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词汇 tame
释义 tame 英teɪm美temAHDtām ★☆☆☆☆高四六研GIST宝46八COCA¹⁵⁹⁹¹BNC¹⁵³⁰⁷iWeb¹¹⁹⁰⁴Economist⁸²⁶²


not wild or fierce; easily controlled


dull; unexciting and uninteresting

vt. & vi. 使服从; 驯服

cause to train sth to be gentle and often also to obey commands

flat and uninspiringvery restrained or quiet;

a tame Christmas party

she was one of the tamest and most abject creatures imaginable with no will or power to act but as directed

brought from wildness into a domesticated state;

tame animals

fields of tame blueberries

very docile;

tame obedience

meek as a mouse

correct by punishment or disciplinemake less strong or intense; soften;

Tone down that aggressive letter

The author finally tamed some of his potentially offensive statements

adapt a wild plant or unclaimed land to the environment;

domesticate oats

tame the soil

overcome the wildness of; make docile and tractable;

He tames lions for the circus

reclaim falcons

make fit for cultivation, domestic life, and service to humans;

The horse was domesticated a long time ago

The wolf was tamed and evolved into the house dog

用作动词 v.
~+名词tame a monkey驯猴tame nature征服大自然
故事记忆铁拐李是 Name名字小时侯很 Tame驯服的有一个好 Fame名声不小心被 Frame陷害结果成了 Lame跛的心里气出 Flame火焰但这不是 Shame耻辱人生就像 Game游戏日子和以前 Same一样的GRE红宝书音:踏灭→踏平→驯服;音:太妹,小太妹需要被驯服;音:太美,太美的美眉一般是很驯服的非常记忆tam天安门〖拼音〗+e鹅〖编码〗⇒天安门上有1000000驯服的鹅近义词 flatgentle
反义词 wildadj. exciting
~+ n.A cat is a tame animal.猫是一种温顺的动物。
The film has a tame ending.那电影的结局枯燥无味。
S+be+~Monkeys become tame when they live with men.猴子和人生活在一起会变得驯服。
The party was tame because all the people were sleepy.聚会很沉闷,因为大家昏昏欲睡。S+be+~+that-clauseHe is so tame that he agrees with everybody.他很随和,总是顺从他人的意见。用作动词v.
S+~+AWhite rats tame easily.白鼠易驯。
S+~+ n./pron.His job is to tame lions.他的工作是驯狮。
One day man will tame nature.总有一天,人类会战胜自然。Ptamern.驯服手Ptamenessn.驯服温顺Ptamelessa.未驯服的不能驯服的Ptamelyad.驯服地温顺地没有骨气地Puntameda.未经驯服的不能抑制的难控驭的



用作形容词A boy was playing with atamesnake.一个男孩在玩一条驯服了的蛇。
The animals we find in the zoo are quitetame.我们在动物园看到的动物都很驯服。
It's incredible that thetamewolf is as mild as a lamb.令人难以置信的是驯服的狼温和如羊。
She is tootame.她太柔顺了。
I quite enjoyed the book but found the ending rathertame.我很爱看那本书,只是结尾颇觉乏味。用作及物动词The Asian elephant can betamedand trained.亚洲象可以被驯养和训练。
We are trying totamea really mad horse.我们正设法驯服一匹发了疯的马。
She made strenuous efforts totameher anger.她竭力压制心头怒火。用作不及物动词That tiger is impossible totame.那只老虎难以驯服。adj.domesticated, compliant
同义词 docile,gentle,harmless,manageable,mild,subduedacclimatized,bridled,broken,busted,civilized,cultivated,disciplined,habituated,harnessed,muzzled,overcome,trained,yokedamenable,biddable,domestic,fearless,gentle as a lamb,housebroken,kindly,meek,obedient,pliable,pliant,submissive,tractable,unafraid,unresisting
反义词 harsh,rough,violentbright,exciting,interesting,unmanageable,untamed,wildadj.dull, uninteresting
同义词 bland,bloodless,boring,feeble,mild,weakdiluted,limpboiled down,conventional,flat,halfhearted,humdrum,insipid,lifeless,monotonous,prosaic,routine,spiritless,tedious,unexciting,uninspiring,vapid,wearisome,white-bread,without punch
反义词 able,strongbright,exciting,interesting,unmanageable,untamed,violent,wildverb.domesticate, make compliant
同义词 conquer,curb,pacify,restrain,soften,subdue,suppress,temper,vanquishbreak,bridle,bust,check,discipline,domesticize,domiciliate,enslave,gentle,housebreak,house-train,humble,mitigate,mute,repress,subjugate,trainbreak in,break the spirit,bring to heel,tone down,water down
反义词 agitate,encourage,fail,incite,irritate,lose,release,surrender,upset,aid,allow,fix,free,help,let go,liberate,mend,permit
blandadjective tasteless;undistinctive
banal,blah,boring,dull,dull as dishwater,flat,flavorless,ho-hum,humdrum,insipid,milk-and-water,monotonous,nerdy,nothing,pabulum,sapless,tedious,unexciting,uninspiring,uninteresting,unstimulating,vanilla,vapid,waterish,watery,weak,white-bread,wimpy,wishy-washy,zero
boringadjective uninteresting
breakverb weaken, cause instability
break inverb train in new skill
accustom,condition,educate,gentle,get used to,habituate,initiate,instruct,prepare,tame
broke inverb train in new skill
accustomed,conditioned,educated,gentled,get used to,habituated,initiated,instructed,prepared,tamed
chastenverb correct, humiliate
abase,admonish,afflict,berate,call down,castigate,chastise,chide,cow,curb,discipline,exprobate,fulminate against,have on the carpet,humble,objurgate,penalize,punish,rake over the coals,rebuke,reprehend,repress,reprimand,reproach,reprove,restrain,scold,scourge,soften,subdue,take to task,tame,tongue-lash,try,upbraid From high in a lookout tower at a camp there, I could see only tame life— dairy herds of domestic buffalo and cattle— feeding across wetlands inside the park.
在营地的一处瞭望台上俯视,映入眼帘的都是驯养动物,家养的水牛和奶牛就在公园里的湿地上悠闲的吃着草。 yeeyan

