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词汇 Tartar
释义 tar·tar ˈtɑːtər;英ˈtɑːtə美ˈtɑrtɚ 
n.牙垢⁵⁷;牙结石¹³;化酒石Tartar: 鞑靼人; 凶悍的人¹⁰; 难对付的人.adj.鞑靼的¹⁰=Tatar.复数tartars

a salt used especially in baking powdera fiercely vigilant and unpleasant womana member of the Mongolian people of central Asia who invaded Russia in the 13th centuryan incrustation that forms on the teeth and gums中世纪时,成吉思汗所率领的蒙古和突厥铁骑横扫欧洲大陆,令欧洲人闻风丧胆。这些人自称为Tata,波斯人称他们为Tatar,我们中国人称他们为“鞑靼”。欧洲人则将其称为Tartar,源自拉丁语Tartarus塔耳塔洛斯,古希腊神话中的深渊,关押天神的地方,常被人等同于“冥界”、“阴间”,意思就是“来自地狱的人”。1270年法国人圣路易斯在一封书信中写到:“面对穷凶极恶的鞑靼人,我们要么将他们赶回他们的老家——塔耳塔洛斯,要么统统被他们送上天堂。”catch a tartar碰到劲敌遇到难对付…young tartar调皮的小孩,顽童…
近义词 dragon龙Tatar鞑靼人tophus痛风结节calculus微积分cream of tartar酒石potassium bitartrate酒石酸氢钾potassium hydrogen tartrate酒石酸氢钾

用作名词I have a lot of tartar on my teeth.我的牙齿上有许多牙垢。
Tartarforms on the inside of a cask in which wine is fermented.酒石形成于酒的发酵桶的内侧。 All you need for the perfect brew is nettles, sugar, water, yeast, an orange and a lemon and cream of tartar.
酿一杯完美的啤酒需要的只有荨麻叶、糖、纯净水、酵母、一个橙子、一个柠檬和塔塔粉。 yeeyan

And I only knew that I was looking for a palace, and that it lay vaguely somewhere in this north-west corner of the old Tartar City.
我只知道自己在找一个大宅子,大致在皇城的西北角——这个古老的、曾属于鞑子的紫禁城。 yeeyan

For three years Marco ruled the city of Yangchow as governor, and he probably impressed the Chinese inhabitants as being very little more of a foreigner than any Tartar would have been.
马可在扬州市当了三年长官,在中国居民的印象中,也许他这个外国人与其他鞑靼人根本没什么两样。 jukuu

The cathedral was built to commemorate Ivan the Terrible's successful military campaign against the Tartar Mongols in1552 in the besieged city of Kazan.
教堂是为了纪念在1552年伊凡雷帝的成功对鞑靼蒙古的军事行动中被围困的城市喀山。 ym2009

The degree of growth helps determine how old a puppy is, and the degree of wear and tartar helps estimate the age of an adult dog.
牙齿的生长状况能帮助你了解小狗有几个月了,而牙齿的磨损程度和牙垢则帮你估算大狗长几年了。 yeeyan

“The Deer &the Cauldron” is set in the mid-17th century, some20 years after the Chinese Ming dynasty has fallen to fearsome Tartar invaders, the Manchus.
《鹿鼎记》以17世纪中叶为背景,在中国明朝落于可怕的鞑靼入侵者、满族人手中20多年后,零星的中国起义死灰复燃。 ecocn

Additionally, some tartar control toothpastes contain an antibiotic called triclosan, which kills some of the bacteria in the mouth.
此外,一些洁齿防垢牙膏含有一些叫做三氯生能够杀死口腔中一些细菌的抗生素。 yeeyan

After the wind scattered the dust off the west plant undercover agents, such as rivers and lakes Tartar caravan various people, re- accommodated in this desert of black Dragon Inn.
尘销风散后,西厂密探、鞑靼商队等江湖各路人马,再度投宿于龙门客栈这家大漠黑店。 maoka

Contemporary chroniclers recall the huge numbers of locusts swarming from the Wild Fields and destroying crops and grass, which forecast Tartar raids.

Do you sigh for the frugality of the wandering Tartar, or regret being born amidst the luxury and dissimulation of the polite?
你会感叹四处漂泊的鞑靼人的节俭,还是后悔生于文明人士的奢侈矫饰中? dictall

For cats, the top five were dental tartar, fleas, overweight, tapeworms, and cystitis( bladder infections.
而最常见的前5种猫病分别是牙结石、跳蚤、超重、绦虫和膀胱炎膀胱感染。 yeeyan

Not everyone who orders a steak Tartar knows it consists of raw meat.
不是每个人在点鞑靼牛肉的时候都知道这道菜里有生肉。 wordreference

Place the egg whites and cream of tartar in a large bowl and whisk until frothy.
将蛋白和塔塔粉放在一个大碗里,打至起泡。 ebigear

Plaque needs to be removed through a daily oral care routine which includes brushing and flossing or the plaque will harden into tartar or calculus.
牌匾需要通过日常的口腔护理,其中包括日常刷牙和使用牙线或斑块会成为牙结石硬化或演算删除。 qxkqmz

The plains were overrun by Tartar hordes.
这些平原上散布着鞑靼人的游牧部落。 tdict

Toothpastes don't just clean teeth anymore. They have special ingredients for preventing decay, plaque control, tartar control, whitening, gum care or helping sensitive teeth.
牙膏并不清洁牙齿,他们只是含有特殊物质预防龋坏,控制菌斑,增白,保护牙龈或者保护改善牙齿过敏。 yeeyan

Troubled modern Chinese oral health main seven big problems, including dental caries, plaque and tartar, bleeding gums, teeth, sensitive nature teeth are white and tone.
困扰现代中国人口腔健康主要有七大问题,包括龋齿,牙石,牙菌斑,牙龈出血,牙本质敏感,牙齿不洁白和口气。 zhubajie

When it hardens, the tartar will need to be removed by your dental professional.
当硬化的牙垢将需要您的牙科专业删除。 qxkqmz

Tartar- control toothpastes are useful for people who tend to build up tartar quickly.
控制牙垢的牙膏对于很快形成牙垢的人是很有用的。 yeeyan




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