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词汇 Taoist
释义 Taoist 英'tɑ:əuist,'tauist美'tɑ:əuist,'tauist iWeb²⁸⁹²⁶

an adherent of any branch of Taoism
of or relating to the popular Chinese religious system based on the teachings of Lao-tzu but including a pantheon of gods along with divination and magic;

Taoist temples

of or relating to the philosophical system developed by Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu advocating a simple honest lifeTaoist priest道士taoist temple道观
近义词 Tao道家学说中的道…

用作形容词The third chapter expounds the relationship between the literary evolution and the resurgence ofTaoistschool and the prosperity of Taoism.第三章探讨道家思想的复活和道教的兴起与文学嬗变的关系。 A famous one was Chan Buddhismknown in Japanese as Zen, a mash-up of native Taoist and imported Indian elements.
最著名一个就是就是禅宗思想,一种本土道教和印度传入的佛教教义的糅合产物。 yeeyan

In the most recent census in2000, 43 percent of Singaporeans said they were Buddhist, 15 percent Muslim, 15 percent Christian, 8.5 percent Taoist and 4 percent Hindu.
最近一份2000年调查的统计资料显示,43%的新加坡人表示自己信的是佛教、15%信基督教、8.5%信道教、4%信印度教。 iciba

The Stoic philosophy was primarily concerned with living in accordance with both one’s own nature and universal Nature, perhaps best understood in the sense meant by Taoist philosophers of the East.
斯多葛哲学主要关注的是,人们的生活既要符合个人的本性,又要符合宇宙的本性。也许从东方道家的哲学家们的相关论述中能获得对此观念的最佳理解。 yeeyan

The Taoist ways of dropping out from the chain of karma are discussed, as they were recorded in Big Sur, California, during the mid- sixties.
从羯磨因果链上渡脱的道家方法,讲演于加利福尼亚州的大苏尔,录于六十年代中期。 yeeyan

A British environmental activist will be a guest speaker at an International Taoism Forum on October23-25 at Heng Shan in China’s Hunan province, a Taoist sacred site since the Han dynasty.
国际道教论坛十月廿三至廿五日在中国湖南省衡山举行,一名英国环保人士将担任演讲嘉宾。 自汉代以来,衡山一直是道教的圣地。

According to the Taoist Principles, we are interconnected to everyone and everything in our surroundings.
根据到家哲学,我们与周围环境中的每一个人和每一个事物都是相互联系的。 yeeyan

Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian temples abound throughout Taiwan, not merely as static tourist attractions, but as active centres of culture and worship.
整个台湾,佛教,道教和儒家的寺庙比比皆是,但作为重要的文化中心,这里不仅仅是静态的旅游景点。 yeeyan

In fact, Kissinger should have practised the Taoist concept of wu wei and done nothing.
事实上,基辛格本应该遵循道家无为的理念,不予理会。 yeeyan

In Confucian temples both Taoist and Buddhist divinities were worshipped.
在孔庙里,道教和佛教的神灵都可以拜。 yeeyan

In the 1960s, the government raised an army of “ barefoot doctors”, who were given basic training in western disease control and traditional Taoist medicine.
在1960年代,政府组织过一支“赤脚医生”大军,这些人受过基本的西医和传统的中医训练。 yeeyan

It comes from the Taoist technique of literally screwing with your hips during intercourse.
它来自道教形象:在性爱过程中你臀部的运动轨迹。 yeeyan

Perhaps this fact was well-observed thousands of years ago when meditating monks and Taoist practitioners included a gentle smile as part of their meditation routine.
这个道理也许几千年前的佛教和道教的修行者们都懂的,所以他们平日参禅悟道时都要保持平和的微笑,将其视为必修的功课。 yeeyan

Purple Star astrology is a traditional Taoist Chinese divination system.
紫薇斗数是中国道家传统的算命方法。 cri

Talismans fu were used for healing, protection from demons, and communication with Taoist immortals.
护身符符是用作康复,保护免受魔鬼伤害,传达道教不朽的信息。 iciba

The ritual, a mixture of Confucian and Taoist customs, is meant to ease a spirit's passage through the underworld.
这种儒道合一的仪式是为了帮助死者的灵魂顺利通过阴曹地府。 yeeyan

There is a Taoist-inspired Chinese saying: “ Find art’s essential nature.”
中国道教中有句名言,意思是“寻找艺术的本质。” yeeyan

This literary figure vividly interprets the evolution changing from necromancy to Taoism, and mainly shows the successive change from necromancer novels to Taoist novels.
此文学形象的演变既形象诠释了方仙道向神仙道教演进的规律,亦集中反映出方士小说与道士小说之间的嬗递关系。 iciba

Taoist masters from all over China gathered near the ancient capital of Nanjing to agree on a seven-year plan for climate change action.
来自中国各地的道教大师们聚集在古都南京附近,就关于应对气候变化行动的一项七年计划达成了一致意见。 yeeyan

Taoist values and beliefs continue to hold enormous sway in Chinese society.
纵观中国历朝历代的社会动荡,道士们的价值观和信仰一直在其中具有持续而深刻的影响。 yeeyan




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