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词汇 talbot
释义 Tal·bot 英ˈtɔːlbət, ˈtæl-美ˈtɔlbət, ˈtæl-AHDtôlʹbət, tălʹ- 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
A few weeks earlier, Talbot said, a concrete hauler had hit the freeway median, taking out a big chunk of it.
托尔伯特说,就在数周前一辆水泥运输车还曾撞击过高速路的中路,撞坏了一大部分路。 yeeyan

The work on the Daguerre process was taking place at the same time as that of Fox Talbot in England on the calotype process.
达盖尔发明的照相法和英格兰福克斯·塔尔博特的碘化银纸照相法出现在同一时期。 yeeyan

The Americans with Disabilities Act doesn't just give disabled people physical access to buildings, restaurants and restrooms, Talbot said.
托尔伯特谈到,《美国残疾人法案》没有仅仅强调要为残疾人提供便于进出大楼、饭店和卫生间的物理设施。 yeeyan

The Daguerreotype was the Polaroid of the day, producing a single image which was not reproducibleunlike the Talbot process.
达盖尔照相术就是那个时代的宝丽来,能得到无法复制的单个图像这和塔尔博特的方法不一样。 yeeyan

“ I can't think of another way you can experience pure luxury travel, ” Talbot said.
“我想象不到还有比这种更纯粹更豪华的旅行体验了。” Talbot说。 yeeyan

“ We think the new form of luxury will be those that have the time to enjoy an experience, ” Talbot said.
“我们认识奢华的新形式将是这种有时间去享受和体验”, Talbot说。 yeeyan

A few other men approached the wreckage and '' put a coat over my head so I wouldn't be able to identify anybody, '' Talbot said.
“另外几个人走近汽车残骸,然后用衣服蒙住我的头,以防我以后认出他们。” 托尔伯特回忆道。 yeeyan

According to Talbot, the elevators didn't work half the time, bus lifts were broken and drivers were not educated in dealing with the disabled.
对于托尔伯特而言,在一般时间内电梯都是不起作用的,公车的升降机坏了或是司机们根本不知道如何应对残疾人。 yeeyan

After the initial shock and physical pain started to ease, Talbot was relieved to be alive and thankful no one else was hurt in the accident.
当那最初的震惊和肉体上的痛楚慢慢消逝的时候,托尔伯特开始尝试从新开始生活,并开始庆幸没有其他人在事故中受伤。 yeeyan

As the new guy heading up the Boston transit system's efforts to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Talbot learned the hard way that he had a tough ride ahead.
作为一个试图引领波士顿交通去努力遵守《美国残疾人法案》的新人,托尔伯特通过一个又一个挫折认识到前方的路并不好走。 yeeyan

As Margaret Talbot wrote in this magazine, many activists were wary of the federal case and of the lead lawyers, Theodore Olson and David Boies.
就像 Margaret Talbot在这本杂志上写的,许多积极分子对这次案子的带头律师 Theodore olson和 David Boies比较谨慎。 yeeyan

For instance, Talbot says the ADA requires that at least one entrance on new buildings be accessible.
例如,托尔伯特所说的 ADA要求新大楼至少要有一个入口对残疾人是无障碍的。 yeeyan

Instead of hitting the median, which might have woken him up in time, Talbot's Honda went straight through the open gap and into oncoming traffic.
他的本田并没有撞击中路,而是直直得穿过中路的出口撞上了迎面的车辆,这让他彻底清醒了过来。 yeeyan

Many of the drivers couldn't even do it, Talbot said.
托尔伯特说,很多司机们都无法做到。 yeeyan

Now54, Talbot said his prime accomplishment has been revamping the procedures bus drivers follow to accommodate wheelchair users, the deaf and blind and people who use a cane, walker or crutches.
现今54岁的托尔伯特坦言他的首要成就便是重整了公交车司机们的操作流程,用以方便那些坐轮椅的残疾人,或是使用拐杖、助行器的盲人和聋哑人。 yeeyan

The study was funded by a grant to Talbot from the University of California Tobacco- Related Disease Research Program TRDRP.
此项研究的资金来源于加利佛尼亚大学烟草疾病研究项目 TRDRP给 Talbot的拨款。 yeeyan

The last humpback whale found stranded around the UK coastline was in 2007 at Port Talbot in Wales.
而上一次发现座头鲸搁浅还要追溯到2007年,地点是威尔士的塔尔博特港。 yeeyan

They may be an easy target but Colin Talbot, a public- management specialist at Manchester Business School, says there is no evidence that quangos are inherently more wasteful than departments.
也许能够轻易地完成这个目的,但是,曼彻斯特商学院的公共管理专家, Colin Talbot说,并没有证据表明半官方机构本身就比政府机构更浪费。 ecocn

William Henry Fox Talbot, who produced the first photographic prints from a negative in1839, immediately saw the mimetic new medium as an art form.
1839年, William Henry Fox Talbot从负片中冲洗出了史上第一批照片,很快他就将这种模仿的新媒体视为一种艺术形式。 yeeyan

Within weeks, Talbot was fixing his doctor's car at the spinal cord hospital where he was being treated.
连续几周,托尔伯特都在他接受治疗的脊髓医院里帮他的医生修车。 yeeyan

Talbot then went back to school to earn his GED and then to the University of Michigan to study mechanical engineering.
于是托尔伯特重新回到校园考了 GED,然后去了密歇根大学学习机械工程。 yeeyan

Talbot also thinks faith helped him through his own life circumstances.
托尔伯特还认为正是信念帮助他改善了自己的生活状况。 yeeyan

Talbot has been invited to celebrate the ADA's20th anniversary with a visit to the White House on Monday.
托尔伯特被邀请参加 ADA的20周年庆祝活动,并同时被邀请于周一造访白宫。 yeeyan

Talbot said the driver was remorseful but gave the excuse that he was running late to get back to the terminal near the end of his shift.
托尔伯特说当时那个司机表示很懊悔,但是还是理由说当时是因为他急于赶往终点站进行交接班才那样做的。 yeeyan




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