It is against the competition rules to photograph a tame animal.
而比赛规则禁止选手们拍摄被驯服的动物。 hjenglish

The job of the Treasury Secretary is chiefly that of a horse whisperer, to tame skittish financial markets by talking sweetly, if sometimes obliquely, into their ears.
国库秘书工作有时是需要成为一名马语者,学会温柔的说话间接的传到他们的耳朵里,来驯服变幻不定的金融市场。 yeeyan

The tame mainstream Singapore media treated the event as such.
顺从的主流新加坡媒体也同样对待此事件。 yeeyan

The tame tigers play the same game on the frame.
温顺的老虎在框架上玩同一游戏. ebigear

With food prices already skyrocketing, how well will their central bankers tame the beast?
眼下,食品价格已经大幅飙升,这三国央行将如何驯服通胀这只猛兽? yeeyan

“ Please-- tame me!” he said.
“请你驯服我吧!”他说。 ebigear

Avoid initiating contact with a wild animal, even if it seems tame or you believe it to be vaccinated.
避免与野生动物密切接触,即使它看起来很驯服,即使你相信它已经接种了疫苗。 yeeyan

But if markets can inflict pain, the harm from trying to tame them is often worse, argue those who would let the invisible hand carry on.
但是如果市场可以施加痛苦,那么试图驯服市场带来的伤害往往更严重,愿意让“看不见的手”继续发挥作用的人士如此声辩。 yeeyan

Central banks that rely on the credit crunch to tame rising prices may regret it.
依靠信贷危机来驯服价格的央行们或许会为此感到遗憾了。 ecocn

China's leaders have sought to tame the violent Yangtze for nearly a century.
近一个世纪以来,中国领导人一直希望驯服暴虐的长江。 ebigear

Control it, tame it, time it.
管住它、驯服它、使它合于时宜。 dict

For the last decade, Hollywood and big music have spent time not innovating, but trying to get the U.S. Congress to help them tame the Internet.
在过去的十年来,好莱坞和大唱片公司的时间不是用在创新上,而是花在了让美国国会帮助他们驯服互联网上。 yeeyan

More stable would be a Dutch-style deal to secure their backing for a minority government; some Christian Democrats hope this will tame the wilder side of Mr Wilders.
更牢靠的做法是采用荷兰式的协议,来确保极右派支持少数党政府。一些基督教民主党人希望这会驯服威尔德斯先生野性的一面。 ecocn

Neither did, and the game ended in a tame1-1 draw that probably would have slipped from the memory had it not been my first visit to the Monumental.
两人都没做到,最后踢成了一场乏味的1-1,要不是因为这是第一次到纪念碑球场看球,这场比赛可能早就在我的脑海中消逝了。 yeeyan

Norwegian politicians are castigated: the right-wing Progress Party to which he once belonged is condemned as too tame and the ruling Labour Party comes in for particularly vicious attack.
他抨击挪威政客,谴责右翼进步党他也曾是其中一员过于温顺,对于正在执政的劳工党,更是言辞恶毒。 yeeyan

One very English superstition concerns the tame Ravens at the Tower of London.
一个很英国式的迷信谈及了伦敦塔上驯服的乌鸦。 yeeyan

Perhaps the most powerful trend now boosting the influence of political daughters is the family need to tame— for electoral purposes—the authoritarian character of fathers.
也许现在助推政治家女儿影响力的最有力趋势在于——为了竞选目的——家族需要将独裁者父亲的个性变得温顺。 yeeyan

Sure, but the future numerous times they have to spend together, they have to tame the beast over-confident.
当然,在将来他们必须生活在一起,他们必须驯服自己心中过于自信的野兽。 yeeyan

They have suggested that China should further deregulate its economy, let the renminbi appreciate and otherwise rely on market forces to tame inflation.
他们建议中国政府进一步对经济放松管制,允许人民币升值,或者,依靠市场力量去驯服通胀。 yeeyan

Through kisses and harsher means, the Palestinian Authority is seeking to tame the protesters.
通过安抚和更加压力的措施,巴权力机构正试图制服抗议者。 ecocn

Unless political leaders are open to new ideas and not just new packaging, we won't change enough hearts and minds to initiate a serious energy policy or tame the deficit.
除非政治领袖们真正开明对待新思想而非只是简单包装自己,我们就决无法心益更新以推行任何强有力的政策或驯服赤字这头猛兽; ecocn

While sexuality saturates nearly all forms of advertising media, they've had to keep things tame and covert.
当色情充斥着各种形式的广告媒介之际,他们却选择让表达手法更加平淡和隐蔽。 yeeyan




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