

单词 tangle
释义 tangle 英ˈtæŋgəl美ˈtæŋgəlAHDtăngʹgəl ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIMT宝6八COCA¹³⁶⁹⁸BNC¹⁵⁷⁹⁶iWeb¹⁶⁰⁷⁵Economist¹¹⁸⁹⁸

vt. & vi. 使混乱

make confused, disordered; twist and twine into a confused mass

vi. 打架,吵嘴

become involved in a fight; quarrel with sb

a twisted and tangled mass that is highly interwoven;

they carved their way through the tangle of vines

something jumbled or confused;

a tangle of government regulations

force into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action;

They were swept up by the events

don't drag me into this business

tangle or complicate;

a ravelled story

disarrange or rumple; dishevel;

The strong wind tousled my hair

twist together or entwine into a confusing mass;

The child entangled the cord

用作动词 v.
~+副词tangle completely完全缠乱tangle designedly设计混乱tangle easily容易缠结tangle economically经济混乱tangle terribly特别混乱tangle up使完全搞混~+介词tangle in卷入tangle in a quarrel卷入一场争吵tangle with sb与某人发生纠纷
tangle up v.+adv.

使完全缠结,搞混,弄乱 tangle completely, to mix, to confuse

tangle sth ⇔ upThe cat has tangled up my wool.猫把我的毛线搞得乱成了一团。
The wires are all tangled up.电线都缠在一块了。
tangle with v.+prep.

与…勾结 collude with sb

tangle with sbHe is small yet tough, and no one dares to tangle with him.他个子虽小但却顽强,没有人敢跟他较量。
Jim used to tangle with his brother when he was a little boy.吉姆小的时候常和弟弟打架。
I shouldn't tangle with Peter, he is bigger than me.我不应该与彼特吵架,他的块头比我大。
She shouldn't tangle with the kind old man.她不该和那位善良的老人吵架。be tangled with sbI'm sorry to hear that you've been tangled with such unsuitable people.听说你跟这样的败类搅和在一起,我真感到遗憾。GRE红宝书音:探戈,跳这种舞的男女总是纠缠在一起;音:弹勾,弹簧与勾子纠缠在一起;联想记忆俩人纠缠tangle在一起跳探戈tango参考:entanglev.纠缠,连累近义词 web网knot结drag拖jam果酱mat垫子mess混乱maze迷宫mass大量mesh网孔trap圈套snarl吼叫twist缠绕sweep打扫ravel开线jumble掺杂mix-up混乱involve包含disrupt干扰drag in拉进disorder混乱jungle丛林的sweep up打扫confuse使困惑labyrinth迷宫embroil使卷入difficulty困难dishevel使蓬乱embarrass使窘迫complication复杂tousle弄乱头发snag隐伏的障碍…complicate使复杂化entangle 使 … 纠缠come up against突然或意外碰到困难…反义词 disentangle解开
S+~+ALong hair tangles easily.长头发容易打结。
S+~+ n./pron.The wind tangled her hair.风吹乱了她的头发。
The news tangled his thoughts terribly.这消息使他的思想乱极了。
Your hair's so tangled that I can't comb it.你的头发太乱了,我梳不动。Ptangleda.纠缠的紊乱的Punentanglevt.解开排解Ptanglesomea.紊乱的复杂的Pentanglevt.使纠缠卷入使混乱Puntanglevt.解开纠结解开整顿Pentanglementn.纠缠卷入缠绕物Pnonentanglementn.不卷入不牵连Ptanglefootn.烈酒蹩脚的威士忌酒Pdisentanglevi.解开纠结松开解决vt.解开松开




