

单词 tastes
释义 taste·s 英teɪst美teɪst COCA⁹²¹²BNC⁷⁶⁴¹Economist⁶²⁵⁴

sensation caused in the tongue by things placed on it


ability to perceive and enjoy what is beautiful or harmonious


liking or preference

vt. & vi. 尝,品尝,尝到

judge flavour by putting in the mouth

the sensation that results when taste buds in the tongue and throat convey information about the chemical composition of a soluble stimulus;

the candy left him with a bad taste

the melon had a delicious taste

a strong liking;

my own preference is for good literature

the Irish have a penchant for blarney

delicate discrimination especially of aesthetic values;

arrogance and lack of taste contributed to his rapid success

to ask at that particular time was the ultimate in bad taste

a brief experience of something;

he got a taste of life on the wild side

she enjoyed her brief taste of independence

a small amount eaten or drunk;

take a taste--you'll like it

the faculty of distinguishing sweet, sour, bitter, and salty properties in the mouth;

his cold deprived him of his sense of taste

a kind of sensing; distinguishing substances by means of the taste buds;

a wine tasting

have flavor; taste of somethingperceive by the sense of taste;

Can you taste the garlic?

take a sample of;

Try these new crackers

Sample the regional dishes

have a distinctive or characteristic taste;

This tastes of nutmeg

distinguish flavors;

We tasted wines last night

experience briefly;

The ex-slave tasted freedom shortly before she died


❌ The meat is tasted well.

❌ The meat is tasting well.

✔️ The meat tastes good.


taste, flavour

这两个词的意思都与味道有关。其区别在于flavour表示“添加香味”或“调味”; 而taste则表示“品尝”“有…滋味”。例如:

Taste some of this cake.请尝尝这种蛋糕。
The sauce tastes too sweet.这果酱味太甜。
taste, taste of

1.taste可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词, taste of中的taste是不及物动词。

2.taste用作不及物动词时意思是“尝起来”“有味道”,用作及物动词时,意思是“品尝…”; taste of的意思是“有…味道”,用作文学用语的意思是 “知道”“体验”。

taste, flavour

这两个词的意思都与味道有关。其区别在于flavour表示“添加香味”或“调味”; 而taste则表示“品尝”“有…滋味”。例如:

Taste some of this cake.请尝尝这种蛋糕。
The sauce tastes too sweet.这果酱味太甜。13世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的taster;最初源自通俗拉丁语的tastare,意为品尝
用作名词 n.
动词+~create a taste产生兴趣develop a taste培养兴趣display a taste表现出兴趣give a taste发出一种味道have a taste of尝尝improve the taste of改进…的味道leave a taste of留下…味道meet the taste符合口味satisfy a taste for满足对…的兴趣show a taste表现出兴趣spoil the taste of破坏…味道suit the taste符合口味take a taste of尝尝形容词+~acquired taste后天养成的嗜好all tastes不同的口味artistic taste艺术鉴赏力bad taste低级趣味,粗俗bitter taste苦味burnt taste烧焦的味道,煳味excellent taste有风味,大方,有礼貌foul taste恶臭的味道good taste谈吐得体,雅观literary taste文学品味little taste没什么味道,没什么趣味much taste很有滋味musical taste音乐欣赏力nice taste美味personal taste个人兴趣pleasant taste好闻的味道poor taste低级趣味,不礼貌,粗鲁,不得体popular taste大众的爱好strong taste恶臭味,浓烈的味道sweet taste甜味名词+~chocolate taste巧克力的味道介词+~in taste高雅地,得体地man of taste风雅的人sense of taste味觉,情趣感to one's taste合口味to the king's taste尽善尽美地to the queen's taste尽善尽美地~+介词taste for brandy喝白兰地酒的嗜好taste for music音乐欣赏能力taste in choosing pictures在选择绘画方面的鉴赏力taste in clothes在服装方面的鉴赏力taste in music音乐欣赏能力taste in the mouth嘴里的味道taste of music音乐兴趣taste of the pudding尝尝布丁的味道用作动词 v.~+名词taste alcohol喝酒taste blood因击败敌人而快乐taste cakes吃糕点taste coffee尝咖啡taste defeat尝到挫败的滋味taste duck's web品尝鸭掌taste failure尝到失败的滋味taste food进食taste freedom尝到自由的滋味taste fruit吃水果taste herbs尝草药taste one's breakfast吃早饭taste pepper吃出辣椒味taste power尝到权力的滋味taste tea品茶taste the soup尝一口汤taste the sweets and bitters of life饱尝人生的甘苦taste the wine尝酒~+副词taste almost几乎没有吃taste barely几乎没有吃taste briefly短暂回味taste faintly无限回味taste quickly迅速品尝taste slyly暗自回味taste sparingly味不足地taste strongly有强烈的…味taste tentatively试尝~+介词taste for味道适合,尽管有味taste like味道像taste like carrots味道像胡萝卜taste like jellyfish味道像海蜇taste of有…味道,略有些…意味taste of beef有牛肉味道taste of brandy有白兰地的味道taste of chicken有鸡肉味道taste of earth有土腥味taste of lemon有柠檬味taste of onions有洋葱的味道taste of poverty尝到贫穷的滋味taste of success尝到成功的滋味taste of the schools带有学究气
用作名词n.in good taste

