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词汇 Tanzanian
释义 tan·za·ni·an 英ˌtænzə'niːən美ˌtænzə'niːən 高iWeb³¹⁹²⁴Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a native or inhabitant of Tanzania
of or relating to the republic of Tanzania or its people
用作形容词Tanzanianartistes are inspired by the rich and varied traditions of the country.坦桑尼亚的艺术家门属于草根原生态,他们从乡村吸收创作灵感。
CLUTCH of billionaires and anti-poverty campaigners gathered this month in theTanzanianbush to mull over Africa's development.为了琢磨如何发展非洲,本月一群大款们与扶贫游说家在坦桑尼亚的一灌木丛中举行了一次聚会。 The capture last week of a cargo ship in Tanzanian waters underlines the operating range of the pirates.
上周一艘货轮在坦桑尼亚水域遭劫持,这说明海盗的活动范围正逐渐扩大。 ecocn

The very name of the Tanzanian port means“ lay down your heart” in Swahili.
作为坦桑尼亚港口城市的名字,在斯瓦西里语中的意思是“放下你的心”。 ecocn

The good thing about it was that the responsibility for data collection went straightaway, the following day, to the Tanzanian field staff.
好的方面是,随后的数据收集工作名正言顺的落到了坦桑尼亚籍的野外工作人员身上。 yeeyan

The history has proven and will continue to prove that China is a sincere friend of the Tanzanian and African people and China's growth will bring us opportunities.

The Tanzanian and African people strongly oppose such a claim.

The Tanzanian people will never forget the valuable support and generous assistance of China over the past decades.

There were also ceremonies in the Kenyan and Tanzanian capitals, with moments of silence at the mid- morning time of the nearly- simultaneous blasts.
在肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚的首都也举行了纪念仪式,人们在上午几乎同时发生两起爆炸的时刻静默致哀。 ebigear

“ Despite a tripling in the education budget, large majorities of children remain illiterate and innumerate,” says Rakesh Rajani, a Tanzanian who has researched the performance of primary schools.
“尽管教育开支增加了两倍,仍然有许多孩子不识字,不懂数学和科学。”一位坦桑尼亚小学教学情况的调查者Rakesh Rajani如是说。 ecocn

But the Tanzanian government is not biting.
但是坦桑尼亚政府并不买账。 yeeyan

By Tanzanian standards there is a new sense of urgency.
以坦桑尼亚人的标准来看,现在出现了新一轮危机。 ecocn

Isaac Mpotia, a50-year-old Tanzanian electrical engineer who had studied in Germany, sat by the window, directly across from me.
艾萨克·穆泼提亚是个50岁的坦桑尼亚电气工程师,曾在德国留学,他坐在窗口,正对着我。 yeeyan

Karume extended thanks for China's generous help to Tanzania in Tanzanian people's struggle for national independence and the ensuing construction of their country.

More Tanzanian women are planning to find themselves a Chinese husband, the Times reported.

Queen Elizabeth II awarded her the Commander of the Order of the British Empire, and she is the only non- Tanzanian to have received the Medal of Tanzania.
伊丽莎白女王二世授予她大英帝国荣誉骑士勋章,她也是唯一一个获得“坦桑尼亚勋章”的外国人。 yeeyan

Scientists believe global warming rather than local weather changes is chiefly to blame for the rapid loss of ice from the Tanzanian peak.
科学家认为导致坦桑尼亚最高峰的冰雪快速消融的罪魁祸首是全球变暖,而非当地的天气。 yeeyan

She is also the founding Chairperson of the independent Tanzanian National Women’s Council.
她也是独立的坦桑尼亚全国妇女理事会的创始主席。 who

The United Nations Emergency Coordination Group of WHO, FAO, UNICEF and WFP has been providing support to the Tanzanian Ministry of Health and Ministry of Livestock.
由世卫组织、粮农组织、儿童基金会和世界粮食计划署组成的联合国应急协调小组一直在向坦桑尼亚卫生部和畜牧业部提供支持。 who

The agreement signed last year at the EAC’s headquarters in the Tanzanian city of Arusha was a first step.
去年在位于坦桑尼亚的阿鲁沙市的总部,东非共同体五国签署了建立共同商场的协议。 ecocn

The tiny area of jungle is currently unprotected, he said, and he hopes the find will persuade the Tanzanian authorities to extend protection.
这一小片丛林目前并未受到保护,马歇尔表示,他希望这一发现能促使坦桑尼亚当局将这一地区也划入保护区的范围内。 yeeyan

Though Tanzanian women owned43% of micro and small enterprises, only5% reported having access to bank finance in 2006.
虽然坦桑尼亚妇女拥有43%的小型及微型企业,但仅有5%的妇女表示其于2006年获得了银行融资。 worldbank

Tanzanian President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete said the high prices will negate efforts for faster growth and poverty reduction.
坦桑尼亚总统贾卡亚.姆里绍.基奎特说,居高不下的油价和粮价将使非洲为更快发展和减少贫困所做的努力前功尽弃。 ebigear

Tanzanian scientists were among those that nominated TDR for the award.
坦桑尼亚科学家提名将该奖授予热带病研究和培训特别规划。 who




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