身对付瑞典。 com

Azerbaijan also contains numerous smaller groups, such as Kurds, Georgians, Tatars and Ukrainians.
阿塞拜疆也有大量的小的族群,像库尔德人,克鲁吉亚人,鞑靼人以及乌克兰人。 ebigear

During it Tatars for the last time in history reached Moscow.
尽管在这场战争中,鞑靼军队在历史上最后一次兵临莫斯科城下。 com

Her style and knowledge are not only from the Ukrainans but also the Greeks, Poles, Tatars, Russians.
她的风格不仅来源于乌克兰,还来自希腊,波兰,俄罗斯,及靼鞑文化。 tianya

It has no significant Muslim population just a handful of Tatars, and some Soviet- era Iraqis, both highly integrated.
它也没有大量的穆斯林只有少量的鞑靼人,一些苏维埃时期的伊拉克人,彼此都是高度的整合。 ecocn

It not only spread among Kazak, but also in mysteries of Turk language family, such as the Turkey, the Uzbeks, the Tatars, the Az- azerbaijanis and so on.
它不仅传承于哈萨克族民间,而且广泛流传于土耳其、乌孜兹别克、塔塔尔鞑靼、阿塞拜疆等突厥语族的大部分民族之中。 cnki

Jeremi proposed to march against Chmielnicki, who still waited for the Crimean Tatars.
耶雷梅建议行军攻击还在等待克里米亚鞑靼人的赫麦尔尼茨基。 bbs.mountblade.com.cn

Jermi sent six light cavalry banners under Koniecpolski against the Tatars.
耶雷梅派出六个骑兵旗队从属于卡琳瑙斯基之下对抗鞑靼人。 bbs.mountblade.com.cn

Strzelcy, meaning shooter in Polish, are light horse troops created to counter the fast moving forces from the east used by the Russians and Tatars.

The attack cleared the Tatars from the field, and continued the chase.
这次袭击从战场上清除了鞑靼人,并继续追击。 bbs.mountblade.com.cn

Turkey, which talks of regaining the influence it enjoyed in the Ottoman days, also has an interest in Ukraine, especially in Crimea, home to260,000 ethnic Tatars.
而一贯宣称要重振奥斯曼帝国时期的雄风的土耳其,对乌克兰也表示了极大的兴趣,对26万鞑靼族人的家园克里米亚则更是垂涎欲滴。 topsage

We bring to your attention sketches about the Tatars living in the Russian regions and abroad.
我们提请您注意写生有关鞑靼人生活在俄罗斯的地区和国外。 iskz

Yedisan Tatars traded there in the 14th century.
十四世纪,东欧的鞑靼人在此从事贸易。 sports




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