行为高尚 (action, etc. noble; lofty)

leave a bad taste in the mouth

留下一种嫌恶的感觉,一个坏印象或回忆 be followed by a feeling of disgust; be followed by an unpleasant feeling or memory

taste for

爱好,嗜好 liking or preference

taste in

喜欢,爱好 take great pleasure in; have sth as a hobby

to sb's taste

合意,中意 agreeable or pleasing to one

with taste

优美,高雅 graceful; fine; exquisite

taste of v.+prep.

有某种味道; 体验到 have the specific flavour of or have experience of

taste of sthThe soup tastes of onion.这汤有洋葱味。
The tea tasted faintly of bitter almonds.这茶有点苦杏仁的味道。
Her lips tasted of wild strawberries.她嘴唇上有野草莓的味道。
The water here tastes of earth.这儿的水有土腥味。
He has tasted of the happiness in serving the people.他体会到了为人民服务的乐趣。
Age but tastes of pleasures, youth devours.人生的欢乐,老年人只能略尝,而青年人则可尽情享受。
She has now tasted of failure.她现在尝到了失败的滋味。
The boy has tasted of poverty.那孩子已尝到贫困的滋味。
His writings taste of the school.他的文章有学究气。
The valiant only tasted of death but once.勇者爱品尝死亡的滋味,尽管只有一次。近义词 siptrysampleundergo

用作名词n.This milk has got a funny taste.牛奶有怪味。
It has a delicious taste.这东西味道鲜美。
It is a colourless liquid with a burning taste.这是有强烈味道的无色液体。
Some oranges have a bitter taste.有些橘子有苦味。
Sugar has a sweet taste.糖有甜味。
This cake has no taste.这蛋糕一点味道也没有。
Food which is cooked too much has no taste.煮过头的食物无味道。
It hasn't much taste.这东西味道不浓。
I had a taste of the soup to see if it needed more salt.我尝了一口汤,看看是不是还要加点盐。
Do have a taste of this cake.尝尝这蛋糕吧。
It is flavoured with the taste of apple.它加有苹果的香味。
Give him a taste of the whip.让他尝尝这鞭子的滋味。
Once you've had a taste of life in our country you won't want to return home.你一旦在我们国家尝过生活的滋味,就不愿意回家了。
I've got a cold, so I've lost my sense of taste.我患了感冒,所以丧失了味觉。
The girl has excellent taste in dress.这姑娘对衣着有极好的鉴赏力。
You need good taste before you can enjoy this music.有很强的鉴赏力,才能欣赏这种音乐。
We all admire your taste in art.我们大家都羡慕你的艺术修养。
These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.这些式样可以加以更改,以适合个人的喜好。
There's no accounting for tastes.人各有所好。
She and Reid shared the same tastes and interests.她和雷特兴趣爱好相同。
It is all a matter of taste.这是一个嗜好上的问题。用作动词v.≪用作不及物动词
S+~+AHow does it taste?这东西味道如何?
White arsenic doesn't taste.砒霜无味。
Sometimes when you are ill, you can't taste properly.生病时有时吃什么都没有滋味。
S+~+ adj.It tastes delicious.这东西很好吃。
These oranges taste sweet.这些橘子吃起来挺甜。
This food tasted good.这东西味道不错。
Add two cans of orange juice to the mixture and it will taste better.把两听橘子汁加在拌和物里,吃起来味道会好些。
The mixture tasted horrible.混合液的味道太恶心了。
The liquid tastes bitter.这种药水有苦味。
I don't like dry wine, it tastes sour.我不喜欢干白葡萄酒,它有一股酸味。
Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth.良药苦口。S+~+ prep. -phraseIt tastes like apple.这吃起来味道像苹果。
S+~+ n.She tasted her coffee, and then added more sugar.她尝了口咖啡,接着又往里加了点儿糖。
Taste this cake and tell me whether you like it?尝尝这块蛋糕,告诉我你喜欢吗?
He tasted the wine before drinking it.他喝酒之前先尝了尝。
I think I can taste garlic and mint in the sauce.我认为我在调味汁里能尝出大蒜和薄荷的味道。
He was hungry and he had not tasted any of grandpa's cooking for a long time.他早饿了,而且也很久没有尝过祖父烧的菜了。
We can taste nothing when we have a cold.要是感冒了,就什么东西也尝不出味来了。
He had tasted the delights of country life and never again wanted to live in town.他已尝到乡村生活的乐趣,从此再也不想住在城镇了。
He has tasted the sweets and bitters of life.他已饱尝了人生的苦乐。
They tasted defeat for the first time.他们经历了首次失败。
The patient has not tasted food for days.病人已有几天没有吃过一点东西了。
I have never tasted spirits such as brandy and whisky.我从未喝过一口白兰地和威士忌之类的烈酒。
He had not tasted food for forty hours.他已40个小时没吃东西了。
Some books are to be tasted and some to be chewed and digested.一些书须浅尝,而另一些书须仔细推敲,认真消化。





