

单词 tapestry
释义 tap·es·try 英ˈtæpɪstriː美ˈtæpɪstriAHDtăpʹĭ-strē ★☆☆☆☆高四GST宝八COCA¹⁵⁵¹⁹BNC¹⁶¹⁰⁰iWeb¹³⁶²⁵Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

something that resembles a tapestry in its complex pictorial designs;

the tapestry of European history

a heavy textile with a woven design; used for curtains and upholsterya wall hanging of heavy handwoven fabric with pictorial designs来自古法语 tapisserie,织锦,壁毯,挂毯,来自 tapiz,毯子,地毯,通过拉丁语借自希腊语 tapes, 纺织品,布料,毯子,词源同 tape.velvet tapestry carpet印经割绒地毯…tapestry satin织锦缎tapestry brick装饰面砖silk tapestry丝毯artistic tapestry艺术挂毯velvet pile tapestry carpet绒头花毯tapestry carpet印经绒圈地毯…
GRE红宝书tapes磁带, try: 努力把磁带中的带子编织成挂毯.
源自carpet;tape 带 + string 线绳,由带子和绳子制成的挂毯
GRE难词记忆tapestry→tapespl. 磁带+try v.尝试→tapespl.磁带+tryv.尝试⇒近义词 tapis桌毯drapery布料wall hanging壁毯arras单复同花毯…

用作名词Thistapestryis a work of art.这张挂毯是件艺术品。
The wall of my living room was hung with atapestry.我的起居室的墙上挂着一块壁毯。
Such strange events are all part of life's richtapestry.这些怪事都是丰富多彩的人生的一部分。noun.curtain
同义词 draperyarras,dosser,hanging
carpetnoun nappy floor covering
carpeting,matting,rug,runner,throw rug,wall-to-wall
embroiderynoun fancy stitching
rugnoun carpet
carpeting,floor covering,mat,matting,runner,shag,tapestry,throw rug,wall-to-wall carpeting This is history not as fine- woven tapestry but as patchwork quilt;
此书中的历史不像以上等羊毛精心织就的挂毯,而像以碎布拼成的被子; ecocn

This is history not as fine- woven tapestry but as patchwork quilt; inevitably some of the patches overlap, and some are more finely-worked than others.
此书中的历史不像以上等羊毛精心织就的挂毯,而像以碎布拼成的被子;有些碎布难免会有所重叠,有些则制作得更精美。 ecocn

You could compile these files using Ant, but that would involve setting up a database and then setting up Tapestry to communicate with it.
可以用 Ant编译这些文件,但是其中涉及一个数据库的设置,然后把 Tapestry设置成与这个数据库通信。 ibm

Additionally, the Tapestry framework is set up so that this is easy; simple file and class naming is already in place, so this just connects those two sets of components.
另外, Tapestry框架已经设置好,所以这也很容易;简单的文件和类名称已经准备好,所以这只不过是连接两套组件而已。 ibm

Artistic tapestry is the highest form of expression of the rug weaving art, an exquisite handicraft of superb artistry in typical Chinese style.
艺术挂毯体现了地毯纺织艺术的最高水平,是具有典型中国风格的手工艺精品。 ebigear

Because installation is your introduction to any new technology, it goes without saying that installing Tapestry is very easy.
因为安装是任何一项新技术的入门,所以毫不夸张地说,安装 Tapestry非常容易。 ibm

Even better, Tapestry's tags don't affect your application display, so while your markup will include these tags, your design will include none.
更好的是, Tapestry标记不会影响应用程序的显示,所以您的标记可以包含这些标记,您的设计什么也不包含。 ibm

Even the display that caused the crowds to stop and stare is a simple embroidered tapestry, stitched by village women.
即便引得人群驻足观看的,也就是出自村妇之手的一条简单的绣花挂毯而已。 yeeyan

Even the gentle art of tapestry itself was transmuted into violence.
即便是优雅的织锦画艺术本身也被变形为暴力。 ecocn

Halley's Comet is likely the most famous comet in the world, even depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry that chronicled the Battle of Hastings of1066.
哈雷彗星恐怕是世界上最著名的彗星了,它甚至在记述1066年赫斯廷斯战役的贝叶挂毯中被描述过。 yeeyan

Have you heard about our“ tapestry”?
您听说过本公司的挂毯吗? ebigear

If anyone complains about the way things look in the prototype, you can just assure them that your finished Tapestry application will look great!
如果有人抱怨原型中事物看起来的样子,您可以向他们保证最后完成的 Tapestry应用程序看起来会很棒! ibm

If you've read that article, you should have a basic idea of how Tapestry works and a good sense of how its core API is put together.
如果曾经阅读过那篇文章,应当对 Tapestry的工作方式有了基本的理解,并了解了如何把它的核心 API组合在一起。 ibm

In this way, Tapestry connects actions that users take to your backend code, which responds to those actions.
用这种方式, Tapestry把用户的动作连接到后端代码,后端代码对这些动作作出响应。 ibm

Many of them are used in building Tapestry and several others are helpful for compilation.
其中有许多是在构建 Tapestry时使用的,其他一些是在编译时使用的。 ibm

Once you understand what Tapestry components you have and how your basic business components work together, it should be relatively simple to develop your application's navigation.
一旦理解了拥有什么 Tapestry组件,以及基本业务组件如何协作,那么开发应用程序的导航就相对容易了。 ibm

Sunlight faded the tapestry.

The Bayeux tapestry shows the funeral procession of King Edward winding to the abbey.
贝叶挂毯表现了前往教堂为爱德华国王送葬的蜿蜒队列。 yeeyan

They are like black holes burnt by torches in a tapestry of Tyre.
它们就像提尔挂毯上烧出来的黑洞。 yeeyan

This Hubble Space Telescope image shows a face-on view of spiral galaxy, called NGC3982, striking for its rich tapestry of star birth, along with its winding arms.
哈勃天文望远镜捕捉到一个叫做 NGC3982的螺旋星云的正面图,展示出沿着它那些弯曲的螺旋腕上新星诞生的绚丽织锦。 yeeyan

Visitors to the fair can stroll over to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to see“ Tapestry in the Baroque” which opens on October23rd.
博览会的访客还可以逛至纽约大都会艺术博物馆,参观10月23日即将开幕的“巴洛克式挂毯”。 ecocn

Wildlife, insects, frogs, birds, and soil organisms are able to play their roles in the tapestry of ecology, and we are able to play ours, without interference or compromise.
野生动物、昆虫、青蛙、鸟类和土壤生物能够在生态环境的织锦中扮演他们的角色,而我们可以做好我们的事情,两者不受干涉或不需妥协。 yeeyan




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