tangle可接副词up表示“搞混”; 接介词with表示“与…发生冲突”。

用作名词The wool got in a fearfultangle.毛线乱成了一团。
His financial affairs are in such atangle.他的钱财是糊涂帐。
We employed a lawyer to straighten our legaltangle.我们雇了一位律师把法律纠纷理出头绪。用作及物动词The little girltangledthe yarn her mother was knitting.小女孩把她妈妈在编结的毛线弄得纠结在一起了。
The windtangledher hair.风吹乱了她的头发。
They weretangledin the labour-management controversy.他们被卷入了劳资纠纷。用作不及物动词He was really a tough guy totanglewith.他真是一个难缠的人。
The cables on the floor were in atangle.地上的电缆乱作一团。
Wetangledheatedly over the justice of the war.我们就这场战争的正义性激烈地争了起来。noun.knot, confusion
同义词 coil,labyrinth,mess,morass,skein,snarlcomplication,entanglement,jam,jungle,mass,mat,maze,mesh,mix up,muddle,rummage,snag,twist,web
反义词 order,organization,simplicityverb.knot, complicate
同义词 confuse,embroil,enmesh,entangle,perplex,snarl,tie up,trapcatch,coil,derange,discompose,disorganize,ensnare,entrap,hamper,implicate,interlace,interlock,interweave,involve,jam,kink,mat,mesh,obstruct,ravel,twist,unbalance,upsetdrag into,foul up,intertwist,make a party to,mess up,mix up,muck up
反义词 clarify,clear up,enlighten,explain,straighten out,uncomplicate,untangle,untwistaid,assist,calm,clear,compose,free up,help,let go,liberate,release
backlashnoun adverse reaction
complicateverb confuse, make difficult
add fuel to fire,bedevil,clog,combine,confound,convolute,derange,disarrange,disorder,elaborate,embroil,entangle,fold,foul up,handicap,impede,infold,interfuse,interrelate,interweave,involve,jumble,make intricate,make waves,mix up,muck up,muddle,multiply,obscure,open can of worms,perplex,ravel,render unintelligible,screw up,snafu,snag,snarl up,tangle,twist,upset
complicatesverb confuse, make difficult
adds fuel to fires,bedevils,clogs,combines,confounds,convolutes,deranges,disarranges,disorders,elaborates,embroils,entangles,folds,foul up,handicaps,impedes,infolds,interfuses,interrelates,interweaves,involves,jumbles,makes intricate,makes waves,mixes up,mucks up,muddles,multiplies,obscures,open can of worms,perplexes,ravels,renders unintelligible,screws up,snafus,snags,snarls up,tangles,twists,upsets
complicatingverb confuse, make difficult
adding fuel to firing,bedeviling,clogging,combining,confounding,convoluting,deranging,disarranging,disordering,elaborating,embroiling,entangling,folding,foul up,handicapping,impeding,infolding,interfusing,interrelating,interweaving,involving,jumbling,making intricate,making waves,mixing up,mucking up,muddling,multiplying,obscuring,open can of worms,perplexing,ravelling,rendering unintelligible,screwing up,snafuing,snagging,snarling up,tangling,twisting,upsetting
conflictverb be at odds
brawl,bump heads with,clash,collide,combat,contend,contest,contrast,cross swords with,differ,disaccord,disagree,discord,disharmonize,disturb,fight,interfere,jar,lock horns with,mismatch,oppose,romp,run against tide,scrap,slug,square off with,strive,struggle,tangle,vary
conflictedverb be at odds
brawled,bumped heads with,clashed,collided,combated,contended,contested,contrasted,crossed swords with,differed,disaccorded,disagreed,discorded,disharmonized,disturbed,fought,interfered,jarred,locked horns with,mismatched,opposed,ran against tide,romped,scrapped,slugged,squared off with,strove,struggled,tangled,varied For Liverpool to go into combat in2009-2010 with only one top-grade centre-forward points to a bad tangle of politics, judgment and arithmetic.
仅靠一名顶级中锋向2009-2010赛季发起冲击的利物浦尚在内部政治、发展判断和财政不足上纠缠不清。 yeeyan

His squeaky voice came from beyond the tangle of saplings and laurel.
树苗和月桂纠缠的灌木丛的那一头传来了他那尖利的声音。 yeeyan

Its welfare provision is a shambles, with an incomprehensible tangle of entitlements which still leaves gaping holes in the safety net.
埃及的福利就是一个烂摊子,在这其中有着不可思议的权利纠纷,在安全网上留下了漏洞。 ecocn

Bologna has prompted a mass tidying- up of the tangle of different degrees awarded in different European countries.
博洛尼亚程序极大的规整了不同欧洲国家授予的不同学位之间的混乱状态。 ecocn

