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Tarantino taranˈtiːnoʊ Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹ 基本英英例句例句 塔兰蒂诺¹⁰⁰
Noun: United States filmmaker born in 1963Have you seen the latestTarantinomovie?你看过塔伦蒂诺最新的电影吗? I've just bought the soundtrack of the latestTarantinomovie.我刚买了塔伦蒂诺最新影片的音乐磁带。 So it is with QuentinTarantino’s first film, Reservoir Dogs.电影内容涉猎广泛,唯独不涉及安达卢西亚犬。 This bizarre humor isTarantino's statement about film.这种古怪的幽默就是塔伦提诺对电影的理解和独特阐述。 Yagira was picked by a jury led by Pulp Fiction director QuentinTarantino.此届评委会由《黑色通缉令低俗小说》的导演昆 In Cannes, the movie’s climax split critics, with some offended byTarantino’s contrivances.在戛纳,这部片子的高潮也让评论家们各执一词,一些人被塔伦蒂诺的刻意求新弄得恼火不已。 Also being regarded as an art film director constantly, Quentin Tarantino is interested in making genre films. 虽然常被视为艺术片导演,但昆汀的作品在题材选择上基本都属于类型片。 fabiao Christoph Waltz is an Austrian actor who got an Oscar nomination for his supporting role in the Quentin Tarantino film“ Inglourious Basterds”. 澳大利亚男演员克里斯托弗•瓦尔兹凭借其在昆汀•塔伦蒂导演的电影《无耻混蛋》中所扮演的配角获得一项奥斯卡提名。 hjenglish Death Proof Not surprisingly, Quentin Tarantino does this crash from multiple vantage points. 昆汀.塔伦蒂诺制造这个情节多彩的撞车不足为奇。 yeeyan In October1999, Quentin Tarantino was approached to write and direct the film. 1999年10月,昆丁·塔伦蒂诺受邀进行本片的编剧和执导工作。 blog.sina.com.cn IT WAS bold of Quentin Tarantino and his producer, Harvey Weinstein, to pre-screen their brutal, wisecracking, revisionist war film at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York. 选择在纽约的犹太遗产博物馆公然首映他们的战争影片——这部残酷无比、充满巧语讥讽且颇具修正主义色彩的电影,导演昆汀•塔伦蒂诺与他的制片人哈维•韦恩斯坦可谓勇气十足。 ecocn Quentin Tarantino is one of the most influential film makers in modern America. His works have won the awards not only from variety of film festival, but also at the box office. 昆汀·塔伦蒂诺是美国当代颇具影响力的导演之一,他的作品不仅在各大电影节、颁奖礼上多次获得奖项的肯定,而且还取得了优异的票房成绩。 fabiao “ I hate that crap, ” Tarantino said during an interview at Amoeba Music in Hollywood on Thursday night to promote the release of his new movie, “ Inglourious Basterds.” “我厌恶垃圾作品,”塔伦蒂诺在一次采访中这样说,周四他在好莱坞变形虫音乐吧 Amoeba Music为他新的电影作品《无耻混蛋》的上映宣传造势。 yeeyan Anthony Hopkins said that he has long admired directors who took chances with their films such as John Cassavetes, Roman Polanski, Oliver Stone and Quentin Tarantino. 霍普金斯说他一直仰慕那些愿意冒险的导演,如约翰·卡萨维兹、罗曼·波兰斯基、奥利弗·斯通和昆汀·塔伦蒂诺。 dayoo Every dollar spent trying to persuade a grandmother to see a Quentin Tarantino film is a dollar wasted Quentin’s granny excepted. 花在试图说服一个老奶奶看一部昆汀•塔伦蒂诺导演的电影的每一美元都浪费掉了昆汀自己的祖母例外。 ecocn From the off, with that one phrase, Tarantino makes it clear that Inglourious Basterds will not be taking the austere, reverent approach of a Schindler's List. 从片子一开始的这句话就可以看出塔伦蒂诺根本没打算采取像《辛德勒名单》那样一丝不苟的态度。 yeeyan Holidaymakers can follow in the footsteps of Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds on a walking tour of the region. 游客可以跟随影片的脚步在这一区来个漫步之旅。 hjenglish In Cannes, the movie's climax split critics, with some offended by Tarantino's contrivances. 在戛纳,这部片子的高潮也让评论家们各执一词,一些人被塔伦蒂诺的刻意求新弄得恼火不已。 yeeyan Indeed, the nub of many of the negative reviews is that, faced with the Holocaust, Mr Tarantino avoids tricky moral issues. 诚然,许多对影片的负面评论的精要在于,塔伦蒂诺先生在大屠杀残酷的事实面前,选择了逃避棘手的人性道德的问题。 ecocn.org Never mind big bangs and blazing machine guns— in a Tarantino film, this is where the action is. 不要去想什么大轰炸,机关枪扫射的场景——在塔伦蒂诺的片子里,对话才是演戏。 yeeyan Quentin Tarantino's typically gory and compelling effort follows two simultaneous attempts to assassinate the political leadership of Germany's Nazi Government during the Second World War. 典型的昆汀式血腥电影,讲述的是二战时期两起同时暗杀德国纳粹领导人的故事。 hjenglish Quentin Tarantino is the fifth nominee and he'll serve as referee with Daniels and Reitman playing the role of spectators. 昆汀塔伦蒂诺排在第五位,他将与丹尼尔斯和雷特曼一同作为评委出现在观众席上。 yeeyan Since the rise of Quentin Tarantino, that particular choice of career counts as a badge of wounded honor—the Purple Heart of the geek generation. 随着昆汀的声名鹊起,这个独特的工作被看作是尊严受挫的标志——怪异一代的紫心勋章。 yeeyan Sure, Mr. Brown isn't the creepiest guy on the planet, but consider this more of a lifetime creep achievement award for Mr. Tarantino. 当然,布朗先生并不是这个星球上最可怕的人,但是塔伦蒂诺先生获得恐怖终生荣誉奖项却值得认真考虑。 psysoper Technically, this film is at least as good as any that Mr Tarantino has made, and richer than any of them in incongruous humour, cinematic insider references and graphic violence. 从专业角度来看,这部影片至少与导演昆汀的其它任何影片一样出色,然而在表现手法中比它们更胜一筹,比如那种不调和的幽默感、以电影方式表现的内幕消息以及暴力场景。 ecocn.org THE HOSTESS: Where does Quentin Tarantino as a director stand? 主持人:作为导演,昆汀•塔伦蒂诺处在什么位置呢? www.51toefl.com The role of Landa was so tough to fill that Tarantino claims he'd have abandoned the production entirely had Christoph not Waltzed through his door. 兰达这个角色非常难演,塔伦蒂诺声称要不是瓦尔兹,而是克里斯托弗来演的话,他就要放弃整个片子了。 yeeyan Therefore, in this paper, we mainly through the aesthetics of violence and post-modernism to explore two aspects of Quentin Tarantino films? Feature. 因此,在本文中,便主要通过对暴力美学和后现代主义两方面的研究来探讨昆汀·塔伦蒂诺影片的特征。 fabiao Which of the following film is not directed by Tarantino? 哪部电影不是导演塔伦天奴执导? goldenharvest |