

单词 talking
释义 talk·ing 英'tɔːkɪŋ美'tɔːkɪŋ;ˈtɔːkɪŋ COCA⁵³⁴BNC⁶⁷⁶iWeb⁸⁰⁶⁹Economist²⁰⁴⁶

an exchange of ideas via conversation;

let's have more work and less talk around here

talking point论据talking shop清谈场talking of谈到talking book有声读物尤指供盲人…fast-talk花言巧语地欺骗…talking-to 申斥talk交谈talking head口头部特写,接受…talking machine 留声机talking encyclopedia有声百科全书…talking film有声电影talking condenser通话电容器talking connection通话连接talking cure谈心疗法talking stage(计划的讨论阶段…talking key通话电键,应答电键…sleep talking梦呓talking circuit通话电路talking sign通话联络信号…talking beacon音响指示信标…
talk说话+ing⇒说话的近义词 yak牦牛chat闲谈talk交谈debate辩论chatter饶舌chatting闲谈chitchat闲谈schmooze闲谈exchange交换dialogue对话speaking发言的gossip流言蜚语discussion讨论conference会议negotiation谈判conversation谈话deliberation熟虑consultation咨询words某人所说的话…

用作名词Notalkingin here!这儿不许讲话。adj.speaking
同义词 articulating,chattering,conversing,discussing,echoingenunciatingexpressing,mouthing,oratingpronouncingranting,repeating,spoutingverbalizingvocalizingeloquent
反义词 hearing,listening,witnessing
articulationnoun clear, coherent speech
communicationnoun giving, exchanging information, ideas
advice,advisement,announcing,articulation,assertion,communion,connection,contact,conversation,converse,correspondence,corresponding,declaration,delivery,disclosing,dissemination,elucidation,expression,intelligence,interchange,intercommunication,intercourse,link,making known,mention,notifying,publication,reading,reception,revelation,talk,talking,telling,transfer,translating,transmission,utterance,writing
conferringadjective holding a conference
explanationnoun clarification;reason
intercommunicationnoun communication
advice,advisement,announcing,articulation,assertion,communion,connection,contact,conversation,converse,correspondence,corresponding,declaration,delivery,disclosing,dissemination,elucidation,expression,intelligence,interchange,intercourse,link,making known,mention,notifying,publication,reading,reception,revelation,talk,talking,telling,transfer,translating,transmission,utterance,writing And why are we talking only about in Poland?
为什么我们只谈论波兰境内的情况呢? ecocn

And you have to spend an hour talking about nothing but yourself.
并且,你要用一个小时的时间来谈谈你自己。 hxen

I’m not criticizing planning or talking… they can be beneficial, but now I prefer to do something instead of talking.
我并非批评计划或谈话——它们很可能是有益的;但如今我更喜欢身体力行而不是空口说说而已。 yeeyan

While I was talking with her, she sprawled her legs in the sofa.

But as I was talking to some of your leaders, you share a similar concern here in China.
但正如我通过与你们的一些领导人谈话所了解到的,你们在中国也有类似的担忧。 hxen

But here he is talking to us, without any filtering at all, and what comes through that we have lost is precisely this fierce, unceasing passion.
但是现在他正对我们说话,完全没有任何过滤筛选,充斥其间的恰恰是我们所遗忘的,他那汹涌狂躁,永无止息的激情。 yeeyan

But they had heard of us because the word was out that everyone was talking to us.
但是,他们听说过我们,因为,有说法传出,每个人都在和我们交谈。 yeeyan

Do not ever interrupt someone while they are talking, or explaining you something.
当别人在说话或是在向你解释什么的时候,不要打断他。 yeeyan

Every day they are talking about peace but actually preparing for war.
他们每天都在谈论和平,但实际上却在准备战争。 hxen

Football fans have been talking up the match.

However, that’s not the compatibility we’re talking about.
不过,那些都不是我们要谈论的兼容性。 yeeyan

I find in talking to people that there is a worry that if they win we will lose, and there is no need for that.
在和人交谈时我觉得大家总是有一种担心,认为他们一赢就意味着我们会输,这种担心没有必要。 yeeyan

I have written about Scotland talking green and building for coal before.
我以前写过有关苏格兰谈论绿色和煤炭建设的文章。 yeeyan

I really like talking to her.
我很喜欢和她说话。 cri

If you've witnessed or experienced violence of any kind, not talking about it can make feelings build up inside and cause problems.
如果你已目睹了或经历过的任何类型的暴力的事件,不谈论它能建立内在的感情和导致问题。 yeeyan

Keep it upbeat by talking about what you like rather than what you dislike.
谈论你喜欢的而不是你厌恶的来保持乐观向上的情绪。 yeeyan

Know the story on this interesting fruit when talking it up.
谈论这种有趣的水果是一定要知道它的故事。 yeeyan

So, some can stay in the dorm for an entire month without talking at all with anyone.
因此,有些学生能待在宿舍里整整一个月不与任何人讲话。 iciba

Sorry, I have to go. Nice talking with you.
对不起,我不得不走了。很您谈话很开心。 ebigear

The teacher came down on her for talking in class.

This is not likely to chance in the near future, though people at Microsoft are talking about it.
尽管微软中的很多人也在谈论它,但是在不远的将来这还是不太可能出现。 infoq

Together they got me out of bed and, after talking to me, the doctor diagnosed me with“ depression”.
他们一起设法使我起床,然后在与我谈话之后,医生诊断我患了“抑郁症”。 who

We spent the whole morning talking politics.

While you are talking, they are busy developing critiques of what you said or how you said it.
当你在谈话时,他们忙着酝酿如何批判你所说的和你的说话方式。 yeeyan

Talking is not an end in itself.
会谈本身并不是最终目的所在。 ecocn

Talking like this?
像这样子说话? eol




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