Extricating themselves from this tangle can be tough.
从这团乱麻中脱身是非常困难的。 ecocn

However, the major improvement will be replacing the cumbersome motor- powered tangle of pulleys and cables previously used to move the tail fin with something more elegant.
然而,主要的改善是将取代了以前笨重的发动机,它用于推动缠绕的滑轮和电缆从而使尾鳍的移动更加优雅。 ecocn

If, however, you've tried this method and ended up in a tangle, well, now you know why.
然而,如果使用这种方法陷入混乱,那么,您现在知道为什么了。 ibm

In Hanoi, there are no traffic lights; cars and carts crowd into an impenetrable tangle, yet everyone gets through somehow.
在河内是没有交通信号灯的;汽车和马车拥挤成乱糟糟的一团,不过每个人都会以某种方式通过马路。 ecocn

It was hoped these would tangle the virus particles up.
人们希望这些能够将病毒微粒缠在一起。 yeeyan

It was a delicate green collection, barely showing amidst the tumbled tangle of stalks and leaves.
它是一种珍贵的绿色品种,在那些纠缠成乱麻一团的茎叶中极为少见。 yeeyan

Lawyers fume that it is not just too many laws and too few courts that tangle justice, but clueless judges and incompetent clerks.
律师们则说,并不是太多的法律、太少的法院,而是无知的法官和能力不足的办事员搞乱了埃及的法律正义。 ecocn

Methane from the bottom of the Persian Gulf is part- combusted and filtered in a spaghetti- like tangle of steel pipes.
来自波斯湾底部的甲烷气体在未完全燃烧后,经过那些像意大利面缠绕在一起的钢管来进行过滤。 ecocn

Picture a serpentine tangle of a thousand snakes, piled together cozily, calm and sleek in their subterranean nook, jointly awaiting the signals of spring.
想像一下,上千条盘绕纠结的蛇安逸地堆叠在一起,在它们那秘密的隐匿处平静地滑动,共同等待着春天的信号。 xianguo.com

That the OBR got into such a tangle is disappointing, but this should not overshadow some genuine achievements.
OBR卷入这样一场纠纷不免令人失望.然而瑕不掩瑜,我们不该忽略它的真成就. ecocn

The new legal tangle has prompted him to appoint a formal and exclusive Chinese agent called Maradona International Brand Management Co headed by Zhang Gaohong under contract for a period of50 years.
新的法律纠纷使球王任命了官方的中国代理叫做马拉多纳国际品牌管理公司,由 Zhang Gaohong负责,合同期50年。 yeeyan

The fertile idyll is torn open to reveal a dry, dense tangle of corruption whose destructive tendrils creep into every relationship in the book.
如此,书中丰富的田园风情被撕扯得四分五裂,展现出人性的道德败坏的一种赤裸裸、浓厚的混乱状态,而这种败坏的毁灭之爪也伸向了每个人的身上。 ecocn

The resulting black- aluminum modules are assembled using the logic of language and form a web-like tangle that can be reassembled in an infinite number of ways.
里奇的构想所产生的各种黑色铝制模块是运用语言逻辑和缠结网络形式组装起来的,这些模块可以以无限的方式重新组合。 yeeyan

The threads tangle easily.

Their thoughts are a tangle of unexamined impulses.
他们的想法是没有条理一团乱麻。 yeeyan

They moved out, headed for a tangle of grapevines where the Taliban like to hide and fire from.
他们一出门,就直奔一片密密麻麻的葡萄园,塔利班喜欢隐藏在那里向哨所射击。 yeeyan

Under the commission's rough plans, companies would adopt a tax base for their EU- wide activities, rather than face a tangle of27 different regimes.
在该委员会的草案下,公司在欧盟范围从事的活动将采用统一税基,而不是27个国家各不相同的混乱状态。 ecocn

Visitors can also wonder about a tangle of wires connected to a metal plate— an early form of software called a “ control panel”.
参观者还会惊奇地看到一团电线连接在一个金属板上——“控制面板”,一种早期的软件形式。 ecocn

While these methods may help tame the tangle of options, they suffer from one major problem: bias.
这些方法有助于解决选择的困惑,但却要面临另一个重大的问题:偏见。 yeeyan

Tangle resistant zipper keeps your cables in line and your mind at ease.
防打结拉链保持你的耳机线成一直线,并让你心情舒畅。 yeeyan




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