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tarim 基本例句 Basin 塔里木盆地 新疆维吾尔自治区 Each of Tarim, Shichuan, Songliao basins, has a huge, dense and magnetic foundations. 塔里木、四川、松辽盆地之下,都有一个扁平的、致密的磁性底座; cnki It was achieved good effects by using the methods for identification and prediction of igneous rocks in carbonate buried hill of Yinmaili area, Tabei of Tarim basin. 将该套方法用于塔里木盆地塔北英买力地区碳酸盐岩潜山的火成岩识别和预测,取得了良好的效果。 cnki The southern part of the Tarim Basin is the most fragile eec- environment area in China. 塔里木盆地是中国最大的内陆盆地,其南缘是中国生态环境最脆弱的地区。 cnki The structural deformational degree and style commonly change along the regional tectonic strike of Northern Tarim Basin by tectonic transfer. 塔里木盆地北部褶皱逆冲断层变形在平行于区域构造方向上通过构造转换而变化。 cnki There have been different opinions on source rocks since the oil disco-very of Shacan No.2 well in north Tarim. 塔北沙参2井产油以来,对源岩的看法就一直存在分歧。 iciba To study and summarize the successful experience, to find out the lesson, which contribute to every post of Tarim Basin to start on the same platform after reorganization, march towards higher goal. 研究和总结成功的经验,找出教训,有助于塔里木重组整合后各单位在同一平台上起步,向更高的目标迈进。 cnki All the reflectors dipping downward from northeast to southwest on the CDP section visually reflect crustal deformation of Tarim Basin which thrusts downwards into west Kunlun Mts. 时间剖面上所有反射事件由北东向南西下倾的整体图像直观地反映了塔里木盆地地壳变形而向西昆仑下插入的事实。 cnki The second step includes the Inner Mongolia, Loess and Yunnan-Guizhou plateaus, and the Tarim, Junggar and Sichuan basins, with an average elevation of between 1,000 m and 2,000 m. 第二级阶梯由内蒙古高原、黄土黄原、云贵高原和塔里木盆地、准噶尔盆地、四川盆地构成,平均海拔1000米至2000米。 www.fmprc.gov.cn The Taklimakan is the largest, driest and highest desert in China, filling the Tarim basin between the Tien Shan mountains to the north and Kunlun mountains to the south. 塔克拉玛干沙漠石中国面积最大、空气最干燥、海拔最高的沙漠,坐落于塔里木盆地,位处天山以北,昆仑山以南的中间。 yeeyan The construction project of damaged ecosystem in middle-down stream of Tarim River has been brought into Chinese national program of key river management. 我国特有的内陆河——塔里木河中下游受损生态系统建设工程已纳入国家重点大河大江治理项目之中。 cnki The longest inland river in China---- Tarim River almost spans the basin with a length about2100 kilometers, moisturizes the ambient oasis with numerous rivers and lakes. 中国最长的内陆河——塔里木河,长约2100公里,几乎横贯盆地,与众多的河流湖泊一起滋润著盆地四周的绿洲。 www.tianshannet.com.cn The Tarim River is an important ecological river in west China. 塔里木河是西部干旱区重要的生态河流。 cnki These features of runoff bring a lot of difficulties for the administration of water resources in the Tarim River. 塔里木河径流的这些特点给水资源管理加大了难度。 cnki Tarim river basin situated the inland with dry climate, scarce precipitation, intensive evaporation, water shortage, and extremely fragile. ecological environment. 塔里木河流域深居内陆,气候干旱、降水稀少、蒸发强烈、水资源匮乏,生态环境极其脆弱。 cnki Tarim Basin is surrounded by mountains, the huge glaciers and snow hills on the high mountains are natural reservoir, which breed the forest grassland and many kinds of animals and plants. 塔里木盆地周围群山环抱,高山上巨大的冰川雪岭是天然水库,养育了森林草原和种类繁多的动植物。 www.tianshannet.com.cn Tarim oil-transporting highway passes through the hinterland of Taklimakan Desert, which is one of the largest mobile dune fields in the world. 塔里木沙漠石油公路修筑在世界上流动性最大的塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地。 iciba |