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词汇 tantamount
释义 tan·ta·mount 英ˈtæntəˌmaʊnt美ˈtæntəˌmaʊntAHDtănʹtə-mount' ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八COCA²⁴⁴⁵⁵BNC²¹⁷⁹⁹iWeb²³⁸⁹⁹Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰

being essentially equal to something;

it was as good as gold

a wish that was equivalent to a command

his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt

来自短语tant amount,等同,一致。来自拉丁语tantus,一样的,一致。来自tam,因此,所以,词源同tandem, this, that。主要用于贬义修饰。 amounta-,去,往,-mount,山,词源同mountain。到山顶,汇总,总计。 tandem来自拉丁语tandem,最后,究竟,持续时间。来自tam,因此。来自原始印欧语to,指示代词根,词源同the, that, -dem,指示副词后缀。后幽默的用于指一前一后两匹马拉的马车而不是两匹马并排,再后用于指一前一后的双座自行车。 this来自古英语this,这个。来自North Sea Germanic *tha-si,这个。来自原始印欧语to,指示代词,词源同that, they。-s,在North Sea Germanic表限定性后缀。 that来自古英语thaet,那,那个。来自原始日耳曼语that,那,那个。来自原始印欧语tod,指示代词,扩展自原始印欧语to,指示代词,词源同the, they。词义演变比较同源词here, he。tantamount to相当于
GRE红宝书tant相等, amount数量-相等的
tant 相等,相近 + amount 数量;distant 疏远看成dis不 + tant 近
tant相等+amount 数量→等量的
GRE难词记忆tantamount → tant=so much 相当+amount n.数量→相当数量的词根记忆tant相等+ amount数量→ 等量的 ⇒与…相等的词根记忆tant相等+a+mount数量近义词 close关equal相等的identical同一的synonymous同义的comparable可比较的coordinate使协调the same as与 … 同样的…equivalent等价的 相等的…as good as和 … 几乎一样…indistinguishable不能区别的

用作形容词Her statement istantamountto a confession of guilt.她的供述等于认罪。
The excuse wastantamountto a refusal.那种托辞形同拒绝。
The King's request wastantamountto a command.国王的要求就相当於命令。adj.same
同义词 commensurate,identicalalike,as good as,duplicate,equal,equivalent,indistinguishable,like,parallel,same as,selfsame,synonymous,uniform,very
反义词 different,opposite,polar,reverse
comparableadjective worthy of comparison
a match for,as good as,commensurable,commensurate,equal,equipollent,equipotential,equivalent,in a class with,on a par,proportionate
coordinateadjective equivalent
duplicateadjective matching
alike,carbon-copy,corresponding,dualistic,duple,duplex,equal,equivalent,identic,identical,indistinguishable,same,self-same,tantamount,twin,twofold,very same
equaladjective alike
according,balanced,break even,commensurate,comparable,coordinate,correspondent,corresponding,double,duplicate,egalitarian,equivalent,evenly matched,fifty-fifty,homologous,identic,identical,indistinguishable,invariable,level,look-alike,matched,matching,one and the same,parallel,proportionate,same,same difference,spit and image,stack up with,tantamount,to the same degree,two peas in pod,uniform,unvarying
equivalentadjective same, similar
agnate,akin,alike,analogous,carbon,commensurate,comparable,convertible,copy,correlative,correspondent,corresponding,ditto,duplicate,equal,even,homologous,identical,indistinguishable,interchangeable,like,of a kind,parallel,proportionate,reciprocal,same difference,substitute,synonymous,tantamount
identicadjective same
Xerox,aforementioned,aforesaid,carbon,carbon-copy,clone,coequal,comparable,compatible,corresponding,ditto,double,dupe,duplicate,equal,equivalent,identical,in the same manner,indistinguishable,interchangeable,like,likewise,look-alike,related,same difference,selfsame,similar,similarly,synonymous,tantamount,twin,very Dropping the commitment would be tantamount to a tightening of monetary policy as bond yields rise in anticipation of short-term rate hikes.
对零利率承诺的放弃相当于货币政策的收紧,这会增加短期利率上升的预期,从而抬高国债利率。 ecocn