to taste用作烹调指示语时,可表示“随个人的口味”。




taste也可用作系动词,表示“吃〔尝〕起来有…味”,主语一般为物,后面常跟形容词作表语,具有被动意义。taste后还可带“like+ n. ”结构作表语。

taste与人称主语连用时,可用来形容感觉,常与can, could连用。

用作名词I've got a cold and so I have lost my sense oftaste.我伤风了,尝不出味道。
The medicine has a bittertaste.这药有苦味。
She likes her firsttasteof life in a big city.她喜欢她对大城市生活的初次体验。
She has goodtastein clothes.她对服装有很好的审美眼光。
They have not at least been given atastefor nature in early life.至少,他们在少年时期没有受到爱好自然的培养。用作动词That's the best wine I've evertasted.那是我喝过的最好的酒
You cantastethe curry to see if it's hot enough.你可以尝尝这道咖喱菜,看看够不够辣。
This souptastesof chicken.这汤里有鸡肉的味道。
It's been 13 years since they lasttastedvictory.我们已经有13年没有体验胜利的滋味了。“ When we offer people a taste, they say, ‘ This tastes like water,’ ” he says.
“当我们向人们提供水品尝时,他们说,‘这味道像水一样,’”他说。 yeeyan

And they can shape the tastes of future consumers.
他们可以塑造未来的消费者的口味。 ecocn

But yet they produce food that tastes the same everywhere even.
但他们仍能在全球各地提供味道一致的快餐。 yeeyan

But one of the DPJ’s few triumphs in its first months in office was to do so in a way that suited Japanese tastes— as television drama.
但这还是民主党上台第一个月获得的少数成功之一,因为这样做符合日本人的口味与电视一样充满戏剧性。 ecocn

But they say they can go only so far, so fast without compromising tastes consumers have come to relish or salt’s ability to preserve food.
但他们说在不对消费者喜欢的味道或盐保存食物的功能上作出让步的情况下,他们只能做到这一步,做得这么快。 yeeyan

Dip into the chicken soup and see how it tastes.

Drink a Pepsi or Coke or Mountain Dew or Sprite and you feel good because it tastes good.
喝百事,可口可乐,山露或者雪碧,你会感觉很好。 那是因为他们的味道非常好。 yeeyan

Food tastes good or bad based on the sensations it causes in your mouth and belly, right?
食物味道的好或坏取决于它在你口腔和肚皮里时的感觉,是这样吗? yeeyan

Freedom tastes as good as they say it does.
自由的味道如同他们所说的那么美好。 yeeyan

Freedom tastes as good as they say it does. Now I know the price is worth the promise.
自由的味道如同他们所说的那么美好。而我现在知道希望是值得你付出代价的。 yeeyan

He does not want to lose you, but is being cautious about how accepting you might be of his erotic tastes.
他并不想失去你,而且正在谨慎地试探你对他的性口味能接受到什么程度。 yeeyan

If one person tells you a restaurant stinks, they may have had a unique experience or simply have different tastes than you.
如果一个人告诉你一家饭店非常糟糕,那么他们可能是有一次特别的经历或仅仅是和你有不同的口味。 yeeyan

It is debatable whether the tastes of kings reflect those of their subjects.
国王的品味是否反映了臣民的品味,这是值得商榷的。 ebigear

No- one else has exactly the same experiences, biases, tastes, physical features and perspective as you do.
没有任何其他人会有和你完全一样的经历、偏见、品味、身体特征和观点。 yeeyan

The food tastes delicious.

This suits my tastes best.

We like Shao Xing rice wine because it tastes good.
我们喜欢绍兴黄酒是因为它口味很好。 iask.edu.sina.com.cn

When you eat something and it tastes like something else.
你吃一个东西但觉得味道像另一个东西。 yeeyan

Why did they follow their own tastes?
为什么跟着自己的口味走呢? yeeyan

Yes, it tastes like chicken.
是的,它的味道像鸡。 yeeyan

Your habits and tastes.
你的习惯和品味。 yeeyan

Your tastes will change.
你的品味会变化。 yeeyan




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