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词汇 Tam
释义 Tam.

a woolen cap of Scottish origin 近义词 tammy棉经毛纬平纹呢…tam-o'-shanter大黑头巾形帽子…

用作名词Everyone says I'm quite the belle in my newtam.大家都说,我戴上这顶新的无檐软帽,简直成了美人儿啦。as in.cap
同义词 beretbeanie,bonnet,fez,pillbox,skullcaptam o'shanteras in.hat
同义词 fedora,headgear,helmetboater,bonnet,bowler,bucket,chapeau,headpiece,lid,Panama,sailor,skimmer,sombrero,Stetson,straw,toppermillinery,stove pipe,tam o'shanter,ten-gallon
capnoun small hat
beanie,beret,bonnet,fez,pillbox,skullcap,tam o'shanter
capsnoun small hat
beanies,berets,bonnets,fezzes,pillboxes,skullcaps,tam o'shanters,tams
hatnoun covering for the head
Panama,Stetson,boater,bonnet,bowler,bucket,chapeau,fedora,headgear,headpiece,helmet,lid,millinery,sailor,skimmer,sombrero,stove pipe,straw,tam,tam o'shanter,ten-gallon,topper Here, third- year student David Lau examines Maria Tam’s teeth.
三年级学生戴维·刘正在检查玛利亚·谭的牙齿。 yeeyan

It was unclear how Tam's real identity was discovered.
目前, Tam的真实身份是如何被发现的还不得而知。 cri

The same type of plane, also operated by TAM, caused one of Brazil's worst air disasters in 1996.
1996年,同样归 TAM公司所有的一架福克尔100飞机造成了巴西历史上最惨重的一场空难。 cri

The sensors detect changes in wavelength, and their signal strength does not affect the sensing information, making it highly reliable, Tam said.
传感器检测到波长的变化,而其信号强度不影响传感信息,使其高度可靠,谭教授说道。 yeeyan

The TAM has been built on observations of typical systems available today within the fixed, mobile, and cable sectors and will evolve naturally as these systems develop.
TAM基于对当前固话网络、移动网络和线缆通信领域可用的典型系统的观察,并会随着这些系统的发展而发展。 ibm

“ This is reassuring because the majority of preemies are exposed to betamethasone rather than other glucocorticoids,” Tam said.
“这是令人欣慰的,因为大多数的早产儿使用的是倍他米松,而不是其他糖皮质激素的,”谭博士说。 yeeyan

As you proceed through the wizard, it guides you through the installation and configuration of TAM Runtime, using the appropriate LDAP server.
随着向导继续,将会进行 TAM Runtime的安装和配置,使用适当的 LDAP服务器。 ibm

However, it has some functional differences relative to the legacy TAI including a requirement for a TAM client configuration, so some users prefer not to use it.
但是,它在功能方面与遗留 TAI有些差异包括需要 TAM客户机配置,所以一些用户不喜欢使用它。 ibm

In 2001 an engine breakup on a TAM Fokker100 caused two cabin windows to shatter and one of82 passengers aboard died as a result of the depressurization.
2001年,还是TAM公司旗下的一架载有82名乘客的福克尔100飞机因发动机故障致使两块机舱窗户的玻璃破碎,致使一名乘客因舱内气压下降而死亡。 cri

In 2003 Tam was promoted to police chief of Dak Ru commune.
2003年, Tam晋升为多农省Dakru公社的警察局局长。 cri

It helped the rise of Gol, a Brazilian low-cost carrier, and TAM, which has a more traditional network.
这促使了巴西廉价航空公司高尔航空和航空网络更加传统的巴西 TAM的崛起。 ecocn

No one was hurt in the incident, a TAM spokeswoman said.
TAM公司的一位女发言人表示,没有人在此次事故中受伤。 cri

Professor Van Tam said the findings confirmed the need to regularly wash your hands and sneeze into your elbow when on public transport to stem the spread of winter viruses.
凡教授说这些发现更加说明了人们应该习惯性地洗手并在公交车上尽量朝着肘部打喷嚏以阻止冬季病毒的传播。 yeeyan

She'll wear her old tam and slip out the back way.

To do this, the security configuration must use the common security protocols between platforms, which is typically LDAP/ LTPA and file based, or TAM based authorization.
为此,安全配置必须在平台之间使用公共协议,这通常就是基于 LDAP/ LTPA和文件或基于 TAM的身份验证。 ibm

Tam Fry, founder of the Child Growth Foundation and spokesman for the National Obesity Forum, said the study underlined the importance of breakfast for everyone.
儿童成长基金会创始人,国家肥胖病论坛发言人 Tam Fry说研究所强调的早餐的重要性是针对每一个人的。 yeeyan

TAM has been replacing its Fokker planes since the Dutch aircraft maker went bankrupt10 years ago.
自从荷兰福克尔飞机制造公司于10年前破产后, TAM公司一直在逐步更换掉自己旗下的福克尔飞机。 cri

TAM performs the authentication function with the user and either accepts or rejects his sign-on.
TAM对用户执行身份验证功能,将接受或拒绝登录。 ibm

Tam said doctors need to consider other drugs to help treat premature babies.
谭博士说,医生需要考虑可以帮助治疗早产儿的其它药物。 yeeyan

Tam was sentenced to four years in jail in1984 for a series of robberies, but he escaped from prison in1986, the newspaper said.
报道说,1984年, Tam因参与系列抢劫案被判有期徒刑4年,但他在1986年从狱中逃出。 cri




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