

单词 tales
释义 tales 英teɪlz, ˈteɪliːz美telz, ˈtelizAHDtālz, tāʹlēz COCA⁶¹⁵⁶BNC⁵⁴¹⁹Economist⁴⁴⁸⁸
名词 tale:
a message that tells the particulars of an act or occurrence or course of events; presented in writing or drama or cinema or as a radio or television programa trivial lietales man候补陪审员canterbury tales坎特伯雷故事集…tale故事tell tales揭人隐私泄露秘密…tales doses拉等量pray a tales请求补足陪审员之缺额…tell tales out of school揭人隐私泄露秘密…

I've heard some oddtalesabout her.我听到些关於她的怪事。
You hear all sorts oftales.各种流言蜚语满天飞。
Dead men tell notales.死人不会告密。
We listened to theirtalesabout life in the Sahara Desert.我们听他们讲述撒哈拉沙漠的生活经历。
The child devours fairytales.这孩子专注地听着童话故事。
He often embellishes thetalesof his travels.他常给他的旅游趣闻添枝加叶。
There are many stories about the nymphs in Roman fairytales.罗马神话中有许多关于女神的故事。
Children shouldn't telltales.小孩子不应该说谎。noun.story
同义词 account,anecdote,fable,fiction,legend,myth,narrative,novel,short story,yarnnarration,relation,report,romance,sagafairy tale,folk tale
反义词 non-fictiontruthnoun.made-up story
同义词 rumor,yarn,fictionprevarication,lie,falsehood,exaggeration,falsity,defamation,canard,detraction,fib,rigmarole,slander,untruth,scandal,misrepresentation,spiel,fabricationcock-and-bull storyclothesline,chestnuttall story,untruism
反义词 non-fictiontruth,praise,honesty The animals hated Moses because he told tales and did no work, but some of them believed in Sugarcandy Mountain, and the pigs had to argue very hard to persuade them that there was no such place.
动物们都讨厌摩西,因为他只讲故事不劳作。但还是有一些动物相信糖果山的传说,这使猪不得不非常辛苦的说服他们并不存在这样一个地方。 yeeyan

The children were charmed by the sailor's tales of adventure.

As adults, we don't always have tales to teach us these valuable lessons.
到了成年时,我们不会总是有童话来教导自己这些宝贵的课程。 blog.sina.com.cn

He exclaims he is proud of his children, and he adores his grandchildren; he holds them one by one on his knee, plays with them and tells them folk tales whenever they come to visit.
他为他的孩子们感到骄傲,他非常喜欢他的孙子们;每当孙子们来拜访时,他就一个接一个地把他们抱到自己大腿上,陪他们玩耍,给他们讲民间故事。 yeeyan

His books, which include Awakenings and The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, introduced readers to indelible tales of patients with almost outlandishly peculiar brain disorders.
他的书,包括《觉醒》、《因一顶帽子误解妻子的男人》,介绍给读者一些让人难忘的故事,与大脑秩序混乱、怪异的病人有关。 yeeyan

His witty and often macabre tales won him critical acclaim and he was a successful short- story writer.
他的机智和恐怖的故事常常为他赢得好评,他是一个成功的短篇小说作家。 ecocn

I think of all those tales, legends, and laughs about the aged Don Juan.
我也想到了所有那些关于唐璜垂暮之年的故事、传说和笑话。 yeeyan

I thought of the personal tales each one could tell.
我认为他们每个人都有一个私人的故事可说。 yeeyan

In the tales of King Arthur and his knights, one recurring story is the quest for the Holy Grail.
在亚瑟王和他的圆桌骑士的传说中,一个经久传颂的故事便是寻找圣杯。 yeeyan

Indeed, Jonah was rescued by a whale when he was thrown overboard, and there have been tales of dolphins assisting swimmers in distress or shielding them from circling sharks.
其实,约拿被丢出船外就是一头鲸鱼解救的,还有各种海豚援助遇险游泳者或在鲨鱼包围游泳者时保护他们的故事。 yeeyan

On the flip side, state media have gone out of their way to publicize morality tales showing the heroism and generosity of ordinary Chinese.
在另一方面,国家媒体已经在宣传普通中国人英雄主义和宽宏大量的道德故事方面做了大量的工作。 yeeyan

Once on board, they regaled the crew with tales of famine in their villages.
一旦登上船只,海盗就向船员讲述发生在他们村庄的饥荒故事。 ecocn

Perhaps these tales do actually teach us a lesson or two after all.
或许这些童话终究还是教给了我们一两个教训。 joyen

Some scholars believe the story is a misreading of tales in which flaming pig carcasses were catapulted over the city walls at invading soldiers.
有些学者认为这个故事是对传说中把燃烧的猪的尸体越过城墙弹射向入侵士兵的一个误读。 yeeyan

The child devours fairy tales.

This story is just one of hundreds of tales of Francoist repression that have emerged as the result of a citizens’ movement to disinter and identify victims.
这个故事不仅仅是数百个弗朗哥主义者压迫故事中的一个——— 这些故事作为一个公民发掘和确认死难者行为的结果而出现。 yeeyan

Tales of greed and fraud during the boom years abound.
在经济景气年份,充斥着贪婪和欺骗的故事。 chaci




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