

单词 tashan
释义 tashanCOCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
In Tashan mine of Datong Coal Group, an air-return shaft is temporarily reformed into hoisting shaft to speed up the construction greatly.
同煤集团塔山矿利用进回风井临时改绞解决提升运输,以达到改扩建工程的快速施工的目的。 dictall

The procedure and cause of blue algae eruption in Tashan Reservoir were introduced.
简述了塔山水库蓝藻暴发的过程及成因。 dictall

The quality of the sacred building site in the middle stratum of Tashan, Songzhe culture is very important for the study on the origin of the altar of Liangzhu culture.
塔山中层崧泽文化时期祭祀建筑遗存性质的认定,对良渚文化“祭坛”的渊源探讨具有重要价值。 cnki

After a many, many years, the earth's crust changes, which bring water receded, became the land, two rock reef which is now Shuang Tashan.
过了许多许多年,地壳变迁,这一带海水退去,成了陆地,两个石礁就是现在的双塔山。 elycn

By means of analysing its geological nature the mineral and chemical composition as well as the physical and mechanical properties of the Tashan marble were researched.
作者通过对塔山大理石矿床地质特征的分析,研究了岩石的矿物成分、化学成分和物理、力学性质。 cnki

Chengde city30 miles south-west, there are two north-south row of a huge rock column open, par pass away, the shape of pagodas, each brick tower a peak, hence the name Shuang Tashan.
承德市区西南30里处,有两颗巨大岩柱南北排开,比肩而立,状似宝塔,峰顶各有砖塔一座,故名双塔山。 elycn

Of course Tashan Temple had a big Free Life Pond, and when these two scholars saw the thousands of eels and fish swimming happily in the pond, they were touched.
当然,大善寺里也有一个很大的放生池。当这两位学者看到放生池里的鳝鱼和其他鱼快乐地游来游去,他们深深感动了。 for68

Since1993, annual Spring Festival will be held in Tashan folk, the temple fair, March, will be the ninth festival.
自1993年以来,塔山每年举办民俗迎春会、正月初九庙会、三月三山会等节庆活动。 qite8

The paper introduces design goals of Tashan Mine office building square in Datong Coalmine Group Co.
介绍了大同煤矿集团公司大唐塔山矿井办公楼广场的设计宗旨及设计说明。 cnki

Therefore, Shuang Tashan top of the “ small temple” pagoda age of the building should be before the Liao Dynasty.
故双塔山顶上“小庙”砖塔的建设年代应在辽代以前。 elycn

This paper introduces the used safety measures and the matters needing attention in construction of tunnel cut by TBM method in Tashan coal mine of Datong City.
文中介绍了用隧洞掘进机 TBM在大同塔山矿主平峒掘进施工中采取的安全措施和应该注意的事项。 chemyq

Yantai Tashan scenic area is located in Yantai downtown area, Zhifu district southeast of the embrace of taishan.
烟台塔山风景区位于烟台市中心区----芝罘区东南的塔山怀抱之中。 qite8

Tashan its peak early built a pagoda named, which carry Daishan East, the West led Nanshan, as a natural green barrier will be taken care of urban downtown.
塔山因其主峰早年建有一座宝塔而得名,它东携岱山、西牵南山,如同一道天然的绿色屏障将繁华的市区揽护怀中。 qite8

Tashan scenic area covers an area of about1330000 square meters, East and Daishan connected to the West and south, connected, forming the Yantai city Zhifu district a natural green barrier.
塔山风景区占地面积约133万平米,东与岱山相连,西与南山相接,形成了烟台市芝罘区的一道天然绿色屏障。 qite8




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