The firm argues that this would be tantamount to giving away the shop, but the commission thinks it would promote competition by advancing open- source rivals to Microsoft's products.
公司认为这相当于把整个店铺都给别人了,但是委员会认为给与开源竞争对手更多针对微软产品的竞争优势能够促进竞争。 ecocn

“ Stoning as a means of execution is tantamount to torture. It's barbaric and an abhorrent act,” he said.
“石刑作为处决方式无异于一种酷刑,这是野蛮而令人发指的行为。”他说。 yeeyan

Alemu Getahun, one of Ethiopia's negotiators, said all theupstream states saw the move by Egypt Sudan has a more passive roleas “ tantamount to an insult”.
而Minelik Alemu Getahun,一名埃塞俄比亚的谈判人员说,所有位于上流流域的国家都觉得埃及的举动苏丹的态度比起埃及来较为被动“无异于一种侮辱”。 yeeyan

As one of the judges in the2006 case put it, letting people back into the reserve without letting them hunt is “ tantamount to condemning the remaining residents of the CKGR to death by starvation”.
正如2006年那场官司中的一名法官所言,让他们重返保护区却不让他们狩猎“无异于迫使留守 CKGR的居民被活活饿死”。 ecocn

But awaking to the two worlds brought face to face is tantamount to getting on the trail of their secret relationships.
然而,觉悟到这两个世界对峙的存在就相当于走上了揭开他们秘密关系的道路。 yeeyan

I pointed out that a declaration that NATO would stop its expansion with the Warsaw Pact nations would be tantamount to announcing a new dividing line in Europe, with a smaller Russian empire.
我指出,宣布北约不接受华沙条约国加入,等于宣布在欧洲划了一条新的分界线,其中有一个稍小一点的俄罗斯帝国。 yeeyan

Iran called the Council's involvement in the Gulf War issue absurd and said the action was tantamount to aiding Iraq.

It is tantamount to keeping an athlete on steroids even when he is showing clear signs of distress.
这相当于不停给一名运动员使用类固醇激素,哪怕他清晰表现出痛苦的症状也在所不惜。 yeeyan

Its natural riches should buy it a new freedom of manoeuvre; but many Mongolians worry that they could lead to a new form of dependence, tantamount to commercial subjugation.
其丰富的自然资源可以保证蒙古新的决策自由,但许多蒙古人担心这种贸易关系可能会导致一种新型依赖,这无异于商业征服。 ecocn

Mr Badawi sees the firm as a liability, but to Dr Mahathir any sale would be tantamount to dismantling his legacy.
巴达维把它视作包袱,而对马哈蒂尔来说,将其出售无异于掠走他的遗产。 ecocn

North Korea says South Korea's participation violates the1953 armistice on the peninsula because it is tantamount to blocking sea lanes.
朝鲜声称韩国的这次举动破坏了1953年签署的半岛和平协议,因为这次演习类似于封锁了海上路线。 yeeyan

One would have to completely disregard such overwhelming evidence to the contrary that it would be tantamount to intellectual suicide.
人们将必须完全无视那些占绝对优势的证据,相反的,如果不这样,就等同于智力自杀。 yeeyan

Republicans have still demurred; they consider eliminating loopholes tantamount to raising taxes, though it could equally be argued that it is the same as cutting spending.
共和党对此依然表示反对,他们认为消除漏洞相当于提高税收,尽管同样会有其是否与削减开支等同的争论。 ecocn

So it's tantamount that Steve get up on stage and keep up the image.
所以乔布斯在舞台上重新站起和他维持这种形象同样重要。 yeeyan

This is not mere hijacking. It is tantamount to a complete personality transplant for the infected cell.
这就不光是对受感染细胞进行劫持,简直无异于从根本上改变受感染细胞的性质。 ecocn

While the extremists of al- Qaeda cheer the democratic wave as an opportunity, Saudi Arabia’s arch- conservative, state- backed clergy have condemned it as tantamount to heresy.
在基地组织的极端分子为民主浪潮欢呼雀跃并将其视作机会的同时,沙特阿拉伯那些由政府支持的保守的神职人员却谴责说这无异于异端行为。 ecocn




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