

单词 taster
释义 tast·er 英ˈteɪstə美ˈtestɚAHDtāʹstər ★☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁵⁶²⁰BNC³¹²⁵⁴iWeb¹⁸⁸⁴⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
someone who samples food or drink for its quality来自 taste,品尝,品味,-er,人。蒋争熟词记忆taste尝-er者⇒尝味者taste尝-er者⇒尝味者近义词 buyer买方sample样品preview预审excerpt摘录analyst分析家foretaste预示specialist专家sampler刺绣样本blender混合的人connoisseur鉴识家appetizerC开胃食品…

用作名词She is a winetaster, whose job is to sample wine every day.她是一个品酒师,每天的工作就是品酒。as in.cup
同义词 bowl,drink,mugbeaker,cannikin,chalice,cupful,demitasse,draught,goblet,grail,potion,stein,teacup,tumbler,vessel
cupnoun container for drinking
beaker,bowl,cannikin,chalice,cupful,demitasse,draught,drink,goblet,grail,mug,potion,stein,teacup,tumbler,vessel Here, a taster draws a sample from a cask at the Bruichladdich distillery on the Isle of Islay.
图上是位于艾雷岛上布鲁克莱迪克酒厂的一个品酒师正在从木桶中抽取样品。 yeeyan

How about an ice-Cream taster?
当一个冰淇凌品尝师怎么样? iask.sina.com.cn

Rachid Gandra is a tea taster and blender for an important company in London.
理查·甘达是伦敦一家大公司的品茶师和配茶师。 iciba

The Derby firm, which also makes Love Hearts, Rainbow Drops and Parma Violets, has now given the youngster chief taster overalls and business cards.
德比公司还生产爱心糖,彩虹水果糖,帕尔马紫罗兰糖,目前已给这位年幼的首席品尝师发放了工作服和名片。 yeeyan

The Taster's Choice couple wants to adopt you.

Well, that's just a taster.
这只不过使一些小知识而已。 blog.sina.com.cn

Also, a competent taster may be said to have a good palate.
同时,一个好的品酒师可能会被认为拥有很好的味觉。 best789

Another one of the world's best job has gone to schoolboy Harry Willsher,12, chief taster in a sweet factory.
另一个世界最好工作给了12岁的学生哈里威尔舍,成为糖果厂的首席品尝师。 yeeyan

But oil appeal is on the palate of the taster.
但油的魅力却是由品尝师的口味决定的。 yeeyan

He joked that when Joe Bruno, the formidable majority leader of the state Senate, invited him to dinner he accepted, but vowed to take a food- taster with him.
他开玩笑道,当时 Joe Bruno,参议院大多数派的一位令人望而生畏的领导者,曾邀请他去吃饭,他答应了不过是在同应和他一起吃快餐的前提下。 ecocn

I also consider myself to be an expert chocolate taster!
而且我认为我还是一名专业的巧克力品尝师! www.csetc.com.cn

I think you've got it wrong. Brian is the official taster at the pie factory.
我想你误会了,布莱恩是馅饼厂的试味专员。 www.english-corner.com.cn

One of a few I'm working on right now, not close to being finished, but here's a taster.
我现在的几个之一,而不是接近完成,但这里的一个品酒师。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org

Our Wine taster will give you a short presentation on wine, followed by an introduction to wine tasting.
我们的品酒师将会做一个简短的红酒展示,然后会有关于葡萄酒的详细介绍。 cultureyard.net

The world got a taster of the sun's explosive power in February when the strongest solar eruption in five years sent a torrent of charged plasma hurtling towards the world at580 miles per second.
地球在今年二月份时遭到了五年之后最强的太阳爆发的干扰,等离子的洪流以每秒580英里的速度向人类世界奔驰而来。 ebigear

The precise geometrical shape of the glass makes wine taster enjoy most of the mellow aroma of the wine with least wine set.
这种具有精确几何形状的酒杯能够使品酒者以最少的酒具享受尽可能多的酒香。 wines-info

The team's formula is useful for more than just helping a wine taster“ impress his friends,” Reclari says.
这个团队得出的公式不仅可用于让品酒师“打动他的朋友”,莱克拉里说道。 yeeyan

While we still rush through lunch at a fast food restaurant, we prefer to take time to relax and enjoy the finer taster of home style dinner with our family after work.

Wine and art are both emotional things. The art lounge represents the combined attainments of painter and wine taster.
酒与艺术都是用情之物。艺术酒廊兼容了画师与品酒师的双栖造诣。 zsjdc




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