释义 |
Tangka 基本例句 唐卡¹⁰⁰ A trainee painting tangka in a gallery in Lhasa.拉萨市的雪域画廊,一学徒正在画唐卡。 The Tibetan art of scroll painting, orTangka, is well preserved.藏族卷轴画唐卡艺术得到保护。 The Tibetan art of scroll painting,orTangka,is well preserved.藏族卷轴画唐卡艺术得到保护。 TangKa, a transliteration of a Tibetan word, refers to a kind of painting scroll mounted on dyed brocade.唐卡是藏族文化中一种独具特色的绘画形式,题材内容涉及藏族的历史、政治、文化和社会生活等诸多领域。 The Ming symbol inTangkaart, Yongzong symbol in the Bon-bo religion and Jingang-Jie symbol have spread widely and become very popular.唐卡艺术中的明图符、本教艺术中的雍宗图符、以及金刚结图符等都广为流传,非常普遍。 |