

单词 taste bud
释义 taste bud ˈteɪstbʌd ☆☆☆☆☆高T短语¹⁰⁶¹⁰⁰⁺

an oval sensory end organ on the surface of the tongue近义词 tastebud味蕾gustatory organ味觉器官
用作名词The aroma of herbs fulls thetaste budand it's fantastic!一股清香的药材味充满着味蕾,浓而不俗的汤头,难怪每当晚餐时间就座无虚席。
This colour-enhanced image depicts ataste budon the tongue.这张颜色增强图片描绘了舌头的一个味蕾。noun.taste cell
同义词 gustatory cell,lingua,palate,taste bulb,taste goblet,taste hair,tongue Enjoy hawthorn and black tea, sweet and sour feeling, to your taste bud.
山楂与红茶共享,悠悠酸甜,直达你的味蕾。 ajangel.com

Later research has revealed that taste bud seems to contain50 to100 receptors for each taste.
后来的研究发现味蕾似乎包含了针对每种味道的50至100个受体。 bioon

Methods:The distribution of taste bud was observed by paraffin serial sections, the ultrastructure of taste bud was studied by trasmis-sion electron microscopy.
方法:用石蜡切片观察江豚味蕾的分布,用透射电镜观察味蕾的超微结构。 chemyq

Recommended Reason: The hot taste challenges your taste bud.
推荐理由:火辣风味挑战你的味蕾。 www.open.sd-china.com




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