

释义 TANF ˈtænəf COCA⁶⁴³⁵⁷
The current program of cash assistance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families TANF, was enacted in 1996. It removed the entitlement to cash benefits.
1996年开始实行对贫困家庭的临时补助计划,废除了享有现金补助的公民权利性计划。 czx.xmu.edu.cn

First, states receive TANF money as block grants from Washington, DC, so the funding does not rise with demand.
首先,华盛顿特区以分类财政补贴的形式将这笔款项下发到全美各州,所以尽管有所要求,但数目仍然没有增长。 ecocn

Food-stamp participation rose by45% between December2007 and December2009, CBPP calculates, while the number of families receiving cash grants under TANF, a block- grant scheme, rose by just13%.
据预算和政策优先中心计算,在2007年12月至2009年12月期间,食品券的申领者增加了45%,而按照贫困家庭临时援助计划领取现金津贴的家庭数量只增加了13%。 ecocn

From the start, the TANF experience was“ humiliating,” Kristen says.
TANF从一开始给人的感觉就是“羞辱”,克里斯丁说。 yeeyan

Last year Ohio spent only25% of its TANF money on cash assistance.
去年,俄亥俄州的这笔资金,仅有25%用在了现金资助。 ecocn

Less than a tenth of recipients also receive cash payments from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families programme TANF, the reformed version of welfare;
不到10%的接受者中同时也收到贫困家庭临时救助计划 TANF给予的现金资助,该计划是福利的一种改革形式; ecocn

Once a worker has exhausted unemployment benefit, the only form of cash assistance is through Temporary Assistance for Needy Families TANF, the federal programme that replaced welfare in1996.
一旦过了失业救济金的期限,那么,工人可以依靠的现金资助只有来自这部96年替代福利救济方案的 TANF临时资助贫困家庭方案。 ecocn

This paper interprets the fundamental role of values in social welfare policy choice by a case study of the American reform of public assistance policy from AFDC to TANF.
文章以美国公共救助政策改革从 AFDC到 TANF为个案,阐明了价值观念对社会福利政策选择的基础作用。 cnki

Under TANF, the sates have virtually total control over the structure of their welfare systems.
这次改革的一个重要特点是,各州实际上拥有对福利制度结构的全面控制权。 czx.xmu.edu.cn

TANF does not offer straightforward cash support like Aid to Families with Dependent Children, which it replaced in 1996.
1996年 TANF取代了抚养儿童家庭补助计划。与后者不同, TANF并不直接提供现金援助。 yeeyan




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