

单词 take your medicine
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A PWSD cure needs careful planning in advance and some tough decisions to take your medicine and stick with it long enough to see results.
一次 PWSD疗法需要事先小心计划和忍受一些严厉的决定,长时间忍耐直到有结果。 yeeyan

So, your wife caught you and now she's going to chastise you. Well, you're just going to have to take your medicine.
所以说,你妻子逮着你了,现在她要惩罚你。噢,你将不得不忍受处罚。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Would you want to live in a home that monitored your movements and called for help if you didn't take your medicine?
你愿意住在一个控制你行为并且你不吃药就会喊救命的房子里面吗? yeeyan

You need to take your medicine, otherwise you will not feel better.
你得吃药,要不你的病不会好的。 nciku

Take your medicine at right time, some medicines work best when taken before or after meals on an empty stomach with a certain food or drink.
在适当时间服药。有些药物在饭前或饭后服会发挥得最好,在空肚服食或与一些食物或饮品一同服食。 onmynet




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