

单词 tantalisingly
释义 tantalisingly 英tæntə'laɪzɪŋlɪ美tæntə'laɪzɪŋlɪ 高BNC³³⁵⁸⁴Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
In this book, the worlds each character builds are significantly, tantalisingly estranged from each other.
小说中每个角色创建的世界相互都极为疏远。 ecocn.org

So many, in fact, that the path, tantalisingly opened up by Barack Obama, may yet turn out to lead nowhere.
实际上,该过程困难重重,以致于巴拉克·奥巴马提出的诱人前景可能尚无法实现。 ecocn

We are tantalisingly close to Linksmakalnis, an electronic listening station that was once the most secret of all Soviet installations in the Baltic states. Now it is ghostly and deserted.
令人愉悦的,沃恩已经很接近 Linksmakalnis了,那曾是苏联在波罗地秘密安装的电子监听站,现在是鬼影重重,空无一人。 ecocn

But, for a couple more months at least, the job remains tantalisingly out of his reach.
但是,至少此后两个月内,总统一职依旧是他怎么都不能触及的。 ecocn

But, tantalisingly, genuine change seems closer than for decades.
但是,令人心急的是,真正的变革似乎比几十年来更为接近。 renren

For centuries, visionaries dreamed of uniting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans by forging a path across Central America's tantalisingly slender isthmus.
数百年来,有远见的人们一直有这样一个梦想,打通中美洲那窄得让人心动的狭长地带,将大西洋和太平洋连接在一起。 yeeyan

Guns, not civilian politics, are currently determining Libya’s future, and could yet precipitate a squabble for the country’s tantalisingly rich resources.
现在决定利比亚未来的不是平民政治,而是枪杆子,并且很有可能引发针对此国家丰富到令人垂涎的针对资源的争执。 ecocn

Ideas for new routes across the tantalisingly narrow Panamanian isthmus are not new, however.
然而,在异常狭窄的巴拿马地峡上修建新路线的想法早已有之。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Democrats are tantalisingly close to a60- seat filibuster-proof majority.
届时,民主党的席位将增近至60席,足以阻挡共和党的阻挠战术。 ecocn




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