

单词 tanner
释义 tanner 英ˈtænə美ˈtænɚAHDtănʹər ☆☆☆☆☆高八COCA¹²⁸⁵⁴BNC²¹²²³iWeb²⁷⁷⁴⁵
a small coin of the United Kingdom worth six pennies; not minted since 1970a craftsman who tans skins and hides来自 tan,制革,-er,人。alum tanner化 矾鞣工chrome tanner铬鞣工tan棕褐色
tan-不|无n,-er名人|物⇒n.制革工人;六便士币;硝皮匠;鞣皮工人;六便士近义词 sixpence英六便士硬币…

用作名词Thetanneris said to be reluctant to quote firm price because of a rising and uncertain raw material market.据说由于原材料市场上升且捉摸不定,制革商们不愿报出实盘。noun.light brown
同义词 beige,brownish,drab,khakibiscuit,bronze,brown,buff,cream,ecru,gold,natural,olive,saddle,sand,suntan,umberleather-colored,olive-brown,tawny,yellowish And it came to pass, that he tarried many days in Joppa with one Simon a tanner.
此后彼得在约帕一个硝皮匠西门的家里,住了多日。 ebigear

Drawing on two decades of research in a children’s home in Hertfordshire, Tanner concluded that the average age of breast development, often the first sign of puberty among girls, was11.5 years.
通过在赫特福德郡一所儿童之家进行一项持续二十年的研究,谭纳作出结论,乳房发育——一般是女孩青春期第一征兆——的平均年龄为11.5岁; yeeyan

How they did, and how they became Hungary’s quest for the holy grail, is a gripping tale, helped along by Mr Tanner’s penchant for intriguing asides.
这些书是如何,又是怎样成为匈牙利探寻圣杯的赌注是一个引人入胜的故事,而这也归功于坦纳先生倾向于插入一些引发人们兴趣的题外话。 ecocn

It was a huge career, extending beyond cinema to televisionin the Tanner series and even the theatre.
奥特曼的事业领域极为广阔,从电影界延伸到电视界他曾拍过电视剧《唐纳》,甚至舞台剧。 ecocn

Not just clean, I might say more Danny Tanner-ish in his habits.
在生活习惯上,我得说他跟‘丹尼.泰纳’有一拼。 yeeyan

When it was discovered that the knacker and tanner would give only a very few shillings for Prince's carcase because of his decrepitude, Durbeyfield rose to the occasion.
德北菲尔德发现,由于王子衰老枯瘦,屠户和皮匠只愿出几个先令买下它的尸体,他就站起来处理这件事。 hjenglish

Breast development seemed to be happening between one and two years earlier than Tanner had indicated.
女孩乳房发育似乎要比谭纳指出的早一到两年。 yeeyan

But Mr Tanner announced that he was quitting on the day in June that Julia Gillard unseated Kevin Rudd as Labor leader and prime minister.
但在6月吉拉德取代陆克文成为工党领袖和总理的那天,谭勒宣布辞职。 ecocn

Despite such widespread pessimism, Australian Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner thinks the worst of the global financial crisis is over.
尽管大多数人被一片悲观情绪笼罩,澳大利亚联邦财政部长坦纳却认为,全球危机最糟糕的时刻已经过去。 ebigear

For Tanner Lenart, a little lying has prevented a lot of arguing during her five-year marriage.
对于坦纳? 雷纳特 Tanner Lenart来说,撒点小谎让她五年的婚姻生活避免了很多争吵。 ebigear

Grant, the son of a tanner on the Western frontier, was everything Lee was not.
格兰特,生于西部边疆,是一位皮匠的儿子,与李截然不同。 renren

Herman- Giddens suggested that the Tanner scale should be revised in America.
赫曼-吉登斯曾提议谭纳标准用于美国,应该修改。 yeeyan

In 1950 a British paediatrician, Dr James Tanner, introduced a system for mapping the five stages of puberty in boys and girls.
1950年,英国儿科专家詹姆斯•谭纳 James Tanner提出一个体系,把男女孩青春期划分为五个阶段。 yeeyan

Indeed, says Mr Tanner, his taste was decidedly“ alpha male”.
的确,坦纳先生讲道,他的品位很明显是“男权第一”。 ecocn

James Tanner, a giant among growth scholars, puts it this way: the great variation in human height, he writes, is “ not a curve of God's errors, but of everyone's possibilities.”
一位研究成长、身材高大的学者, James Tanner,写道:人们身高的巨大差异“不是表示上帝错误的,而是展示了每个人可能性的曲线”。 ecocn

Miss Tanner would stand by the door as we filed out one by one and kiss us on the cheek.
Tanner小姐会站在门边,当我们鱼贯而出时,她会一个个的吻我们的脸颊。 yeeyan

This divide, argues Lindsay Tanner, a minister in Mr Rudd’s government, reflects a division of political culture.
吉拉德政府的一位部长 Lindsay Tanner争辩道这个分歧反映出政治文化的分歧。 ecocn

Try using hair removal creams to remove any self- tanner streaks on the sides of your feet, palms, elbow and knees.
可以用脱毛膏除去脚、手掌、胳膊肘和膝盖上的“假晒色”。 cri

Tanner also defended the practice of bringing spouses on the congressional trip.
Tanner还为国会出差的时候带上配偶进行了辩护. yeeyan

Tanner led another delegation on a similar trip in November for NATO and other meetings in Rome and Florence, Italy, and Valencia, Spain.
去年9月份, Tanner曾带着另一个代表团做过类似的旅行,也是因为欧安组织以及其他的一些会面,去了意大利的罗马、佛罗伦萨和西班牙的瓦伦西亚。 yeeyan

Tanner says every member of the family needs to be on board, including grandparents, aunts, uncles and siblings.

Tanner strongly defended the group's travels, saying he has important meetings at each stop and the trip is part of a greater effort to improve relations with Europe.
Tanner强烈地为他们的这次旅行做了辩解,他说他在每一站都有重要的会见,而且,这次旅行是为促进美欧关系做出的更大的努力的一部分。 yeeyan




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