

单词 taking delivery
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Article310 When taking delivery of the goods, the consignee shall inspect the goods within the contracted time limit.
第三百一十条收货人提货时应当按照约定的期限检验货物。 xddhy

Last year a Vietnamese diplomat was caught on camera taking delivery of contraband rhino horn outside the Vietnamese embassy in Pretoria.
去年在比勒陀利亚 Pretoria的越南大使馆外,一名越南外交官被摄像头拍到正在提货——而提的正是走私犀角。 yeeyan

Ms Del Ponte was accused of taking delivery of transcripts from Serbia, which many, including her, believe proved Serbia’s guilt there, on condition that they were kept out of the hands of the court.
黛儿•庞特女士被指控从塞尔维亚提取了一些记录,因在法庭没有插手提取这些记录的条件下。很多人,包括她本人,都认为这些记录证实了塞尔维亚在那里犯下的罪行。 ecocn

Norwegian will be taking delivery of50 new Next- Generation737-800s.
挪威将接收50架新的下一代737-800。 www.etiri.com.cn




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