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词汇 Tarsal artery
释义 Tarsal artery
Methods:The dorsalis pedis artery island flap containing of the medialtarsal arterywas designed for repairing defect of foot and ankle.方法用带跗内动脉的足背动脉岛状皮瓣修复足踝部组织缺损。
The blood supply of talus was st-udied on 58 fresh human legs of diff-erent age groups. The nutrient arte-ries to the superior surface of the ta-lar neck originate mostly from themedialtarsal arteryand the anteriormedial malleolar artery.在58侧不同年龄的新鲜下肢解剖,观察了距骨的血供,其中分布到距骨颈上面的滋养动脉主要来自跗内侧动脉和内踝前动脉。
Gu SG,Liu ZQ,Li WL.Transposition of cuboid bone flap pedicled with lateraltarsal arteryfor treating fracture of talus neck or dislocation of talus body.J Bone Joint Injury,2002,17:176-177.;顾少光;刘志强;李文龙.;带血管蒂骰骨瓣治疗距骨颈骨折
Methods:The dorsalis pedis artery island flap containing of the medialtarsal arterywas designed for repairing defect of foot and ankle.Results:4 of the 5 cases flaps survived completely.方法用带跗内动脉的足背动脉岛状皮瓣修复足踝部组织缺损。
lateraltarsal arteryarteria tarsea laterlis跗外侧动脉
Keywords Talus;Fracture;Lateraltarsal artery;Cuboid bone flap;关键词距骨;骨折;跗外侧血管;骰骨瓣;




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