释义 |
Tan Dun 基本例句 谭盾 This is Oscar winning compser Tan Dun, my director Feng Xiao Gang and I on our most beautiful Anji set.这是奥斯卡金像奖得主谭盾、导演冯小刚和我,在美丽的安吉外景地里! Internationally acclaimed composer, Tan Dun conducts his composition, “2000 Passion.主持人:有请作曲家谭盾指挥演奏《天地与我为一》。 Why did Tan Dun get success while the black continued playing the violin in the street. What can we learn from it?老师:谭盾成功了,但那个黑人小伙却仍在街头卖艺,你从中学到些什么? Tan Dun's creation stems from China's ancient ”Jinsheng Yuzhen,“ the traditional philosophy.谭盾的创作源于中国古老的“金声玉振”的传统哲学理念。 |