

单词 tara
释义 Tar·a 英təˈrɑ:美ˈtærə 高COCA¹³⁴⁷⁰BNC¹³⁴⁸³
The Maeshiro kids, Garrett,12, and Tara,9, feel they've gotten something invaluable from their dad.
马士洛的孩子们,12岁的格瑞特和9岁的塔拉感到从他们的爸爸那里获得某些有价值的东西。 yeeyan

Then the hand of Fate and a hand of poker combined to give him the plantation which he afterwards called Tara, and at the same time moved him out of the Coast into the upland country of north Georgia.
过了一些时候,命运之手和一手扑克牌两相结合,给了他一个他后来取名为塔拉的农场,同时让他从海滨适移到北佐治亚的丘陵地区来了。 kekenet

When they had rounded the curve of the dusty road that hid them from Tara, Brent drew his horse to a stop under a clump of dogwood.
他们在尘土飞扬的大道上拐过那个看不见塔拉农场的弯以后,布伦特勒住马,在一丛山茱萸下站住了。 kekenet

William Hill offered8-1 on Tara Palmer- Tomkinson, a British socialite and friend of the family,14-1 on Australian pop singer Kylie Minogue and also on US party girl Hilton, the hotel chain heiress.
英国社交名媛、王室的朋友塔拉·帕尔默-汤姆金森,赔率为1赔8;澳大利亚流行歌星凯莉·米洛、美国社交女王、酒店业豪门女星希尔顿,赔率均为1赔14。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

“ I learned you should try things even when you're scared,” says Tara.
“我知道即使你害怕时你也应该尝试,”塔拉说。 yeeyan

“ I'd knock on every door, ” Tara says of a hostel where undocumented workers lived.
“我敲每一扇门,”塔拉提到一家旅舍。那些非法劳工住的地方。 yeeyan

“ We don’t really understand how culture evolved, ” said primatologist Tara Stoinski of Zoo Atlanta, co-author of the upcoming study in Biology Letters.
“我们还没真正懂得文明是怎样进化的,”亚特兰大动物园灵长目动物学者塔拉·斯托因斯基说,她合著了一篇文章,即将在《生物学通讯》上发表。 yeeyan

“ We hear this so commonly in our offices that it began to feel like there was a CD player hitting repeat,” says Tara Fritsch, a marriage therapist in Edmond, Okla.
“我们经常会在办公室里听到如此之类的消息,现在都觉得像是一个 CD播放机在重复播放。” 俄克拉荷马州爱德蒙的婚姻治疗师塔拉弗里奇说。 yeeyan

“ Your household pig was your useful dustbin,” says Tara Garnett, who heads the Food Climate Research Network at the University of Surrey in Guildford, UK.
“家里养头猪简直就是个剩饭垃圾桶。”英国萨里大学食品气候研究网络的领导人塔拉·加内特 Tara Garnett说。 yeeyan

“So I was standing there and I said‘ Put your hand out,’ like he used to,” said Terry’s daughter Tara.
“我站在那里,对他说‘伸出手来’,就好像他从前曾做的那样,”特里的女儿塔拉说。 ebigear

A few days later came word that Tara and her female partner had been arrested in connection with a homicide.
几天后,有消息说,因为牵涉到杀人案件,塔拉和她的女伴被捕了。 yeeyan

As for example, Tara’s background and Lafayette’s own story.
比如塔拉的背景以及拉法耶的故事。 yeeyan

Because Magdalene worked so well for Sheila, Tara was interested, and Sheila picked Tara up from prison two years ago and brought her straight to Magdalene.
因为抹大拉从良所对雪拉起了这么好的作用,塔拉也有兴趣了。于是两年前,雪拉从监狱里接塔拉出来,直接带她到了从良所。 yeeyan

He felt aggrieved, moreover, that Scarlett should still look desolate after being offered the best of the County boys and Tara, too.
另外,由于思嘉对他所提供的最佳对象和塔拉农场居然无动于衷,还是那么郁郁不乐,也感到委屈得很。 kekenet

It was for this precise reason that Stuart and Brent were idling on the porch of Tara this April afternoon.
正是这个缘故,斯图尔特和布伦特在塔拉农场走廊里聊天,消磨这四月傍晚的大好时光。 kekenet

Lennon wrote the song after reading about the death of his friend, Guinness heir Tara Browne, in the Daily Mail on17 January1967.
1967年1月17日,列侬在《每日邮报》上看到他的朋友塔拉·布朗尼爱尔兰著名酿酒商 Guinness的后代的死讯后,创作了这首歌曲。 ebigear

Liam Vaughan and Tara Loader Wilkinson contributed to this article.
利亚姆·沃恩 Liam Vaughan以及塔拉·路得 Tara Loader对本文亦有贡献。 yeeyan

Manga comics and graphic novels are taken very seriously in Japan, with Prime Minister Tara Aso a prominent fan.
在日本,漫画和图画小说尤受重视,就连日本首相 Tara也是它们的铁杆粉丝。 yeeyan

She was as forthright and simple as the winds that blew over Tara and the yellow river that wound about it, and to the end of her days she would never be able to understand a complexity.
她是那么直率、简单,就像吃过塔拉上空的风和从塔拉身边流过的河流一样,而且即使活到老她也不可能理解一件错综复杂的事。 kekenet

Their daughter, Tara, is14.
他们的女儿塔拉今年十四岁。 yeeyan

There are Facebook pages, Twitter postings, even a group of people who call themselves “Windies,” rabid devotees of Scarlett, Rhett, Ashley and Melanie Wilkes and Scarlett's ancestral home, Tara.
其信息在 Facebook网页及 Twitter记录上随处可见,甚至还有一群自称为“飘迷”的人,忠实地拥护着斯嘉丽、瑞特、艾希利、梅兰·威克斯以及斯嘉丽的祖宅塔拉庄园。 yeeyan

They also get to see the door to Tara, which is on display.
游客们也会参观塔拉之门——这也在展览之列。 yeeyan

Tara, a two-year-old in Chandan, a village in the northern state of Rajasthan, has yet to bounce back from a bout of gastroenteritis that put her in hospital a year ago.
有一个2岁的孩子叫塔拉,住在印度拉贾斯坦邦的一个山村里,不得不再次遭受肠炎的困扰,而一年前他因此住过院。 yeeyan

Tara,37, has a blond ponytail and huge blue eyes.
塔拉37岁,金色马尾辫,大大的蓝眼睛。 yeeyan

Tara Adcock is now in prison awaiting a grand jury hearing on criminal homicide charges.
塔拉·阿德珂珂现在监狱,等着大陪审团对杀人罪名的听证,还有大陪审团听审。 yeeyan

Tara and Sheila are close as sisters, though it's been years since they were on the streets.
塔拉和雪拉,都是坏女孩,尽管多年来都在街头混,但她们还是亲如姐妹。 yeeyan




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