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词汇 tapped into
释义 tapped into短语²⁴⁵⁸⁰
In opposition the DPJ tapped into the powerful, rather Nordic, vision of their society that many Japanese people cling to and fear they are losing.

The Blue School, consciously or not, tapped into one of New York’s great and frustrating economic paradoxes.
蓝色学校,有意识或无意识的,发掘了纽约伟大的令人失望的经济悖论。 yeeyan

The memories of all past lives are there, ready to be tapped into, whenever you need to understand why you are asked to carry out certain projects.

After sharp bone chisels were used to cut the designs into the skin, a soot-based pigment would be tapped into the open wounds, which then healed over to seal in the design.
在用尖锐的骨头凿子刺破皮肤后,一种用烟灰制成的颜料被涂进伤口里,伤口痊愈后,这种颜料就被密封进了皮肤。 yeeyan

But Mrs. Marotta-Lopriore may be the first to have tapped into this particular niche market.
但马洛塔·洛普里昂夫人却极有可能是第一个涉足这个殡葬业细分市场的人。 yeeyan

But they have also tapped into a broader communications web enabling the working class throughout China to share grievances and strategies.
而且他们提供了一个更广阔的交流网页使中国的工人阶级都能发泄不满和分享策略。 yeeyan

He suspects that the three areas are part of a brain network that his and Mayberg's teams both tapped into.
他怀疑,这三个区域是一个网络,他和梅贝格的团队都接触到了一部分。 yeeyan

His best songs tapped into universal emotions: jealousy, lust, anger, confusion, and, frequently at first and less often as he aged, joy.
在他的首首金曲中,抒写着普世的情感:嫉妒、肉欲、愤怒、困惑,还有早年常见、晚年渐少的欢快。 yeeyan

Marlboro and Jack Daniels have tapped into the myth of the frontier.
万宝路和杰克丹尼就是这方面的先驱; yeeyan

The researchers tapped into a long-term study that has followed more than18,500 children since birth between2000 and2002.
研究者们执行了一项长期研究,他们跟踪了18,500多名出生于2000和2002年间孩子的生长发育情况. yeeyan

The researchers tapped into data on more than 1,400 two-year-olds, whose parents had filled out a language development survey asking about the words their child would use spontaneously.
研究人员对1400个2岁大的宝宝的数据进行记录,通过其父母填写的语言发展调查问卷,来了解这些宝宝可能会自己说出来的单词。 yeeyan

The articles made Bell infamous and tapped into the anti- government ferment that hit its height last summer.
这些报道使贝尔市声名狼藉并陷入反政府的狂热动乱中,这次动乱在去年夏天达到高潮。 yeeyan

These magazines didn’t thrive for so many decades for no reason. They tapped into a deep strain in American culture.
这些杂志历经数十载不衰自有他的道理.他们对美国文化的一个特点非常了解。 yeeyan

While much of the rest of the world is in awe of China's rapid recovery, the programme tapped into the mounting wave of unease about the sky- rocketing cost of apartments in many cities.
当世界其它很多地区都对中国经济的迅速复苏感到敬畏之际,这部电视剧剖析了中国许多城市的民众面对直线飙升的房价日益高涨的不安情绪。 taokebuluo




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