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词汇 Taseer
释义 TaseerBNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
After Mr Taseer’s death, Mr Bhatti, a Christian, was a rare prominent politician to condemn the governor’s murder.
塔希尔遇刺后,巴蒂作为基督教徒,也是为数不多站出来谴责暗杀事件的高级官员之一。 ecocn

And what police are saying is that Salmaan Taseer was getting out of his car when he was shot dead by one of his own security guards.
据警方表示,案发的时候萨尔曼·塔希尔正从他的座驾出来,被他自己的一名保镖开枪射死。 hjenglish

Hopes for a more liberal Pakistan were dealt a blow with the assassination of Salman Taseer by his police bodyguard.
萨尔曼•塔西尔被贴身警卫暗杀的事件使得祈求走向自由民主的巴基斯坦受到当头一棒。 ecocn

The Islamist right has rallied against any change, which is not on the cards— especially since the assassination last month of Salman Taseer, governor of Punjab province, for his support of reform.
修改法令似乎是没有可能,尤其是上月发生了旁遮普省省长塔希尔 Salman Taseer因其支持修改法令遇刺的事件,尽管如此,伊斯兰教主义者右派还在举行集会抗议,反对修改法令。 ecocn

When Mr Hoodbhoy accused one of them—a mullah from the “moderate” Barelvi school— of having Mr Taseer’s blood on his hands, the response was a lament: “How I wish I did!”
后来 Hoodbhoy指着他们中的一位来自立场中庸的 Barelvi学校的毛拉,并谴责他说手上沾了省长先生的鲜血,得到的回应是一声叹息:“要是真有就好了!” yeeyan

Demonstrations in support of the murderer of Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab, in January, startled and horrified Pakistan’s liberals.
1月份支持刺杀 Punjab州长 Salman Taseer的游行示威震惊并恐吓到了巴基斯坦的自由主义者。 ecocn

In Pakistan Taseer concentrates on particularities, and here his writing is particularly good.
在巴基斯坦,塔西尔专注于细节描写,这里特别体现出作者的文笔之佳。 yeeyan

It is believed Mr Taseer had been returning to his car after meeting a friend for lunch at a nearby restaurant.

It is a dreadful measure of how far Pakistan has sunk since then that Salman Taseer, governor of Punjab, was murdered on January4th because of his outspoken support for that principle.
这个糟糕的议案使该国沉没的如此之深以至于旁遮普省省长萨尔曼塔西尔因其对此原则的坦率支持而于1月4日被谋杀。 ecocn

Meanwhile, as Mr Taseer himself never failed to point out, the state gives succour to violent, extremist organisations.
同时,正如塔希尔先生一贯所指出的,该国甚至给予暴力极端组织援助。 ecocn

Mr Bhatti, a Christian, was a critic of Pakistan’s harsh blasphemy laws, as was Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab, who was assassinated two months ago.
巴蒂是一名基督教徒,与两个月前遇刺的旁遮边省省长斯拉姆 塔赛尔同样批评过巴国严酷的亵渎法律。 ecocn

Mr Taseer was the governor of Punjab, a largely ceremonial position in Pakistan’s most populous province, but a high- profile one for all that.
塔希尔先生生前是旁遮普省省长,旁遮普是巴基斯坦人口最多的省,虽然塔希尔的省长这一职位基本上是个名誉职位,但仍是相当令人瞩目的。 ecocn

Mr Taseer’s killer, Mumtaz Qadri, may have acted alone— an investigation may get to the root of it.
刺杀塔希尔先生的凶手蒙塔兹•卡达里有可能是单独行动----一项调查会深究其根本动机。 ecocn

Mr Taseer made headlines recently by appealing for the pardon of a Christian woman, Asia Bibi, who had been sentenced to death for allegedly insulting the Prophet Muhammad.

One of Pakistan's best-known liberal politicians, the governor of Punjab province Salman Taseer, has been shot dead in Islamabad.
巴基斯坦最知名的一个自由派政治家,旁遮普省省长萨尔曼•塔西尔 Salman Taseer在伊斯兰堡被枪杀。 tingclass

Police say Salman Taseer, 56, was assassinated because of his controversial campaign to reform the country's blasphemy laws.

The governor of Punjab province, the most populous in Pakistan, Mr Taseer was an outspoken critic of religious intolerance and of the country’s harsh and arbitrary blasphemy law.
这位巴基斯坦最多人口普遮省的领导人萨尔曼•塔西尔是一位对坦率的批评家。 他批评那些缺乏包容的宗教,批评那些专横的国家和随意亵渎神明的法律。 ecocn

The PPP has been rocked by Mr Taseer's murder, which brings back memories of the ghastly assassination by extremists of the party's leader, Benazir Bhutto, in2007.
人民党因塔希尔先生遇害大为震惊,这不由让人想起该党党魁贝•布托在2007年惨遭极端分子刺杀之事。 ecocn

The PPP dared not back Mr Taseer’s call for the blasphemy law to be overturned, nor even to back the law’s reform.
人民党也不敢支持塔希尔先生要求废除亵渎法的呼吁,甚至都不敢支持亵渎法的改革。 ecocn

The response to another death suggests that the hostility towards Mr Taseer may not have been only about religion.
对另一起死亡事故的回应暗示对 Mr Taseer先生的敌对情绪并不仅仅关乎宗教问题。 ecocn

These weaknesses perhaps say more about our publishing and reading culture than they do about Taseer.
这些不足之处也许更多地是反映了我们的出版和阅读文化而不是塔西尔本人的。 yeeyan

Mr Taseer’s offence may have been compounded by the widespread perception that he, like most of the elite, was Westernised.
Taseer先生的罪行或许因这样的观念罪加一等,即和其他精英一样,他被西化了。 ecocn

Taseer describes the growing“ demand for a literal Islam” in Pakistan without mentioning the 11,000 dead in the spillover of America's war into the Pakistani tribal areas.
塔西尔注意到在巴基斯坦有对“纯真伊斯兰”的越来越强烈的要求。 他没提到美军对巴基斯坦部族地区进行的战斗扩大化过程中死去的11000名平民。 yeeyan




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